PATTERNS Flashcards
I want …….you to
I don’t want
I want you to examine the patient
what do you want me to do
where do you want us to wait
quiero que examines al paciente
que quiere que haga
donde quiere que esperemos
I promise you to help you
I cant allow the patient to smoke
te prometo ayudar
no puedo permitir que el paciente fume
I would like you to read the report
I would dislike him apear in the room
I would hate the patient to smoke prior him surgery
me gustaría que leas el reporte
no me gustaría que aparezca en la habitación
odiaria que el paciente fume
I got him to tell me the story
how did you get him to volunteer?
logre que me cuente la historia
como lograste que sea voluntario
ask her to send the email o message
why don’t you ask her to send message
pidele que envie el email
por que no le pides que envie el mensaje
I encourage the patient to be compliance
I would prefer him no to talk
I challenge to him do the diagnosis
Yo aliento a que el paciente cumpla
preferiria no hablar con el
desafio a que haga el diagnostico
he compel to him do move
I expect you to underestand me
I expect you to not misunderstand
el lo obliga a moverse
espero que me entiendas
espero que no mal entiendas
pleas remind me to call him on Christmas eve
he warn me no to touch the socket l
she advice me to go to the gym
she help me to intubate the patient
the police force him to confess
me advirtio no tocar el agujero de luz
me acnoseja ir al gym
me ayuda a intubara al paciente
he told me not to touch de computer
the patient beg me the pain killer
the patient begg me to give him the pain killer
me dijo no tocar al computadora
paciente pide analgesico
paciente implora darle analgesico
this will cause the heart to pump better
this will cause the medication to take effect
I dare (defy) you to make the diagnosis
I persuade him to consult the doctor
esto hara que el corazón lata mejor
esto hará que la medicación haga efecto
te desafío a hacer el diagnostico
persuado a consultar al medico
I don’t want there to be misunderstanding
I don’t want there to be any mistakes
I wouldn’t like there to be quarrel
I wouldn’t like there to be injustice
no quiero que haya maletnendimiento
no quiero que haya errores
me gustaría que no haya discusión
I would prefer there to be more hospitals
I would prefer there to be more advices
I would hate there to be strike
I would hate there to be clash within the team
preferiria que hubiera mas hospitales
odiaria que haya paro
I think it necessary to implement new algorithms
I think it necessary that you should include new algorithms
I consider it important to work together
I consider that we should to work together
pienso que es necesario implementar nuevos algoritmos
que deberías
I find it useful to grand rounds
I find it useful that we should have grand rounds
I see it useless to go on quarreling
I see it useless what we should go on quarreling
I feel it risky to make him undergo surgery
I feel it risky that we should make him undergo surgery
I count it an honor to be invited to this meeting
I count it an honor that I should be invited to work with you
yo siento que es riesgoso que se someta a la cirugía
I make the junior perform de procedures
I made him do the shopping
I made them complain the rules
hago que los resientes hagan los procedimientos
size que ellos cumplan las reglas
He made me stay on
Let us practice
I always hear the baby cry
I watch them perform the lumbar puncture
me hizo quedarme en
Dejanos practicar
Los veo a ellos realizar una punción lumbar
I felt the house shake
I felt something fall
I have never know him be rich
I have never know him have chronic disease
senti que temblaba
Nuca supe que era rico
nunca sube que tenia una enfermedad crónica
he was made to take the medication
I was made to stay a lot
I was made to undergo breathalyzer test
le hicieron tomar la medicacion
Me hicieron hacer el test de alcholismo
I Can´t
I Won´t have you been lazy
I won’t have you arriving late
no puedo
no voy a permitir que seas perezoso
No voy a permitir que llegues tarde.
