Pathology Semester 1 Flashcards
Kidney in incorrect anatomical position or horse-shoe shaped
ectopic kidney or fused kidney
smaller kidney, few nephrons
kidney hypoplasia
hydroureter with primitive kidney
kidney dysplasia
young animal with idiopathic kidney disease, pink lumen fluid on histo
familial nephropathy
diffuse/mf fluid filled yellow ‘bubbles’ on kidney
polycystic renal disease
tubular function abnormalities
fanconis/diabetes insipidus
dappled, haemorrhagic parenchyma of kidney
septicaemic haemorrhage/DIC
coagulative necrosis of renal parenchyma, wedge shaped pale region. Histo congested RBC in tissue w/ few inflamm cells
renal infarct
mf green-black areas of kidney medulla
papillary necrosis 2* to NSAIDs
mf/diffuse ischaemic lesions mainly in PCT (not DCT) degenerate tubules, creamy-white greyish areas in cortex
acute tubular necrosis (a type of cortical ischaemia)
necrotising daamge mf to diffuse of PCT and DCT with whole areas of necrosis and lack of cellular detail in glomerulus
renal cortical necrosis
dark-red-black cortices of kidney
renal necrosis due to endogenous toxins (haemoglobin, myoglobin).
swollen, greasy, waxy, pale tan kidney
renal pelvis expanded
mineralised base membrane of tubules, basophilic deposits, highlighted with von kossa stain
hypercalcaemic nephropathy
immune mediated, acutely enlarged, chronically smaller kidneys. Small, firm, hard depressions when chronic
necrogranulomatous hepatitis, interstitial pneumonia. enlarged, pale brown kidneys with petechieal haemorrhages. skin petechiea too.
PWMWS (form of glomerulonephritis)
swollen, reddened, kidneys with luminal black squiggly lines
leptospirosis (form of tubulointerstitial nephritis
white spotted kidney (especially in cattle) resultant from pyogenic organisms
suppurative tubulointerstitial nephritis
multifocal granulomatous kidney lesions resultant from FIP. pale yellow cortex.
(pyo)granulomatous tubulointerstitial nephritis
raised areas with increased cellular material in pelvis of kidney
thick walled multifocal pale cream small spotted lesions of kidney sometimes granulomatous nephritis involved
toxocara (ascarid) larvae
large worms filling renal parenchyma, not UK.
Dioctophyma renale
red, swollen, yellow/white striated cortex of kidney
oxalate damage from ethylene glycol
undulating cortex of kidney, red ‘swirled’ pattern.
CHV infection of puppies
multifocal small circular depressions of kidney with pale brown colour of parenchyma with basophilic histo accumulations
white/cream circular nodule focal mass in kidney parenchyma
granulomatous nephritis with mycobacteria
soft, squidgy, creamy white areas and poor edges. sometimes petechial damage to gut and endorcardium
pulpy kidney disease - Clostridium perfringens type D
epithelial benign tumour of kidney
epithelial malignant tumour of kidney
focally extensive, creamy white to mottled red, multinodular mass firmish in kidney with tubular histo cells
indented renal profile, multifocal masses extending from capsular surface into medulla, mainly firm. common neoplasia in cats
female dog dripping urine, distended ureters, radiograph diagnosis
ectopic ureters
constant urine dribble from navel
patent urachus
RTA common result to lower urinary tract
radiopaque RG lesions in lower urinary tract
catarrhal haemorrhagic necrosis of bladder
due to acute cystitis
polyploid follicular circular lesions with redenned periphery
chronic cystitis
bladder tumours with ulceration and raised multifocal to coalescing grey lesions, squamous metaplasia
enzootic haematuria cattle
giant breed dogs, haematuria, multinodular, haemorrhagic mass near bladder tissue.
benign, epithelial, bladder mucosa mass
transitional cell papilloma
nodular, ulcerated, locally invasive bladder mass
squamous cell carcinoma
nodule/plaque haemorrhagic mass of bladder mucosa, highly invasive and metastatic, common in dogs, rare in cats. occurs at trigone.
