PCL Questions Flashcards
Regular and comfortable at a rate of 12-20 per minute
Normal (Eupnea)
Is a persistent respiratory rate approaching 25 breaths per minute
Is a rate slower than 12 breaths per minute
Deep breathing faster than 20 breaths per minute
Deep, usually rapid breathing associated with metabolic acidosis
Kussmaul breathing
Abnormally shallow respirations
Regular breathing with intervals of apnea followed by crescendo/decrescendo breathing
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration
Irregular breathing that varies in depth and is interrupted irregularly by intervals of apnea
Biot respiration
Increasing difficulty in getting breath out
Air trapping
Significant disorganization with irregular and varying depths of respiration
When you inspect the chest what are the 7 characteristics you’re assessing?
- Size and shape
- Symmetry
- Observe the costal angle, angle of the ribs, and intercostal spaces
- Color of skin
- Supernumerary nipples
- Superficial venous patterns
- Prominence of the ribs
During palpation of the thoracic muscles and skeleton, what would be unexpected findings?
Crepitus and pleural friction rub
Name and describe the three normal breath sounds
Vesicular Sounds: Low pitch and intensity and occur over healthy lung tissue
Bronchovesicular sounds: Moderate pitch and intensity and are heard over the major bronchi
Bronchial sounds: Highest in pitch and intensity and should occur only over the trachea
Name and describe the four adventitious (abnormal) breath sounds
Crackles: Usually heard during inspiration. May be high-pitched and sibilant, or low-pitched and sonorous.
Ronchi: Deep crackles with more rumbling, more pronounced on expiration, more prolonged and continuous, less discrete
Wheezes: Continuous, high-pitched, musical sounds like a whistle.
Friction rub: Dry, crackly, grating, low-pitched sound