IPPA Flashcards
Nasal flaring is….
External nares flare outward during inhalation.
Pursed lip breathing is during…..and in which patients…
Exhalation…copd….why? To provide slight resistance to the exhaled breath. This resistance provides modest back pressure in the airways during exhalation and prevents their premature collapse. This technique alters I:E ratio extending the expiratory time and thus allowing more complete exhalation.
Which cranial nerve should be intact for pupillary reflex
2 and 3
What causes the pupils to be dilated and fixed?
The condition is called mydriasis. So when patient is brain death, catecholamines and atropine are given usually and that causes the pupil to become dilated and fixed. Because atropine minimizes the use of assessing pupillary reflexes as a measure of patients neurologic status.
What causes pinpoint pupils…
Parasympathetic stimulants and opiates…called miosis.
Ptosis is…
Drooping of upper eyelid may be an early sign of disease involving third cranial nerve and also respiratory failure. Eg: myasthenia Travis, congenital defects,cranial tumors.
Nystagmus is…
Involuntary cyclic movement of eyeballs.
Physical examination of neck includes…
Inspection and palpation…of JVP, trachea by palpating the suprasternal notch at the base of the anterior neck.
Trachea shifts away, deviates, to the unaffected side in….
Tension Pneumothorax, plueral effusion, or lung tumor. Due to excess air, fluid or tissue, trachea moves from the affected side to the unaffected.
Trachea shifts towards in..
Atelectasis, lung resection…..due to reduced lung volumes.
T/f, when the abnormalities exists in the lower lung fields, the trachea shift may not happen unless the defect is severe…
Dilated pupils that respond poorly to light are often a sign of….
Neurological damage.
JVD is a sign of….
Right heart failure, due too fluid overload.
Explain JVP
JVP is estimated by examining the level of the column of blood in jugular veins. JVP reflects the volume and pressure of the venous blood in the right side of the heart.
Internal jugular vein is most reliable.
When In supine position the neck veins of healthy person is full, but as we raise the angle to 45 degree, the level of the column of blood descends to a point no more than a few cm above the clavicle with normal venous pressure. But with elevated venous pressure, the neck veins may be distended as high as the angle of the jaw, even when the person is upright.
With the head of the bed elevated to 45 degrees angle, venous distention should…
Not be greater than 3 to 4 cm above the sternal angle…sternal angle is the universal because it measures its distance above the right atrium nearly constant(5cm) in all positions.
The degree of venous distention can be estimated with
By measuring the distance of the veins are distended above the sternal angle.
When should JVP be estimated…
At the end of expiration.
JVD may also occur with…
Hypervolaemia and when the venous return to the right atrium is obstructed by tumors in the mediastinum.
For the chest examination what position the patient has to be in?
Always upright….if patient is sick then raise the bed.
What is the term used for outward sternal protrusion anteriorly
So remember if outward sternal protusion then it is pectus carinatum. Also called pigeon breast.