I’ll have him tell me the truth
I’ll have the nurse check the medicaction
hare que el paciente me diga la verdad
Hare que la chequee la medicación
to have someone do something
I had him bring the box
I always have the residents help me when im on duty
I always have the residente write the evolution
to have something + participle
I had my eye examined
Im having the car repair
I having my apartament painted
I had it printed
I have had it printed
Me arreglaron, me tomaron la presión…. alguien me lo hizo
hice que me revisaran el ojo
Me estan reparando el auto
Me estan pintando el departamento
Me hice imprimir
Im going to have internet installed
I will have my eye examined again
I always have my food delivered
I always have my clothes washed
I must have my blood pressure checked
me van a volver a revisar mi ojo
I can have this letter translated
I should have my car washed
I should have the diet prepared
puedo hacer que me traduzcan
Debería hacer lavar el carro
Debería hacer que me preparen la dieta
I saw him running “ing”
I saw him talking, so I left
I watch them playing …
I smell something burning
lo vi corriendo
Los vi jugando
I feel something shaking
I feel something cracking
I felt the heart beating
I found him lying on the floor
I found him smoking
I found get drugged
Senti que se movia
Senti que se rajaba
Lo encontre drogandose
He kept me waiting
He always keeps me waiting
Don’t keep me waiting
Me dejo esperando
No me dejes esperando
I caught him stealing
I caught him cheating
I cought him touching the pumps
lo encounter robando
he will get things going
would he said, set me thinking
I wonder were he is
he set me wondering
he set me doubting
They painted the walls white
He pushed the door open
some times the police broke the door open
I slam door shot
ellos pintaron las paredes de blanco
aveces la policia rompe la puerta para abrirla
There are setting hostages free
they set hostages free
He shouted him self hoarse
Do you
hay liberation de reheenes
liberaron a los prisioneros
Se grito hasta hasta quedarse ronco
This blanket will keep you worn
I hope
The chief held me responsible for the patient
I hold you responsible for the unit
I wish my self death
El jefe me hizo responsable
the situation driving my mind
to cut the watermelon open
la situación
cortar la sandia
I shout my self worse
grite hasta quedarme sin voz
They made him leader of
they made to crown him king
they elective trump presidente
they will choose residente chief
lo hicieron líder
lo hicieron rey
lo eligieron presidente
They appointed him cheer man
they call him coco
they nick name him
They voted him leader
Lo designaron responsable
Lo llaman coco
Lo apodaron ….
lo votaron al líder
they name him David
they baptize him David
He couldn’t make himself heard
he couldn’t make himself underestood
I manage to make myself understood
no se pudo hacer oír
me las arregle para hacerme entender
Doctors must make themselves respected
Dubin made his influence felt
Don’t leave you work anfinished
The patient left the food uneaten
doctors deben hacerse respetar
no dejes de hace r tu trabajo
paciente dejo su comida sin terminar
im going to make myself respected
I must made myself respected
he must make himself respected
he admitted to me he had not taken de medication
he admitted to the police that he cometed the crime
he confessed to the prices that cheated on his wife
el me admitio que no tomo su medicación .
el admit a la policia que cometio el crimen
El confeso al sacerdote que le engaño a su esposa
I suggest to the doctor change the antibiotics
he explain to me how to place the catheter
he describe to me how this works
the case was interesting
sugeri al dctor cambiar de ata
me explico como colocar este catéter
el me describe como funciona esto
It is important for you study de case
it is important that you should control glucemia in diabetes patients
es importante para ti estudiar este caso
es importa que usted controle la glicemia de los pacientes con diabetes
I cant reliable on the junior resident to asses neurologic patient
I cant count on the junior resident to intubate the paciente alone
we voted for him to become the resident chief
no puedo confiar en los residentes en la evaluación de pacientes neumológicos
No puedo contar con el residente junior para intubar al paciente solo
votamos para que él sea el jefe de residentes
Im waiting for the mercedes to be connected
im waiting for him to came back home
im longing for you to returned
im longing for the holidays to start
deseo que retornes
Estoy esperando que vuelva a casa
Estoy deseando que vuelvas
Estoy deseando que empiecen las vacaciones
I arrange for them to pick me up
Me encargo de que me recojan
Do you happened know to he is rotating?
Do you happened when he will resume his activities?
I happened to meet him on the airport
por casualidad saben donde esta rotando
¿Sabes cuándo reanudará sus actividades?
Por casualidad me encontre con el en el aeroupeurto
If you happened to find handsome boy on Paris
he failed to come
don’t failed to come to the party
he never fails to answer the message
Si por casualidad encuentras a un chico guapo en París
no vino
no dejes de venir a la fiesta
nunca deja de responder a los mensajes
how did you get to know about low cost flights
how got to get him
he grow to be very reliable
I grow to like her
I grow to accept
I grow to be able to intubate rapidly
el logro convertirse en confiable
Cómo conseguirlo
el a desarrolladora mucha confianza
Empiezo a simpatizar con ella
llegue a a aceptar
Llegue a ser capaz de intubar rápidamente
He arrive home to find his house stolen
I arrived at the icu to find the patient was in coma
llegue a la icu y encontre el paciente en coma
I woke up to meet some Flowers
the patient woke up to find himself intubated in the icu
he open the door to see someone was stealing
The patient came to see himself surrounding
It was then that to decide to start on the vasopressor
it was in 2019 that I came to Argentina
fue en ese entonces
It was after the surgery that the patient began to bleed
It was before the surgery that the patient had cardiac arrest
fue despues de la cirugía que el paciente inicio a sangrar
fue antes de la cirugia
There came a moment when I decided the hospital
there will came a moment when I finish my residency
There appeared someone who assisted the victims of the accidente
There appeared journalists who asked for information about Chano
llego el momento de decidir una especialidad
Aparecion alguien que