PBL 1- Multiple Sclerosis Flashcards
Different Types of Inheritance patterns
Mendelian traits:
controlled by a single locus and show simple patterns of inheritance
Also have a dominant/recessive relationship
Incomplete Dominance:
Phenotype is intermediate between the two homozygous phenotype eg dark purple and white become Light purple
Incomplete Penetrnace: Not all genotype express the expected Phenotype
The phenotype of a heterozygote shows the phenotype of BOTH the two homozygotes eg: AB blood group (A and B are co-dominant)
Lethal Alleles:
Cause 100% mortality, If recessive then will be non viable if homozygous. Heterozygotes can be carriers. Dominant lethal alleles are very rare Eg: Huntingtons
Gene Interactions:
The effect of a gene at one locus depends on the effect at another locus
Multifactorial Genetic conditions:
Can be preventable if certain environments are avoided ie Xeroderma pigmentosum should avoid sunlight however huntingtons is unavoidable
Variable expressivity:
not all genotype show phenotype to same level- can be more/ less severe
What is the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative traits?
Qualitative Traits:
Involve discontinuous variables having only a few possible values (red/yellow)= these are typically analysed using basic Mendelian principles
Quantitative traits:
traits that vary continuously along a scale ie height, blood pressure
- Can have overlapping phenotype – usually cannot tell genotype by phenotype
Each must be described with a quantitative measure
1 Are polygenic- ie influenced by many genes
2 Arise when environmental factors modify the effects of a gene (a single genotype can then give rise to a range of phenotype)
Ie except for extreme phenotype it is impossible to infer the genotype from the phenotype
Most are both polygenic AND influenced by environment therefore are multifactorial
= many genes and many environmental factors
What are single gene versus multifactorial disorders?
What are gene- gene interactions?
Single Gene Disorders:
usually autosomal dominant, recessive, sex-linked or related patterns
Polygenic, complex, Multifactorial:
depend on gene-gene interactions, gene-environment interaction, inheritance often complex and/or uncertain- may be unclear if it occurred spontaneously or if it was inherited
- Strongly influence by effects of other genes or the environment (gene gene interactions or environment interactions)
- Depending on other genetic or environmental factors having a mutation does not always result in disease (incomplete penetrance)
- Inheritance patterns often obscured by variation in lifestyle and environmental factors
- Diet, Drugs, Other
Gene-Gene Interactions:
traits not controlled by a. Single gene, usually polygenic- influenced by genes at multiple locus. Alleles of each gene interact not only with each other but with alleles of genes at other loci.
What is familial inheritance?
How can you determine non-mendelian Inheritance
Familial Inheritance
- Family history is a clear risk factor
- Mutant genes are usually rare in the general population
- Usually have a single gene mutation which has strong effects that over-ride other factors
- Having mutation is associated with high disease risk(high penetrance)
- Gene Environment interactions usually relatively unimportant due to strong effect of mutant gene
Determining if a non-mendelian characteristic is Genetic
o Twin
o Family
o Adoption studies
What is:
- Complementary gene action?
- Duplicate Gene Action?
- Epistasis?
Complementary gene action: Functional copies of two genes are required to produce a dominant phenotype . A defect in either of the two genes results in a mutant phenotype eg Hb
Duplicate Gene Action:
A functional copy of either one of two genes is required to produce a dominant phenotype
- A defect in one of the genes does not result in a mutant phenotype
- A defect in both genes will result in a mutant phenotype’
- The genes have similar functions
alleles of one gene block the phenotypic expression of a second gene
- Not the same as dominance: dominant alleles mask expression of recessive allele of the same gene
- In Epistasis alleles of one gene effect the alleles of a different gene
Complementary gene action: Functional copies of two genes are required to produce a dominant phenotype . A defect in either of the two genes results in a mutant phenotype eg Hb
Duplicate Gene Action:
A functional copy of either one of two genes is required to produce a dominant phenotype
- A defect in one of the genes does not result in a mutant phenotype
- A defect in both genes will result in a mutant phenotype’
- The genes have similar functions
alleles of one gene block the phenotypic expression of a second gene
- Not the same as dominance: dominant alleles mask expression of recessive allele of the same gene
- In Epistasis alleles of one gene effect the alleles of a different gene
Environment interactions:
- Environment influences each individuals phenotype, individuals with the same genes may look different
- Genes can influence the individuals susceptibility to environmental factors: different genes can respond differently to the same environmental conditions
Multi-factorial disorders
- Most human diseases
- Influences by the effect of other genes and the environment
- Depending on the environment or other genes the mutation does not always result in disease
- Inheritance patterns are often obscure with variation depending on lifestyle
What is: Autoimmunity? Tolerance? Self Tolerance? Self reactivity?
