Edema, hemoptysis, hematemesis are also symptoms of….
Pulmonary disease
Is shortness of breath subjective or objective?
Subjective, and is one of the most common pulmonary complaint and is a primary symptom of cardiopulmonary disease. So its related to both pulmonary and cardiopulmonary.
Which is the cardinal symptom of cardiac disease? And is the most distressing symptom of respiratory disease.
What 2 things does sensation of SOB are experienced.
It’s a product of physiological impairment and the psychological makeup.
The sensation of dyspnea via Sensory input to cerebral cortex varies directly from….and inversely from…..
Directly from ventilator demand…more exercise more demand more sensation.
And inversely with ventilator capacity…less capacity more sensation
T/f, the more stimulation of the drive to breathe when ventilator abnormalities exist, the greater the dyspnea.
T, because more stimulation is due to pulling of air more inside, hence the dyspnea is greater.
Goes hand in hand
T/f, you can never assume that a patient with a rapid respiratory rate is dyspneic.
True, because it is very subjective. He might not be and thinks he is, or may b he is and denies. Always check it yourself through physical assessment.
2 pathway of perception of SOB
Sensory input to the cerebral cortex
Perception of the sensation
Kidney causes whci type dyspnea?
Chemical, becuase chemical imbalance causes dyspnea which is due to kidney failure (uremia)
Increased intracranial pressure causes dsypnea or not?
CHF, ASTHMA AND COPD, how do they describe dyspnea?
Asthma- chest tightness
CHF- air hunger, suffocation
COPD &ILD- increased effort to breathe.
A decrease in Paco2 leads to decrease in….
Cerebral blood flow.
Chronic CHF and COPD are the most common types of acute or chronic dyspnea?
Inspiratory dyspnea is associated with…….where as expiratory is associated with…
Inspiratory is with the upper airway obstruction, expiratory with smaller bronchi and bronchioles obstruction.
PND Is associated with….
PND is in ….position
In……, PND occurs 1- 2 hrs after lying down
CHF, due to fluid transfer to lower extremities
What is orthopnea?
Jolie, Julie…she associated it with number of pillows!
Inability to breathe lying down so increasing pillows help.
Which dyspnea is associated with CHF/left heart failure>
PND and orthopnea.
Trepopnea occurs in which position?
When lying on side cause dyspnea but lying on other relieves it.
Disorders associated with chest unilaterally- unilateral plueral effusion, unilateral airway obstruction, unilateral lung disease