PBL Week 2 Flashcards
What are the ligaments of the hand and wrist
• collateral ligaments on either side of fingers
• Volar plate = ligament connecting the proximal phalanx to the middle phalanx on the palmar side
• Radial and ulnar collateral ligaments support either side of the wrists
• Volar radiocarpal ligaments = web of ligaments that support palmar aspect of ribs
• Dorsal radiocarpal ligaments = support the back of the wrist
• Ulnocarpal ligament
• Radioulnar ligament
What are the main tendons supporting the hand
• superficialis tendons (on palmar aspect and attach to middle phalanges
• Profundus tendons ( same as above but attach at the distal phalanges
• Lots of flexor tendons
• Lots of extensor tendons
What gives rise to the superficial palmar arch
Predominantly the ulnar artery
What gives rise to the deep palmar arch
Primarily the radial artery but through an anastomoses ulnar artery also does give a contribution
What does the superficial palmar branch give rise to
Common palmar digital arteries
What do common palmar digital arteries give rise to
Proper palmar digital arteries
What is phalens test
Forced Flexion of the wrist for 60 seconds elicits signs of carpal tunnel syndrome
What is neuropraxia
Conduction block in which the nerve is still in continuation
What is axonotmesis
Axon is not continuous but nerve is still intact
What is neurotmesis
Complete rupture of nerve
What is the patient unable to do if there is median nerve damage
Unable to make a fist, lateral two fingers able to flex as are under ulnar nerve control
Hand of benediction
Ulnar nerve injury is characterised by
Clawed hand. 4th and 5th digit not able to extend = permanent flexion
What does radial nerve injury present as
Wrist drop
Not able to extend wrist and hangs flaccidly
What is wallerian degeneration
Preparing the distal stump for reinnervation by Schwann cells and macrophages clearing up any debris
Formation of endoneural tubes and chromatolysis of cell body occurs.
Cell produces molecules for growth and repair such as Tubulin and actin
Axon regeneration - formation of a growth cone. Growth cone has protease which is able to digest any further debris in the way. Chromatolysis is reversed at this point
How many carpal bones
How many metacarpals
How many phalanges
What bones are in the proximal row of the wrist
What bones are in the distal row of the wrist
Capitate (largest carpal and in line with 3rd metacarpal)
What are the type of joints in the hand
Wrist = synovial
Carpal joints = synovial
CMC = 1 saddle joint between 1st metacarpal and trapezium
4 plane synovial joints
MCP = condylar joints
Interphalangeal joints = hinge joints
Which 9 tendons pass through the carpal tunnel
4 tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis
4 tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
1 tendon of flexor pollicis longus
How many interosseous muscles are there
4 dorsally and 3 volarly
What attaches to the lumbricals
Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus (deep)