What factors influence tolerance?
- Misdirected immune response that occurs when the immune system attacks itself
- Is present to some extent in everyone and is usually harmless (ie RBCs)
- Associated with breakdown in immune tolerance
State of unresponsiveness that is specific for a particular antigen (protects against autoimmunity)
Self Tolerance:
mechanisms by which the body is prevented from mounting an immune response against its own tissues
Self reactivity:
prevented by processes during development rather than being programmed
Factors influencing tolerance:
- Molecule structure, stage of differentiation when lymphocyte first encounter the epitopes
- The site of the encounter
The nature of the cell presenting the epitopes and the number of responding lymphocytes
What are immunologically privelleged sites
What cells are involved?
What cytokines are involved?
Immunologically privileged sites (Antigen segregation)
- Sites in the body where foreign antigens or tissue grafts do not elicit immune response
- These antigens do interact with T cells but instead of destructive Immune response they induce tolerance or a response innocent to the tissue
- Immunosuppressive cytokines such as TGF-beta seem to be responsible for the response
Sites include:
Brain, eye, testis, uterus
- The sites have specific barrier exclude the immune system (BBB)
- Extracellular fluid does not pass through conventional lymphatics
- Surrounded by tissue barriers that exclude naïve T cells
- Cytokines (TGF-beta) are produced and leave the site together with antigens = tolerance
Expression of apoptosis inducing ligands on tissue cells lead to (FAS-L) induction of apoptosis in FAS expressing auto-reactive t cells
What is ignorance of self antigens?
What is “release of sequestered antigen?”
Ignorance of self Antigens is a
Passive form of immunological tolerance that occurs when:
- T cells can not contact with self-antigens
- If self antigen is present in too low an amount to be detected
- If it is present on cells with few or no MHC molecules
- If there are not enough T cells to respond
- If there is the absence of co-stimulation
Release of Sequestered Antigen
o Trauma or infection can allow the immune system to access these tissues resulting in autoimmune disease
Trauma can cause compromise of the barrier that usually protects the system from auto-immune response
What are the features of Central tolerance?
- Occurs during lymphocyte development
- Occurs in the thymus (T cells) and bone marrow (b cells)
- The immune system generates a large amount of TCRs
- T cells are effector and regulator cells that become “educated” in the thymus
- They become dependent on self MHC for survival
Non-self T cell selection in the thymus (90% of t cells die in the thymus due to errors) - T cells are positively and negatively selected in the thymus
- Positive= selects for t cells capable of interacting with MHC
Negative = removes thymocytes that are capable of strongly binding with SELF MHC
Peripheral tolerance:
What are the aspects of it?
Peripheral Anergy”
is the lack of reaction by the immune system to foreign substances a- direct induction of peripheral lymphocyte tolerance. Immune system is unable to mount a normal immune response against a specific antigen
Regulatory T cells:
- T suppressor cells suppress the immune response through cytokines and intercellular signals. (IL 10 and TGF-B)
- They Recognize self-antigens and inhibit activation of CD + tcells in the lymph notes that recognize the same self antigen
Clonal Deletion:
During B cell development the complete antigen receptor IgM is first expressed on immature B cells.
If those cells encounter their target antigen in a form which can cross link their IgM then those cells are programmed to die.
The requirement for crosslinking means that the antigen is polyvalent.
Ie if activated by self antigen then they apoptose.
What is X-Linked Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Multiple autoimmune diseases such as o Type 1 Diabetes o Thyroiditis o IBD o Atopic dermatitis Can cause Fatal infections in infancy Caused by a mutation in the human FOXP3 gene – controls T-Reg cell function
What are T- Regulatory Cells?
o Suppress autoreactive T Cells
o Mediated by specialized T cells that develop in the thymus
o Secrete IL-10 and TGF-Beta when encountering antigen
o Suppress all surrounding autoreactive T –Cells regardless of their antigen specificity
What are the mechanisms for breakdown in Self Tolerance?
o Failure to present peripheral antigens in the thymus
o Failure to delete autoreactive lymphocytes (clonal deletion apoptosis)
o Release of sequestered antigen (ie damage to the privellaged areas that results in the self antigen not being recognised by the rest of the immune system
o Cross-reactive antigens
o Abnormal antigen presentation
o Reduced suppressor activity (T-Regs, TH2)
o TH1 and TH17 cells are crucial in the effector pahse of autoimmune disease
Summary of the layers of self tolerance
Central tolerance:
deletion and editing in the thymus or bone marrow
Antigen segregation:
physical barrier such as BBB- no lymphoid access in peripheral orgeans
Peripheral anergy:
cellular inactivation by weak signaling without co-stimulation- occurs in secondary lymphoid tissue
Regulatory cells:
suppression by cytokines, intercellular signals in secondary lymphoid tissue and sites of inflammation
Clonal deviation:
apoptosis post activation of cells- secondary lymphoid tissue and sites of inflammation
Types of Hypersensitivity
- Anaphylaxis- Allergy (IgE)
- Antibody mediated (IgG)
- Immune complex (IgG)
( The antibody reacts with antigen, complex is so small it does not get cleared and hangs around in the vascular system, Causes more and more antibodies bind to it) - Cell mediated- (cytotoxic T cell) or delayed sensitivity (Th1 and Th2 cell mediated)
Pathophysiology of MS- autoimmunity
o T cell mediated
Destructive immune response against brain antigens (usually an immune privellaged zone)
o Unknown trigger sets up initial focus of inflammation in brain (possible infection producing cross reactivity when there is a secondary traumatic event)
o Blood brain barrier becomes locally permeable to leukocytes and blood proteins
o T- cells specific for CNS antigen and activated in peripheral tissues reencounter antigen presented on microglia or dendritic cells in the brain
o Inflammatory reaction in brain due to:
• mast cell-activation
• complement activation
• cytokines
Demyelination of neurons = no more insulation = short circuiting = abnormal neuronal response
What is involved in Abnormal Antigen Presentation?
- IN normal people only Macrophages, dendritic cells and B cells can express MHC II antigens
- In some diabetic patients MHC II molecules are expressed on pancreatic islet cells
- MHC expressing pancreatic cells can reactivate microbe specific helper t cells
Neurological features: - Weakness - Muscle wasting - Muscle tenderness- moderate Laboratory Findings: - Creatine Kinase elevation - ESR elevation - EMG- characteristic myopathic pain
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia Gravis- Cardinal Features
Neurological Features
- Fatiguable weakness ie may see ptosis
- Circadian pattern of weakness
- NO muscle wasting
Laboratory Features
- EMG response- decremental
- Tensilon (edrophonim) test is positive
- Anti-Acetylcholine receptor AB positive
In Myasthenia Gravis: the AcH receptors are blocked by ach antibody or internalized and degraded. This results in impaired muscle contraction
What is the Neuromuscular Junction?
Also How do you test its function?
Neuromuscular junction:
- The area that a motor neuron transmits a signal to a muscle fibre causing contraction
- Vesicles near the border contain AcH- the neurotransmitter that sends the signal that activates muscle contraction
- When nerve is stimulated the vesicles attach to the plasma membrane
- Release the NT into the synaptic cleft (narrow point between peripheral nerve and muscle)
- AcH activates receptors on the muscle side of the neuromuscular junction
- Activation causes Sodium influx and Potassium Efflux- resulting in an Action Potential
Tests for Neuromuscular junction: Repetitive nerve stimulation. In MG= there is a lesser and lesser response to repetitive stimulus
Signs of peripheral Neuropahty
Motor and sensory
Motor Features: - Weakness (distal> proximal) If weakness was more proximal you should suspect a myopathic cause - Atrophy - HypOreflexia
Sensory Features - Hypaesthesia/anaesthesia - Hyporeflexia/Areflexia - Sensory Ataxia/Imbalance Will have feet wide apart to balance - Trophic Changes Skin atrophy, lose hair growth, dry and fragile skin
Features of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Autoimmune disorder that Causes peripheral nervous system demyelination
Sometimes causes long term neurodegenerative changes
- Predominantly a motor neuropathy
- Sub acute ascending paralysis (onset is days to weeks)
- Hyporeflexia/Areflexia
Autonomic Features
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- CP instability
Sensory features (uncommon)
- Parasthesiae
- Back pain
Diagnositic features of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Guillain-Barre Diagnostic features
- Cerebrospinal fluid = Cyto-albuminemic dissociation
(rise in protein but not in
cells in the CSF) - Nerve conduction studies = Motor conduction slowing
Causative organism = campylobacter jejuni (50% of people)
Immune response causes Mimicry to myelin
Features of Myelopathy (Pathology of the spinal cord)
Motor Features - Weakness : LMN and UMR characteristics - Below the lesion: o Spasticity o hypER reflexia o Bladder/sexual function disinhibition
Sensory Features
- Hypaesthesia/anaesthesia
Autonomic Features
- Disinhibited/uncontrolled reactivity
Brain Stem Encephalopathy
- cardinal features
Brainstem Encephalopathy Cardinal Features - Cranial nerve dysfunction o Oculomotor dysfunction o Facial sensory loss o Facial weakness o Dysphagia o Neck, Shoulder Weakness
- Ataxia/incoordination
Spinal cord features
Encephalopathy- Cardinal Features
- Disordered higher function
o Drowsiness
o Impaired attention
o Impaired control of thinking - Cognitive dysfunction
o Dysphagia
o Dyspraxia
o Spatial Disorientation
What is MS and what are the amin features?
Auto-immune disorder which causes Central Nervous System Demyelination
May result in long term neurodegenerative changes
Cardinal Clinical Features
o Brain Dysfunction – various cognitive disturbances
o Cranial Nerve Dysfunction
• Optic Neuritis (often first presentation 40%)
o Brainstem dysfunction
• Oculomotor dysfunction and ataxia (20%)
o Spinal Cord Dysfunction (30%)
• Urinary Incontinence (rarely the first symptom), Sexual Dysfunction
• Weakness, Sensory Loss
o Other symptoms (10%)
Paroxysmal stiffness, spasm, bladder, cognitions, trigeminal neuralgia
What are the cardinal DIAGNOSTIC SIGNS
Compatible history • Multiple episodes at multiple sites Cerebrospinal fluid (LP) • Evidence of Ab formation in the CNS • Elevated IgG ratio/index • Oligoclonal bands (not specific) • =/- Lymphocytosis • Myelin Basic Protein > 4 ng/ml Evoked Potentials • Slowing of central conduction (visual, auditory, somatosensory) Brain Imaging • Inflammation Neuronal loss
What is the McDonald Criteria>
( > 2 attacks and clinical evidence of > 2 lesions)
- Requires 2 attacks separated by at least 30 days
- MRI evidence of lesions at 2 classical differing MS locations
o Periventricular (fingers sign)
o Juxtacortical
o Infratentorial
o Spinal Cord
Investigations: Gold standard = MRI
Additional: Visual evoked potentials, lumbar puncture, blood tests to exclude other causes
Types of MS
Relapsing Remitting (most common)
- Good response to steroids
- Can have Full recovery between episodes
Primary Progressive (15-20% of people)
- Progressive deterioration without relapses or remissions