transitional cell carcinoma
kidney white medulla, fibrous medulla and cortex, chronic inflammatory cell invasion
chronic renal failure
aspiration of food, dribbling of food down nose
cleft palate
nodular lesions in airways due to chronic inflm
hyperaemic mucosa of URT, serous then catarrhal exudate, grey tacky exudate. commonly 2* bacterial infection
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
nasopharyngeal mucosa serous exudate, then purulent exudate. lymphadenopathy.
streptococcus equi var equi
porcine turbinate reduction, atrophy and distortion of turbinates
atrophic rhinits in pigs due to Pasteurella multocida
fibrinonecrotic/granulomatous nasal bone lysing lesions, fluffy, green to cream nodular mucosa.
aspergillus fumigates
dorsal flattening of cartilage rings in trachea
tracheal collapse
hyperaemia of mucosa mf to coalescing in larynx or trachea, various exudates
ulceration of larynx and regional lymph nodes due to invasion after oral damage during worming of calves
calf diptheria, fusobacteriium necrophorum
multifocal nodules of parasites at tracheal bifurcation in dogs (Africa/E. Europe)
filaroides osleri
bronchiole gland hyperplasia, metaplasia, goblet hyperplasia, increase mucus production. mucupurulent viscous exudate. thickened mucosa
chronic bronchitis/bronchiolitis
obstruction of lumen with exudate and necrosis of bronchial wall, permanent dilation to bronchus
cattle, lumen full of worms, lymphoid enlargement, mucus production increase, collapse of airways, darker red multifocal lung tissue, wont float
dictyocaulus viviparus
mucopurulent exudate strings in equine trachea, asthma-like breathing, bronchioles full with inflamm cells, collagen and sm in interstitium
grey-black cells in the lung
congenital melanosis
incomplete distension of the lung
normal lobules next to sunken, deeply redenned collapsed areas of the lung
cranial lung lobes commonly, pale pink areas of lung lobules, dilated, raised, soft, spongy, crepitus.
sectioned lung tissue oozes, bubbly fluid. pale pink homogenous material diffusely present throughout alveoli
pulmonary oedema
focally extensive dark red, friable lung tissue
pulmonary embolism
cattle vena cava thrombosis, right sided heart embolism, pulmonary embolism
pulmonary thrombo-embolism
areas of blue grey haemorrage in lungs, when cut into is red-brown. caudo-dorsal distribution
pulmonary haemorrhage
epistaxis of racehorses, tracheal multifocal haemorrhages, occasional acute fatalities
exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage
cranio-ventral, bilateral firm to hard, depressed lung tissue dark red to grey
purulent/mucupurulent exudate in lobules
suppurative bronchopneumonia
fibrinous exudate spreading between lobules
fibrinous bronchopneumonia
damage to cilia in pigs, allowing colonisation of lower alveoli
mycoplasmia enzootic pneumonia (suppurative bronchopneumonia)
focally extensive, red-black mottled dense-firm areas of adhesion between lung lobes. yellow tan tachy material on pleural surface of lungs
bacterial mannheimia haemolytica fibrinous bronchopneumonia.
dorsocaudal lung tissue fibrinous tissue
actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
lower resp tract, fibrin release and fibrinous bronchopneumonia in lungs of cattle
Mannheimia haemolytica - shipping fever - bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis
diffuse, dense, rubbery, elastic, rib impressioned lungs mottled red-grey colour
interstitial pneumonia
tryptophan toxin interstitial pneumonia
fog fever
green-cream nodules in lungs, raised surface, firmer than surrounding tissue, purulent discharge on expressing. random disseminating foci.
