Paulson Menstral disorders Flashcards
In the US average age of puberty is between _________
_________ increase in androgens befoe the onset of puberty
____________ is breast development and requires (2 hormones)
thelarche, estrogen and progesterone
Menarche requires 5 hormones and ______ (anatomy)
GnRh, FSH, LH, progesterone, estrogen, normal outflow tract
pubertal development before 8 age in girls and 9 in boys is called
precocious puberty
average age to start menstrating is 12-13, _____ years after breast bud development
Normal cycle is ___________
28 days +/- 7 days
primary amenorrheas the abscens of spontaneous mentrastion by age________ with no secondary sex characteristic or ________ with prescesn of secondary sex characteristics
13, 15
4 main categories of primary amennorhea
ovarian dysfunction, pituitary dysfunction, hypothalamic dysfunction, outflow obstruction
example of ovarian dysfunction
turners syndrome. congenital development disorder of the repro system (sex chromosome abnormality)
example of hypothalamic dysfunction
GnRH pulse is messed up: Kallmanns (idopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) + anosmia
Anoexia, excercise
Pituitary dysfunction examples
Sheehans syndrom (infartion of pitutatry d/t hemmorhage)
Outflow tract obstruction due to _________
imperforate hymen
How to work up primary amennohea. 1) sex characteristics Y/N
yes-outflow problem
No- check fhs/lh karyotype
Secondary amenorrhea defined:
cessation of previsouly present and regular menses for 3 months or irrecular menses for 6 months
M/C reasons for secondary amennhorehea (6)
pregnancy, PCOS, OCPS/meds, dibetes, hyper/hypothyroidsm, surgery
workup for secondary amenorrhea
1)preg test
2)check tsh/prolactin
3) progesterone challenge test
4) check FSH/LH
Imaging: CT or MR of hypothalamus, pit or pelvis
Progesterone challenge test is done by giving progesterone medication to a woman who doesn’t get periods to try to induce a period .
Med/dose and expected result
Provera 5mg BID x 5-7 days
+ withdraw bleed within 2-7 days
A + progesterone challenge test means that there is ________ present but is not __________. If no withdrawal bleeding occurs the patient either has very low ____________ or there is a problem with ___________
estrogen, ovulating
estrogen, outflow tract (adhesions)
Mullerian agensis is when the _________- doesnt develop properly