- Does not respond to current treatments
Secondary Progressive (90% after 25 years)
- Begins as relapsing remitting
- Deterioration with or without relapses
MS Pathophysiology and Pathology
Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology
- Not well understood however there may be a role of EBV in activating the self reactive T- Cells
- Initiated by CD4+ T cells that react against self myelin antigens and secrete cytokines
- Macrophages and leucocytes are activated
- The demyelination is caused by the activated cells against the antigens
- The Infiltrate in plaques and surrounding regions of the brain consists of T cells (mainly CD 4 and some CD 8) and macrophages
- Variable and changes over the course of the disease
- In early stages pathology is focal areas of inflammatory demyelination and nerve fibre loss
New plaques are usually asymptomatic in parts of the brain with no symptoms
MS Histology
Multiple Sclerosis HISTOpathology
- Preivenous mononuclear inflammation
(Lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages) - Loss of myelin and variable loss of oligodendrocytes
- Relative preservation of axons
Reactive astrogliosis (sclerosis)
Drug Treatment for MS
- Depends on the phase and clinical activity of the disease, individual patient considerations, the practicalities of drug administration including the cost
Acute symptoms/flare ups - High dose IV corticosteroids
- Plasmopharesis- rarely used for disease unresponsive to steroids
Prevent relapse/slow disease progression - Immune-modulators are seen as first line treatment- Beta Interferons 1b and 1a
Immuno-suppressants are considered as second line agents
Interferon Beta Ia and 1b
o Indicated for relapsing remitting MS
o Now may also be used for first demyelinating event
o Reduces the frequency of relapses and slow the progression of disability, unsafe in pregnancy
o Given by injection
o Reduces inflammation by:
• Reducing the production of TNFa and T cells
• Switching cytokine production from proinflammatory cells to anti-inflammatory cells
• Decreasing antigen presentation and thereby reducing the attack on myelin
• Reducing the ability of immune cells to cross the blood brain barrier
What causes optic Neuritis?
Autoimmunity targeting Aquaporin 4- this is a protein associated with the astrocytic feet of the blood brain barrier
What are the similarities between hormones and Neurotransmitters eg onset duration site of action receptors
What is similar between Hormones and NT?
- Both hormone and NT are chemical signals that the body uses to control function or send signals
- They are both very diverse
What is different?
-Onset =
Hormones are SLOW Nerves = RAPID
Hormones are PROLONGED
Nerves = BRIEF (as long as the neural discharge)
Site of Action =
Hormones are GENERALISED Nerve = Limited to area of INNERVATION
o Hormones = transported by blood to distant site = endocrine
o Neurons= communicate to adjacent cells = paracrine
Receptors :
o NT : on the membrane and linked to intracellular second messengers
o Hormones: on the membrane or INSIDE target cell. Linked to 2nd messengers
Where are hormone secreting cells located?
Hormone secreting cells:
- Clusters of specialized cells in specialized endocrine glands
EG thyroid gland - Clusters of specialized cells embedded within other organs and tissues
EG Gastrin cells in the stomach
What travels faster?
myelinated or non myelinated?
Larger diameter or smaller?
Myelinated and larger diameter
How are water soluble versus fat soluble hormones transported?
Water soluable hormones
- Travel in solution in plasma
Non water soluble hormones
- Are bound to plasma proteins.
- Small amounts are free.
- The free form is the biologically active form
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
- how is it released and what does it do?
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
- Hypothalamus releases corticotropin releasing factor
- Picked up by portal system and transported to anterior hypophysis
- ATCH is released
- This is released into blood and travels to adrenal gland
- Stimulates release of cortico-steroids- particularly cortisol
- Uses of cortisol
o Metabolism of glucose, fats and proteins
o Anti-inflammatory
Na/K excretion in the kidney
Thyroid stimulating hormone
how is it released and what does it do?
