Conectors Flashcards
Even though
Although the patient is treated, he is worse
Aunque el paciente esta tratado, he is worse
And yet
He is intubated, however his saturation does not improve.
Sin embargo
Está incubado sin embargo su saturación no mejora
In spite of
The patient had a heart attack despite though he was on medication
A pesar de
Even if
Even when
Even so
The chances of cure are minimal, even if chemotherapy is done.
Aún si
Aún cuando
Aún así
Las posibilidades de cura son mínimas, incluso si hace la quimioterapia
Not with standing
For all
Not with standing: A pesar de
Albeit: Aunque
For all: A pesar
No to
I order to
in order to
Para no…
For him to
For him not to
Uses dives carefully for it no to break down
Usar el aparato con cuidado para que no se arruine
Due to
Owing to
Because of
Account of
This is due to in the flaw in the system
Due to the fact post duty, im tired
Debido a
Esto es debido a una falla en el sistema.
Debido a la post guardia, estoy cansado
As regard
As to
As for as. … is concerned
As for as the resident are concerned they don’t have energy
En lo que concierne
Cope with
Is short
In a Word
Summing up
In short the paciente needs ICU
En resumen
En resumen el paciente necesita internación en terapia.
As long as
His condition will improve provided follow the treatment
Siempre y cuando
Su condición mejorará si el sigue el tratamiento
In fact
As matter of fact
As a matter of fact this is the ideal antibiotic
Realmente este es el antibiotico ideal
the fact is
The fact is that if we don’t operate on him, he can die.
El echo
El echo es que si no lo operamos, el puede morir
So on
Unfortunately, intubation has complications such as infections, tamponades, so on
Et cetera
Lamentablemente la intubación tiene complicaciones como infecciones, taponamientos, etc.
And the like
It has a lot of things similar to an infection or things like that.
Cosas por el estilo
Tiene muchas cosas similares a una infección, o similar (cosas por el estilo)
In addition
As well as
The patient is ready to discharge in addition has all his medication
El paciente está listo para el alta y además tiene toda la medicación.
Also too
As well
Also too is necessary perform other diagnostics test
También es demasiado necesario realizar otras pruebas diagnósticas.
Furthermore cultures were taken, and antibiotic treatment was started.
Lo que es mas
Point out
I also want to highlight the effort of the nursing team in caring for your family member.
Ademas quiero resaltar el esfuerzo de las enfermeras en el cuidado de su familiar
In this way
In this way the arteries were blocked, which is why he had the heart attack.
De esta forma
De esta forma las arterias quedaron obstruidas por eso tuvo el infarto
Now is early to tell you about the prognosis, it will be through the weeks
A traves de
Ahora es pronto para decirte el pronóstico, esto se irá viendo con el paso de las semanas.
By means of
By doing
The diagnosis can only be made by means of a lumbar puncture.
Por medio de
El diagnostico solo puede ser realizado por medio de una punción lumbar
As (like)
This treatment works as a palliative, it is not curative.
Este tratamiento funciona como paliativo y no como curativo
Since he has no response to medical treatment, he must be taken for surgery.
Dado que
Dado que el no responde al tratamiento medico, el necesita una cirugía
This goes for
Holds good for
Using a sedative and analgesic this goes for the treatment of intracranial hypertension.
Es valido
Usar un sedante y analgésico, es valido para el tratamiento dela hipertensión intracrenal
As such
As such we only have to accept the evolution
Como tal
At most
At least
Como maximo
Como minimo
Unless the patient improve we don’t discharge
A menos que
Desde lo contrario
For the time being
Por el momento
in the meantime
En el interirn
mean while
Mientras tanto
Above all
Sobre todo
In all total
In total we now have 34 cases of COVID.
en total (para numeros)
MRI was altogether indicated in this patient, because we don’t have diagnosis
Completamente (mas adjetivo). (en total)
On the whole
The patient is better on the whole
en total, en términos generales (en total)
el paciente esta mejor en termino generales
Therefore, we need to intubate your father, because he is facing imminent respiratory arrest.
Por lo tanto
Whether …or no
We don’t know whether the results will be positivo or no
Si ….. o no
Ya sea
No sabemos si los resultados sera positivos o no
By the way
By the way, his lab report was within normal values.
Ya que estamos (por cierto)
Some what
When you are given the medication you will feel some what warmth in your chest.
Un tanto
Un poco
The use of corticosteroids could be improved him somehow
De alguna manera
Vaccines are recommended for everyone except people with allergies.
a pesar
in hindsight
out weight
The benefits of this new drug out weight the side effects.
los benficios de esta nueva droga superan los efectos adversos