Pattern Of Religiosity Flashcards
Two main reasons why older people appear more religious than younger people (Age)?
1)The ageing effect-people become more religious as they age. Life experiences e.g. having children might encourage them to return to religion.
2)The generational effect-as society becomes more secular, each generation is less religious than the previous one.
What did Bruce find about religion for older people?
trend towards older age profile among church-goers will continue, over 65s will soon be the majority. Exception = Pentecostal churches which attract younger people.
What are statistics on Church goers (Age)?
60% of churches had NO attendees between 15-19 yrs.
Weber explained reason for higher religiosity (Ethnicity)?
Immigrants had high levels of belief before they migrated to UK because:
-Members of deprived groups
-Religion = explanation for disadvantage
-Religion = offers hope of salvation
John bird 5 reason for explaining why ethnicity have high religiosity?
1)Ethnic minority groups originate in societies with high levels of religiosity e.g Pakistan
2) Religion gives a sense of community and solidarity for minority ethnic groups. It give members a sense of identity and introduce them to potential marriage partners.
3) religion maintain cultural identity and traditions, e.g. food and etc
4)Socialisation can lead to strong pressure on children to maintain religious commitment
5)Religious beliefs help cope with oppression.
What does Steve Bruce say about Cultural defence and Cultural Transition?
- Cultural Defence – religion is used to protect identity in a hostile environment
- Cultural Transition – religion is used to cope with the upheaval of migration
What did Modood found in ethnicity and how religious they were?
younger Chinese,white and Afro Caribbean people were less religious than their parents, but in some groups there was no decline between generations, particularly Muslims.
Wallis believe that religion attract which social class?
Wallis believes they tend NOT to attract the lower classes and appeal most to the upper-working and lower-middle classes.
Why do sects tend to recruit most disadvantaged social class?
They require members to give up their previous life, so appeal to those with less rather than more.Wallis also mentions the ‘Relatively Deprived’ e.g. Moonies
Why are Working class more religious?
Weber’s idea of a theodicy of disprivilege and also
the traditional Marxist idea that the purpose of religion was to act as an opium or spiritual gin for the masses.
Why does Bruce say that Cult appeal more to Middle class?
-Spiritual growth appeals to people who have gained material wealth
-Feel they need more in life
Reasons for why women are more religious than men?
•Differential Socialisation: women are taught to be more submissive which is valued by most religions men with these qualities also tend to be more religious
•Structural Location-women take part in religion because of their social roles.Men do (instrumental role), women do (expressive role) and have more time for church-related activities.
What does Davie say about religion (Gender)?
Davie child-bearing, caring for the sick & elderly bring women closer to ‘ultimate questions’ about meaning of life.
What does Bruce say about religion (Gender)?
-secularisations is occurring, but we are also retreating from the public into the private sphere. Women are more involved in the private sphere than men, they can remain within religion through the private domain (especially New Age Movements / Cults).
-He found twice as many women as men were involved in sects
Heelas and Woodhead view on New age?
found 80% of participants in the holistic milieu were female