- Hypothalamus releases thyroid releasing hormone
- Binds to TRH receptor on Thyrotroph cell in the anterior pituitary
- Causes release of thyroid stimulating hormone into portal vein
- Acts on thyroid gland to Cause release of Thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodthyronine (T3)
(Synthesised from the amino acid-thyrosine) - Transported in the blood freely or protein bound
- Uses:
o Increases basal metabolic rate
o Act in multiple organs at multiple cell types via selective receptors in nucleus
o Control growth, protein, fat and carb metabolism
o Involved in maturation of CNS in childhood
- Negative feedback occurs when TSH is released (feedback to hypothalamus to stop TRH)
When T3 or T4 released they inhibit hypothalamus and also pituitary secretion of TSH
Growth Hormone
where is it released and what does it do?
Growth Hormone
- Hypothalamus releases growth hormone releasing hormone
- Causes release of GH
- Acts on bones and muscles
- Uses: facilitates anabolic growth
Prolactin- where is it released and what does it do?
Prolactin hormone - Hypothalamus releases Dopamine - Prolactin is then stimulated - Acts on mammary gland Used for lactation
FSH and LH
how are they released and what do they do?
- Hypothalamus releases Gonadotropin releasing hormone
o Acts on ovaries
o Maturation of follicles
- LH o Acts on both ovaries and testes o Ovulation o Levels of testosterone
Melatonin Stimulating hormone
- where is it released and what are its uses?
Melatonin stimulating hormone - Hypothalamus releases Melanocyte hormone releasing factor - Acts on skin and hair - Uses o Synthesis and release of melanin
What is the function of the hypothalamus?
• Receives sensory infomraiton from peripheral sites
• Receives afferent information from other palces in the CNS
• Can register the temperature of the blood
• Detects chemical changes in the blood including:
o Blood glucose level
o Blood osmolarity
o Leptin levels
Difference between and examples of Fast and slow neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters are released by presynaptic terminals and produce rapid or inhibitory responses in the post synaptic neurons
o Operate through ligand gated ion channels
o Eg GABA and Glutamate
Slow / neuromodulators
o G-protein coupled receptors
Eg Dopamine, neuropeptides
life cycle of a neurotransmitter
- Uptake of precursor
- Synthesis of transmitter
- Storage of transmitter in a vesicle
- Degradation of any surplus transmitter
- Depolarisation by propagated action potential
- Influx of calcium in response to depolarisation
- Release of transmitter by exocytosis
- Diffusion to postsynaptic membrane
- Interaction with postsynaptic receptors
- Inactivation of transmitter
- Reuptake of transmitter or degradation products
- Uptake of transmitter by non neuronal cells
Interaction with presynaptic receptors
What is the Action of Glutamate?
what are the glutamate receptors?
o Major excitatory amino acid in the CNS
o Widely and uniformly distributed in the CNS
o it has a modulatory influence on the CNS systems neuronal connections
o facilitation of learning and memory
o synaptic plasticity (long term potentiation or LTP)
o The brain is vulnerable to glutamate mediated over excitation
o This results in excitotoxicity and death of neurons
o Implicated in the development of epilepsy
Glutamate receptors
- NMDA (N-Methyl- D aspartate)
- AMPA (alpha- amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole)
- Kainate
GPCR or metabotropic
Drugs acting on Glutamate receptors?
what is a limitation to using NMDR antagonists?
NMDR antagonists
- Ketamine (analgesia, anaesthesia)
- Memantine (alzeimers disease)
Serious limitation to using the NMDR antagonists = psychosis
NMDAR implicated in schizophrenia
What is the function of GABA?
What are the types of GABA receptors?
- Present in all areas of the CNS
- The most Important INHIBITORY Neurotransmitter
- Glycine is also important in the spinal cord and brainstem
- Formed from glutamate by the action of the glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)
- Action is terminated by REUPTAKE into neurons and glia
Receptors =
o GABA A = Chloride ion channel (Ligand gated)
GABA C = Ligand gated ion changes (Chloride)
GABA A rececptors:
- what is the structure?
- what are the binding sites?
- What are the examples for agonists and antagonists?
