Pavlov Flashcards
Associated learning
Learning that certain events occur together. May be a stimuli or a response and it’s consequences
Process of developing new and relatively enduring information or behaviors. Able to adapt.
Classical conditioning
Associate two stimuli and thus anticipate events, between stimuli, respondent behavior, events that we don’t control
Operant conditioning
Associate a response(our behavior) and it’s consequence
Cognitive learning
Acquire mental info that guides our behavior,
Ian Pavlov
Laid foundation for Watson, behaviorism,
Neutral Stimulus, something that didn’t evoke a response,
Unconditioned response, unlearned, naturally occurring response to the US
Unconditioned stimulus, naturally triggers a response
Conditioned response, a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus
Conditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response
Initial stage,
Higher-order conditioning
Cs is paired with a new NScreating a second, weaker, CS
The diminished response that occurs when the CS no longer signals an impending US
Spontaneous recovery
The reappearance of a weakened CR after a pause
The tendency for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses
The learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus
Pavlov’s legacy
Many other responses to many other stimuli can be conditionally conditioned in many other organisms and learning should be studied objectively
Operant conditioning
Own actions with consequences, our behavior and resulting events,
Operant behavior
behavior that operates on the Environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli