PBL principles Flashcards
Traditional learning (TD)
Passive transfer of the teacher’s knowledge and skills to the students. It is gained from teachers and not found by the students themselves.
Problem-based learning
Independent cognitive activity, gaining knowledge by solving practical problems.
Differences between TD and PBL
TD: what needs to be learned - this is learned - illustration how to apply solution to problem in order to solve it.
PBL: raising the problem and deciding what needs to be learned - this is learned - solution gets applied to solve the problem.
Main functions of a discussion group
To learn to analyze.
To strengthen the student´s internal motivation.
To encourage leadership.
To improve communication skills.
To develop self-discipline.
Discussion moderator
The moderator acts as head of the group during the process, encourages all group members to participate in the work, maintains group dynamics, ensures timekeeping, ensures completion of the assigned work, and ensures that the secretary can fully and accurately record everything.
Records the thoughts presented in the group, helps the group organize their thoughts, participates in the discussion, and writes down resources used in the group.
Secretaries assistant
Copies everything the secretary writes on the whiteboard and performs all the assigned functions of a group member.
Group member
Maintains the sequence of the steps of the process, participates in the discussion, listens to other´s opinions respectfully, presents open questions, studies all the aims of learning, and shares information with others.
Encourages all group members to participate in the work, helps the discussion moderator maintain group dynamics, ensures timekeeping, ensures the secretary keeps accurate records, prevents digression from the topic, ensures that the group reaches set learning goals, checks understanding evaluates the work.
The tutor will not interfere if the students are on the right track.
PBL stages
Clarification of unclear words.
Investigation of the problem situation.
Formulation of the hypothesis.
Reflection (brainstorming).
Definition of the problem.
Identification of learning goals.
Search for information and learning.
Processing of new information and discussions.
Application of the new information for problem-solving.
An effective solution has the characteristics
Group resources were fully used.
Time was well used.
The solution was correct and of high quality.
All group members are willing to implement the solution.
Upon making the decision, the group´s problem-solving capacity increased rather than decreased.
Evaluation of the PBL process at LSMU
Students evaluate their participation in the PBL process.
The teacher evaluates students´ participation in the PBL process.
Students evaluate the teacher.
Students evaluate their motivation and their gained results.
Advantages of PBL
PBL creates the possibility to gain the knowledge required for the solution of patients´ problems.
All the problems related information remains in the students´ memory.
By studying various subjects, students may use the problem as a starting point.
PBL ensures a constructive approach to learning.
Students like solving patient´s problems.
When learning is centered around a patient´s problem, students can see links between studies and their future work.
PBL makes students responsible for their own learning.
PBL prepares students for life-long learning.
Stage 1: clarification of unclear words
Preparation Stage: study activity
Election of discussion moderator
Election of secretary
Agreement on who will copy from the board
Stage 1 Scenario:
Moderator reads or assigns a member to read the situation description
Concepts needing clarification are written on the board
Discussion and clarification of unclear concepts (dictionaries may be used)
Stage 2: investigation of problem
The problem’s characteristics are described in detail
The tutor asks the group what the problem is
The group investigates the problem and seeks answers to questions formulated in the scenario