PC-12(47) Numbers Flashcards
What CBs can be reset in flight?
- Those designated in a procedure
- Those on the Essential Bus
What are the limitations for resetting an Essential Bus CB?
- Wait at least 1 minute after trip
- No more smoke or burning smell
Where is the Essential CB panel located?
Captain’s forward CB panel
Vmo and Mmo below 15,200’
240 kias
.48 mach
Max Vo at max gross weight
166 kias
Vfe flaps 15
165 kias
Vfe flaps 30 or greater
130 kias
180 kias
240 kias
What is the engine nomenclature
Pratt & Whitney PT6A-67P
Where can the engine oil type be located?
Pratt & Whitney Service Bulletin
What is the total engine oil capacity?
3.6 gal
What is the oil quantity operating range?
1 gal
Maximum engine HP
Exception: 1000 cruise
Exception: 900 max reverse
Max takeoff and continuous climb torque
Max cruise torque
Max transient torque
61 (20 seconds max)
Max reverse torque
Max ITT for takeoff
Max climb and cruise ITT
Max ITT at idle
Max ITT for engine start
1000 for 5 seconds
Max transient ITT
870 for 20 seconds max
Max reverse ITT
Max Ng for all phases except idle
Max Ng for flight idle? Ground idle?
50.7 ground
64 flight
Max rpm (Np)
Fluctuation between 1670-1730 ok in steady state
Max transient rpm
1870 for 20 seconds
Max reverse rpm
Normal oil pressure range
90-135 psi
Normal oil temp range
10-105 (110 for takeoff)
Takeoff power time limitation
5 minutes
Why must prist be added to fuel?
Below 0 degrees, freezing may occur and stop flow to the engine
Prop type
Hartzell 4 blade
What is the prop diameter?
Which of the 2 generators is the starter generator?
Gen 2
What are the operational limitations of the generators?
300a max continuous
450a max for 2 min in each hour
Limitation if ENGINE CHIP annunciator is illuminated?
Takeoff not permitted
Max ramp weight
10,495 lb
Max takeoff weight
10,450 lb
Max landing weight
9,921 lb
Max zero fuel weight
9,039 lb
Max baggage weight
400 lb
What are the flaps up load factor limits?
+3.3g to -1.32g
What are the flaps down load factor limits?
+2.0g to 0.0g
What are the limitations for de-ice boot operations?
-40C to +40C
What equipment must be working for flight into icing conditions?
All ice protection systems and both generators
What conditions are likely to form icing?
10C or less and visible moisture
It’s a propeller de-ice caution, can you fly in icing conditions?
What are the flap limitations with any icing on the airframe?
Flaps 15 if pneumatic boots working
Flaps 0 if pneumatic boots inop
Should flaps be retracted from 15 if doing a go-around and icing is on the airframe?
Is flight in freezing rain, fog or drizzle permitted?
What is the clean aircraft concept?
No ice, snow or frost on the flight controls or lifting surfaces prior to takeoff
What must be working prior to flight in icing conditions at night?
Left wing inspection light
What signs tell you to leave icing conditions?
Icing beyond the boots
Icing in areas that don’t normally collect ice
How should the autopilot be ‘checked’ during flight in icing conditions
Periodically disconnect to check for unusual control pressures