PCR Flashcards
Polymerase Chain Reaction
What is done in PCR?
Enzymatic replication of DNA without using an organism
What are the 3 cycles of PCR?
What are the components of PCR?
Target DNA dNTPS Taq. Polymerase Primers Buffer
How primers are made? length? how is it bound to the DNA and start the synth.?
designed & custom synthesized manually or using software
17-30 nt
forward & reverse primers anneal to the antisense & sense strands respectively and DNA synth. occurs in the region b/w the 2 primers.
List the requirements for a primer
3’ G or C residue & last 5 bases at 3’ to be G-C at least 40%
G-C contents should be 40-60%
Tm should be 65-75C(Tm of reverse & forward primers should not differ more than 5C from each other)
On what the specificity of a primer depends on? why more specific is useful?
Tm - more the higher
How to estimate Tm of a primer? recall the equation
using Wallace’s equation
Tm = (Total G+C) x 4 + (Total A+T) x 2
What type of DNA polymerase is used for PCR? How it’s obtained?
Taq DNA Polymerase
by Thermus aquaticus
List the characteristics of taq polymerase. DNA synth rate? Drawback?
thermostable up to 94C
- no sig. lost of activity
- stable during pcr cycles’
optimum T = 72C
optimum pH = 8.3
Half life - 40mins
synth rate = 35-100 nt/s
Error rate is high. 1/9000 as it lacks 3’-5’ exonuclease activity. low fidelity
What does buffer do in PCR?
Provides a suitable chemical env. for taq. pol.
List the components in a PCR buffer with their functions.
Tris HCl - to keep the pH 8.3
25mM KCl - K+ stabilize the (-) charge of DNA
Mg2+(1-5mM) - cofactor for taq polymerase and stabilize (-) charges and facilitate primer annealing
gelatin or BSA(albumin) - stabilize taq. pol. and effective when pcr inhibitors are used
dNTPs in PCR what amounts are used? What happens if higher concentrations are used?
used in equimolar concentrations
optimum 0.2 mM
increase misincorporations and can inhibit PCR
Explain the steps in the PCR procedure
-@ 94C for 30s
-T is reduced to 45-72C for 30s. at this T primers are annealed to the DNA
-T is increased to 72C - optimum for taq polymerase. it extend the annealed primer by addition of nts to 3’ ends of primers
What does annealing T depends on in PCR? usually?
on Tm (melting T)
annealing T < Tm
usually annealing T = Tm - 5C
So forward & reverse primers Tms cannot be differ by more than 5C
Calculate the number of DNA copies produced in 30 cycles
Usually how long does it take to extend 1kb fragment?
What is thermal profile? Draw one.
T vs Time plotted with the state of DNA (ss/ds)
How to automate PCR? What are advantages & drawbacks?
using PCR Thermocyclers - have metal blocks that can heat/cool to hold PCR tubes
high accuracy
heats & cools quickly - ramp times are low
but expensive
List the applications of PCR?
Cloning of DNA - rapid, cost-effective than traditional methods
-High sensitivity - even a single DNA can be amplified and detected - viral, bacterial diseases, prenatal diagnosis
DNA sequencing
- DNA fingerprinting
- identifying individuals