- GABA a receptors are pentomers composed of 5 subunits associated with a chloride channel
- Several Binding sites:
o The GABA binding site
o Benzodiazepine binding site
o Barbituate binding site
- Activation of the benzo or barbiturate binding site enhances the GABA mediated inhibition in the CNS
- Agonists of the benzodiazepine site (for anxiety, insomnia, muscle spasm and epilepsy)
o Diazepam - Antagonists
o Flumazenil
What kind of GABA drugs do we use for seizures?
- Benzodiazepines
- Valproate
o Increases glutamic acid decarboxylase which incrase synthesis of GABA
o Inhibits activity of enzymes that degrade GABA - Gabapentin
o Enghances Gaba release - Vigabatrin
o Inhibits GABA transaminase which degrades GABA - Tiagabine
o Gaba uptake inhibitor - Topiramate
Blocks NA channels and blocks reuptake so enhances GABA activity
What effect does GABA have on other neuro systems?
- Inhibition of dopamine system
= Muscle relaxation and decreased movements - Inhibition of 5 HT system
= Decreased Anxiety - Inhibition of Noradrenergic system
= Decreased anxiety
Amine Transmitters- Noradrenaline
What kind of receptors does it use?
What is the NT important for?
What are some drugs that effect Noradrenaline and how to they work?
Receptors: alpha and beta receptors ( GPCR)
Important for :
- Arousal
- Blood pressure regulation
- Control of mood
Antidepressants and cocaine act by : blocking noradrenaline reuptake
Amphetamines cause noradrenaline release from vescicles
Noradrenaline antidepressants
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (enzyme that breaks down NA)
- Noradrenaline serotonin reuptake inhibitors
- Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Amine Transmitters- Acetylcholine
What kind of receptors does it use?
What is the NT important for?
What are some drugs that effect NAcH and how to they work?
Receptors: Mainly Excitatory
- Nicotinic = ligand gated ion channels (presynaptic and facilitate release of other NT)
- Muscarinic = GPCR M1-M5. M1 is main one in brain
Important for : - Arousal - Learning and short term memory - Motor control Druga that affect ACH: - Muscarinic antagonists = used to treat tremors in Parkinson’s (Benztropine) - Anticholinesterases = used in Alzheimer’s disease to assist with memory Hyoscine- M1 receptor
Amine Transmitter - Serotonin 5HT
What kind of receptors does it use?
What is the NT important for?
What are some drugs that effect Serotonin and how to they work?
Receptors: 14 subtypes
All are GPCR except 5HT3 which is ION channel
- Main receptors are : 5HT1a, 5HT1b, 5HT2, 5HT3
Important for:
- Control of mood and emotion
- Sensory function
- Behaviours and vomiting
Drugs that affect serotonin - Nausea and vomiting = ondansetron = 5HT3 antagonist
- Anxiety – SSRI and Buspiron (5HT1a agonists)
- Migrane – Triptans = agonist for vascular 5HT1D, 5HT1B and 1F
Schizophrenia – atypical antipsychotics: 5HT2 antagonists and D2 dopamine antagonist
Amine Transmitter - Dopamine
What kind of receptors does it use?
What is the NT important for?
What are some drugs that effect Dopamine and how to they work?
Receptors: ALL GPCR
- D1 (D1 and D5)
- D2 (D2-4)
Functional Pathways
- Nigrostriatal = motor control
- Mesolimbic/mesocortical = emotional and drug reward systems
- Tuberohypophyseal = regulation of prolactin release
Drugs that effect Dopamine
- Schizophrenia = haloperidol and clozapine are D2 Antagonists
- Vomiting = dopamine acts on chemoreceptor trigger zone to cause vomiting ( metaclopromide is a D2 antagonist)
Parkinsons = associated with deficiency of dopaminergic neurons – levodopa is a receptor agonist
Is the metabolic rate of neurons high or low?
Neurons have a relatively high metabolic rate
Require high ATP due to lack of glucose storage
If blood pressure changed drastically ie more than 80mmhg, what would happen to the CSF?
- Auto regulation means that CSF stays regular even with a marked change in blood pressure
What is Charcots triad?
What is it suggestive of?
- Nystagmus
- Intention tremor
- staccato/scanning speech
Suggestive but not diagnostic for MS