Pathway enzymes and regulation Flashcards
Hexokinase vs Glucokinase
Both for Glucose –> G6P (GLYCOLYSIS)
Uses one ATP
Glucokinase: Selective for glucose, low Km, low Vmax, inhib by G6P (in all cells)
Hexokinase: Not very selective, hi Km, hi Vmax, inhib by F6P (in liver and B-cells)
F6P –> F1,6BP
Glycolysis RATE LIMITING STEP Uses one ATP Enzyme: PFK1 - ATP, citrate (pushes to glycogen or HMP shunt) \+ AMP, F2,6BP
Phosphoenolpyruvate –> Pyruvate
gives 2 ATP
Enzyme: Pyruvate Kinase
- Glucagon (shuts it off through PKA)
Pyruvate –> Acetyl CoA
Glycolysis --> TCA gives one NADH and CO2 - Acetyl CoA, NADH enzyme: pyruvate dehydrogenase cofactors: thiamine, niacin (defic in thiamine -->Wernicke's aphasia) - protein kinase \+ phosphoprotein phosphotase
Pyruvate to Lactate gives …
NadH to Nad
So amounts of NadH and Nad drive the direction
enzyme: lactate dehydrogenase
TCA cycle produces
CO2 x2
FADH2 x1
GTP x1
ETC reg
- DNP uncoupling, oligomycin (shuts off proton flow back in)
Pyruvate –> Oxaloacetate
enzyme: pyruvate carboxylase w/ biotin cofactor
+ ATP, Acetyl CoA
requires ATP from fat oxidation
Substrates for Glucose in Gluconeogenesis (and where do they come from)
from RBCs! (at least the lactate is)
Amino Acids
Oxaloacetate –> Phosophoenolpyruvate
enzyme: PEPCK (carboxykinase)
+ Glucagon
- insulin
F1,6BP –> F-6-P
Gluconeogenesis RATE LIMITING STEP
enzyme: fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
- fructose 2,6 BP
[- increased glucagon –> activation of PKA –> inactive PFK-2, active FBP-2] not sure about this
G-6-P –> glucose
enzyme: G-6-phosphatase (ONLY IN LIVER AND KIDNEY
Glycogen –> G-1-P
Glycogen!! G --> G1P enzyme: glycogen phosphorylase IN LIVER: - glucose, G-6-P, ATP IN MUSCLE: + Ca, AMP
G-1-P –> Glycogen
Glycogen!! G1P-->UDP Glucose --> Glycogen enzyme: Glycogen synthase & branching enzyme \+ insulin, G-6-P - Glucagon
HMP shunt
G-6-P –> 6-P-gluconolactone –> Ribose Sugars (eg ribose 5-phosphate)
enzyme for step 1: G6PD (defic: HEMOYTIC ANEMIA)
NADPH is the e acceptor (provides defense against oxidative stress (–> hemolytic anemia) and used for lipid synth)