P.C.L. Flashcards
is an organized form of communication made up of a vocabulary (lexicon), a sound system (also known as phonology), and a set of rules (also known as grammar)
Language is an organized form of communication made up of a vocabulary (__________), a sound system (also known as _________), and a set of rules (also known as_______
When people use language, they can understand each other because they belong to the
same speech community.
The shortest grammatically correct sentence is
People learn the languages of their community as they get older. The term for this procedure is
language acquisition
are the languages that people learn as they are growing up.
Mother tongues,
first language
People discover later on that other languages are needed for various reasons. These other languages may be referred to as
second languages.
People learn these languages by studying formally in school or informally on their own. This is the process of
language learning.
is the result of such contact may be a new form of language
Language contact
is the result of language contact.
language change
is referred to as their first language
mother tongue or native language is
It is the most important factor that makes a second language totally different from the first language.
A child’s____________ does not usually make that much of difference in the acquisition of the first language.
The first language is one of the most important factors of a person’s__________.
It is an important factor for the second language learning. A learner with good ____________ to learn a second language is likely to learn that language faster.
The first language is the ____________ of a person.
is the “theoretical construct in second language acquisition that attempts to explain the emotional variables associated with the success or failure of acquiring a second language”
Affective Filter
is a method of teaching language or vocabulary concepts by using physical movement to react to verbal input.
Total Physical Response (TPR
is based upon the fact that the human brain automatically picks up on language that is all around us when we are born.
Total Physical Response (TPR
This is where a child get their needs fulfilled: food, drink, comforting when in pain, changes of clothes. They might at first just cry; then, words serve this purpose, such as ‘juice!’ as a holophrase meaning ‘give me some juice!’.
Instrumental Function
Language used to influence the behavior of others. Concerned with persuading, commanding, requesting others to do things. E.g. Close the door!
Regulatory Function
Language used to develop social relationships and ease the process of interaction. Concerned with phatic dimension of talk. E.g. Love you, Mommy
Interactional Function
Language used to express the personal preference and identity of the speaker. Sometimes referred to as the “Here I am!” function - announcing oneself to the world. E.g. I like to drink coffee.
Personal Function
Language use to learn and explore the environment. Child uses language to learn; this may be questions and answers; or the kind of running commentary that frequently accompanies children’s play. E.g. Why is the sky blue?
Heuristic Function
Language used to explore imagination. May also accompany play as children create imaginary worlds, or may arise from storytelling
Imaginative Function
used to request or relay information. These statements are straightforward. They do not seek for an explanation. For instance, “my cat is asleep” or “the kitchen light isn’t working.”
Representational Function
is generally defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, concept, and views between or among two or more people, various contexts come into play.
latin word of communication
The word ‘Communicare’ is derived from the root ___________’ which means to make common or to share.
which includes face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and other media.
Spoken or Verbal Communication,
covering body language, gestures, how we dress or act, where we stand, and even our scent. There are many subtle ways that we communicate (perhaps even unintentionally) with others. For example, the tone of voice can give clues to mood or emotional state, whilst hand signals or gestures can add to a spoken message.
Non-Verbal Communication,
which includes letters, e-mails, social media, books, magazines, the Internet and other media. Until recent times, a relatively small number of writers and publishers were very powerful when it came to communicating the written word. Today, we can all write and publish our ideas online, which has led to an explosion of information and communication possibilities.
Written Communication
are graphs and charts, maps, logos and other visualizations can all communicate messages.
is used in professional and academic settings to provide information and discuss topics in a structured and organized manner.
Formal communication
Examples of formal communication include:
business emails, memos, reports, letters, presentations, formal meetings.
Informal communication is used in many different scenarios, including casual conversations between friends or colleague
Informal communication
The aim of the message you’re conveying must be understood clearly first. The message’s intended audience should be made aware of the purpose of its delivery as well as your goals. Each objective should be listed separately if there are several.
_________ language and grammar are equally as important as factual information. Both errors will distract your audience, which will severely damage your credibility. The impact of your communication will suffer as a result.
When creating a message, it’s important to give the recipient all of the information they need to follow your line of reasoning and to reach the same conclusions you have. This level of detail will be different in different situations, and you should adjust your communications accordingly.
The logic and messages you use must flow together, build upon one another, and support one another while you are forming your communication. You must also be specific. Your arguments should be supported by reliable facts and opinions, and you should provide indisputable evidence whenever possible.
It’s crucial to stay on track and keep your messages brief and straightforward while communicating messages of this sort. When five words will do, use only five. Don’t say the same thing twice.
Being ___________ and displaying respect for your audience will help your conversations be more effective. Your communication should be cordial, expert, considerate, courteous, direct, and honest.
you should have a logical flow and your style, tone and language should be consistent throughout.
is a two-way process wherein the message in the form of ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions is transmitted between two or more persons with the intent of creating a shared understanding.
is dynamic and starts with the sender thinking thoughts.
process of communication
is the person who initiates the conversation and has conceptualized the idea that he intends to convey it to others.
sender or the communicator
The sender begins with the____________ process wherein he uses certain words or non-verbal methods such as symbols, signs, body gestures, etc. to translate the information into a message.
The __________ can be written, oral, symbolic or non-verbal such as body gestures, silence, sighs, sounds, etc. or any other signal that triggers the response of a receiver
The Sender chooses the medium through which he wants to convey his message to the recipient.
Communication Channel
is the person for whom the message is intended or targeted.
Here, the receiver interprets the sender’s message and tries to understand it in the best possible manner.
is the final step of the process that ensures the receiver has received the message and interpreted it correctly as it was intended by the sender.