PCOM-Lessons 1-6 Flashcards
This pertains to both the message and the purpose why the message has to be sent.
New language that develops into situation where speakers need to communicate but do not share common language
Refers to the diff variants of a language
language varieties
Affects people’s communication style in the future
past exp
It has erased territorial boundaries
digital technology
First language of the children
Effective communication knows how to adapt to the varying needs
It has accentuated cultural insensitivity, which is most felt in the business world
cultural differences
These are people who are engaged with and respectful of people with diff cultures
characterized by the way a speaker uses language differently in diff social circumstances
language register
Refers to the choices of people make and the strategies or tool they use in the process of communication
communication style
spoken mainly as second languages
indigenized varieties
language that is not distinct from a national language, but rather a variety of a language spoken in a particular area
regional dialect
also called “lects”
language varieties
4 communication styles
direct, spirited, systematic, considerate
body language where the direction of a person’s navel reflects their true interest
belly button rule
variety used as a marker of identity
minority dialect
true or false
prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
communication styles
during their meeting, joshua can’t help himself to share his ideas w/o realizing the time
what are the language registers
casual, formal, frozen, intimate, consultative
This is the regionally distinct varieties of English that have arisen in parts of the world
world englishes
highlights the significance of interaction and integration in constructing a coherent text
fairly new concept in the general academic setting, but can be a very powerful tool
language, gestures, images
semiotic resources
visual, aural, somatic
various modalities
it altered the world operates; it has been so popular that the number of users rise
a country with greatest number of FB with 76 million
active users of TikTok
800 million
FB users with 290 million (1st)
highly interactive digital technology
new media
_____ in new media is sometimes referred to as _______
a. Language
b. Computer-mediated communication
lanuage that is common to ppl regardless of age, social class, gender, race
is a resource whose use is subject to a variety of factors, including users’
‘technoliteracy’, their considerations of audience and purpose, and physical constraints of
message production (for economy and text entry reduction).
relationship-focused rather than subject-oriented. This can be
explained by the number of Group Chats (GCs) a person has, and the number of individuals and
GCs a person engages simultaneously.
carries expectation of continuous
exchange. This is why most media platforms have a “Reply” or
“Comment” option, while some have a “Leave a comment”
button, to ensure continuous interaction.
It is usually unplanned, unstructured, and sometimes impulsive.
The English language of New media are:
Brief (Brevity)
This refers to the layering of different digital media.
New media is inherently ideological, especially in terms of their
political-economies of access and control.
process involves defining the types of information you will deliver,
who are the intended recipients of that information, the format for communicating it, and the
timing of its release and distribution.
communication planning
is not simply a way of communicating, but a powerful resource for
representing (or manipulating) its users, especially the young people – so-called “digital natives”.
Language use
did not only usher in new forms of language used in new media, but also paved the way on how communication takes place and how messages are presented.
modern technology
have always encountered
communication problems. Some of
these problems are sometimes
hard to avoid or deal with.
business communicators
Kristine is having a hard time communicating w/her workmates since they are from the diff province.
Culture differences
These are the reason why communication fails; these are not confined to physical and physiological issues but could also in cultural differences.
communication barriers
Allow time for ‘chatting’ at the beginning of a meeting.
Tips for People with a Direct Communication Style