Pathology Suffixes Flashcards
What does “-algia” mean?
pain and suffering. Gastralgia (gas-TRAL- jee-ah), also known as a stomachache, means pain in the stomach (gastr means stomach, and -algia means pain).
What does “-dynia” mean?
pain. Gastrodynia (gas-troh-DIN- ee-ah) also means pain in the stomach (gastr/o means stomach, and -dynia means pain). Although -dynia has the same meaning as -algia, it is not used as commonly. (Figure 1.4.)
What does “-itis” mean?
inflammation. Gastritis (gas-TRY-tis) is an inflammation of the stomach (gastr means stomach, and -itis means inflammation).
What does “-megaly” mean?
enlargement. Hepatomegaly (hep-ah- toh-MEG-ah-lee) is abnormal enlargement of the liver (hepat/o means liver, and -megaly means enlargement)
What does “-malacia” mean?
abnormal softening. Arteriomalacia (ar-tee-ree-oh-mah-LAY-shee-ah) is the abnormal softening of the walls of an artery or arteries (arteri/o means artery, and -malacia means abnormal soften- ing). Notice that -malacia is the opposite of -sclerosis.
What does “-necrosis” mean?
tissue death. Arterionecrosis (ar-tee- ree-oh-neh-KROH-sis) is the tissue death of an artery or arteries (arteri/o means artery, and -necrosis means tissue death).
What does “-sclerosis” mean?
abnormal hardening. Arteriosclero- sis (ar-tee-ree-oh-skleh-ROH-sis) is the abnormal hardening of the walls of an artery or arteries (arteri/o means artery, and -sclerosis means abnormal hard- ening). Notice that -sclerosis is the opposite of -malacia.
What does “-stenosis” mean?
abnormal narrowing. Arteriostenosis (ar-tee-ree-oh-steh-NOH-sis) is the abnormal narrow- ing of an artery or arteries (arteri/o means artery, and -stenosis means abnormal narrowing).