Patient Examination & Handling Flashcards
What to gather for Patient History?
Need to view patients records or research any known info
Must confirm the animals details
Question the owner on animals general demeanor
Owners perceived problem
Timescale and character of symptoms
Concurrent diseases and medication
Record and present to vet surgeon
What is included in Physical Examination?
Head to tail check for abnormalities
(mouth, nose, eyes, ears, skin, hair, nails, genitals)
Specific examination of suspected problem areas
Auscultation of heart and lungs
Measurement of vital signs
Observe gait and mobility
Test reflexes
Signs of Abnormalities?
Mouth - capillary refill, mucus membrane, growths, dental health
Nose - discharge, dry, crusty, sneezing
Eyes - discharge, inflammation, redness, foreign body, cloudiness
Ears - redness, wax, parasites, foreign body, inflammation, odour
Skin - redness, hair loss, ticks/fleas, growths, sores, dandruff
Genitals - growths, discharge, undescended testes, injuries
What is Mentation?
This is the process of mental activity
Normal - bright, alert, responsive = BAR
Quiet - quiet, alert, responsive = QAR
Obtunded - sensitivity is dull, may be difficult to rouse by stimuli
Comatose - unconsciousness, so cannot be roused by any stimuli
Measuring Temperature?
Taken rectally for reliability, lubricant used
Should be sterile
PPE worn and WHO hand wash carried out
Dog - 38.3* to 39.2*
Cat - 38.2* to 38.6*
Rabbit - 38.5* to 40*
Different ranges of Temperature?
Hyperthermia - elevated temp, due to infection, stress or pain
Hypothermia - lowered temp, due to shock, anaesthetic, depressed or unconscious
Biphasic - fluctuating temp, due to canine distemper
Measuring Pulse?
Assess the quality, strength ,speed, and duration to detect any abnormalities
Overall evaluation of cardiovascular system
Dog - 70 to 140
Cat - 100 to 200
Rabbit - 130 to 325
Different ranges of Pulse?
Tachycardia - increased heart rate, due to excitement, stress, exercise, or anxiety
Bradycardia - decreased heart rate due to rest, anaesthetic, drugs, or hibernation
Measuring Respiration?
Observe at rest, prior to disturbing patient
Observe depth and rhythm
Observe chest movements and monitoring devices
Dog - 10 to 30
Cat - 20 to 30
Rabbit - 30 to 60
Different ranges of Respiration?
Tachypnoea - increased resp rate due to excitement or exercise
Bradypnoea - decreased resp rate due to rest, trauma or medications
Dyspnoea - difficulty. Breathing due to obstruction, disease or increased pressure
Measuring Mucus Membrane?
Should be salmon pink and moist
Different ranges of Mucus Membrane?
Pale - anaemia, haemorrhage, poor perfusion
Blue - cyanosis, lack of oxygen, respiratory difficulty
Yellow - jaundice, liver disease, increased red blood cell destruction
Red - sepsis, fever, extensive tissue damage, excitement
Measuring Capillary Refill Time?
Normal range is 1 to 2 seconds
Prolonged due to poor circulation
Increased refill time due to increased blood pressure
Measuring Blood Pressure?
Directly using catheter
Indirectly using external cuff
Dog - 133mmHg systolic
Cat - 124mmHg systolic
Signs a Feline is happy?
Ears forward
Slow blinking
Dilated pupils
Pouncing stance
Signs a Feline is scared?
Ball shaped
Flat ears
Dilated pupils
Signs a Feline is angry?
Arched back
Alert ears
Narrow pupils
Signs a Dog is happy?
Neutral tail
Relaxed eyelids
Natural ears
Relaxed position
High wagging tail
Signs a Dog is scared?
Tucked tail
Lip licking
Avoid direct eye contact
Ears back
Signs a Dog is angry?
High tail
Enlarged pupils
Teeth showing
Eye staring
Stiff position