Standard Precautions
wear PPE
When Standard Precaution takes place
When you step out of the vehicle and before patient contact
Forming a general impression
Take note of age, sex, race, level of distress, overall appearance
Assessing the LOC
Determine which category best fits patient:
Conscious with unaltered LOC
Conscious with an altered LOC
Causes of a conscious person with altered LOC
Perfusion, meds, drugs, alcohol, poisoning
First focus for Unconscious patients
When someone is unconscious
A critical respiratory, circulatory, or CNS problem or deficit may exist
Pack and transport to the hospital immediately
Testing mental status
Evaluate the patients memory, does the patient:
Remember their name
Knows there current location
Knows date
Knows the event that just occurred
Assess the Airway
Determine if the patients airway is open and adequate
Talking or crying = open airway
Listening to patients speak provides info on breathing status
If patient is not breathing, stop assessment and obtain a patient airway
Unresponsive patients/decreased LOC patient
Immediately assess airways
If trauma is present (during airway assessment)
Use modified jaw-thrust technique to open airway
If trauma is not present (during airway assessment)
Use head tilt-chin lift technique to open and maintain airway
Assess Breathing
After EMT opens the airway make sure the patient is breathing.
Breathing = regular flow with no notable interruption.
Watch the patients chest rise and fall
Feeling the air through the mouth and nose during exhale.
Listen to breath sounds with stethoscope over each lung.
Jot down respiratory rate, rhythm, quality/character of breathing, depth of breathing.
Ask these questions when assessing breathing
Is the patient choking?
Is respiratory rate to fast or slow?
Are respirations shallow or deep?
Is the patient have blue skin?
Are there abnormal sounds when listening to the lungs?
Is air coming into both lungs during breathing?
Immediately reevaluate the airway
If patient has difficult time breathing after primary assessment
Administer supplemental oxygen
Respirations are too fast (>20 breaths a min)
Respirations are too shallow
Respirations are too slow (<12 breaths a min)
Provide positive-pressure ventilation with an airway adjunct
Respirations exceed 24 breaths a min
Respirations are fewer than 8 breaths a min
What are you listening for (assessing breathing)
Normal breath sounds
Tidal volume
A measure of the depth of breathing and is the amount of air in milliliter that is moved into or out of the lungs
Unresponsive patients older than
Palpate carotid (neck) pulse
If pulse is present determine
Pulse rate
Quality of pulse
Assess skin
Assess and control external bleeding
Identify and treat life threats
Normal adult pulse rate
60-100 BPM
> 100
< 60
Perform a rapid scan
Scan the patient’s body to identify injuries that must be managed or protected immediately.
Takes 60-90 seconds to perform.
This is not a focused physical assessment.