embolic pneumonia
multifocal, tan dense lung tissue with multifocal haemorrhages and normal pink areas too
granulomatous pneumonia
housed animals, multicentric bronchioalveolar nodules, proliferating type 2 pneumocytes
pulmonary adenomatosis (jaaksiekte)
radioluscent lung fields in pleural space
pigs, pericarditis and pleuritis, inflm of pleural space, fibrinous adhesions btw pleural surface
glasser’s disease – haemophilus parasuis
multinodular aggressive tumour in mediastinum
enlarged LN, cerebroid appearance
lymphoma in LN
organomegaly, multiple tan-white to pink nodules
lymphoma common in spleen
most common canine haematopoetic tumour – multicentric LN enlargement, hypercalcaemia. can be splenic, alimentary, cutaneous, thmyic
canine lymphoma
alimentary (most commonly) can be multicentric, thymic white-cream mutlifocal nodules. can be mediastinal. most common neoplasia in cats
feline lymphoma (assoc w/ FeLV)
multicentric, leukosis virus associated, neoplasia of cattle in LN, right atrium, abomasum, spinal canal, uterus, kidney
enzootic bovine lymphoma
symmetrical lymphadenopathy, similar to enzootic in cattle
calf form sporadic bovine lymphoma
thymic neoplasia, neck oedema, dyspnoea in cattle
juvenile form sporadic bovine lymphoma
multifocal skin nodules in adult cattle, plaques on skin and can become systemic involvement
cutaneous form sporadic bovine lymphoma
multicentric, young sows in large whites, liver/alimentary neoplasia. commonest neoplasia in pigs
porcine lymphoma
smooth red nodules of muzzle skin/nose, benign mainly dogs
cutaneous plasmocytoma (B cell)
GI B cell tumours more aggressive than benign form
extramedullary plasmacytoma
malignant B cell tumours, commonly arise in BM. pale tan to pink gelatinous masses replacing bone.
plasma cell myelomas
benign skin mass, in young dogs, spontaneously regress, focal raised nodules
cutaneous histiocytoma
cutaneous and systemic form of tumour, waxing and waning, immunoregulatory disease
reactive histiocytoma
malignant neoplasia, joints, subcutis, LN, spleen, liver or mulitple disseminated form.
histiocytic sarcoma
specific blood-lysing form of sarcoma containing macrophages
haemophagocytic histiocytic sarcoma
splenomegaly, nodular surface, contains mast cells on histo
systemic mastocytosis/visceral mast cell tumours
staining for mastocytosis
toluidine blue
enlargement of LN with no known reason
large, irregular fibrotic LN
swollen LN filled with pus
suppurative lymphadenitis
porcine colonisation of oral cavity/tonsils, spread to mandibular LN and abscess
porcine jowl abscess - streptococcus porcinus
caseous necrotic fibrotic lymph node with concentric laminations of fibrotic tissue
caseous lymphadenitis – corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
focal/multifocal white-yellow nodules, caseous necrosis/mineralisation in LN
bTB – granulomatous nodular lymphadenitis
pale, dry, firm, LN with loss of architecture
diffuse granulomatous lymphadenitis
diffuse enlargement of mesenteric LN, young pigs
enlarged LN with germinal centres
benign reactive hyperplasia
lymph node enlargement, normal architecture effaced by abnormal cell population
metastatic lymph node neoplasia
smaller, atrophic LN
hypoplastic LN seen in FIV (rare)
malignant, T-cell tumour in young animal thymus
thymic lymphoma
generally benign, epithelial tumour of thymus
splenomegaly, diffuse orange-beige colour.
splenic amyloidosis
blue/dark red spleen swollen or flaccid
splenic torsion
multifocal white foci within spleen, can see similar lesions in LN and liver
multifocal necrosuppurative splenitis due to francisella tularensis or yersinia pseudotuberculosis
splenomegaly, dark coloured, engorged with viscous blood
septicaemic splenitis due to ASF, erysipelas, anthrax.
nodular spleen with granulomatous lesions
chronic nodular granulomatous splenitis (M. avium in chicken)
diffuse granulomatous splenitis lesions in dogs
diffuse granulomatous splenitis due to histoplasmosis
grey to red nodular masses of spleen, benign
benign nodular hyperplasia
single, soft, dark red, nodular mass of spleen
most common malignant tumour of canine spleen - single to multiple discrete coalescing dark red masses with blood filled spaces and plump endothelial cells
colourless fibrin clots in heart tissue postmortem
chicken fat clots
diffuse red staining of cardiac tissue
haemoglobin imbibition
crystals in crystalline deposits of endocardium
barbiturate euthanasia
development of heart outside of normal position
ectopia cordis
consistent connection between aorta and pulmonary artery
patent ductus arteriosus
abnormal connection between two atria
patent foramen ovale or true septal defect
circumfrential band of fibrous tissue at location near valve of heart
VSD, dextraposition of aorta, secondary hypertrophy of right ventricle, pulmonary stenosis
tetralogy of fallot
blood filled or yellow fluid filled cysts of valves of heart often in ruminants
valvular haematoma
accumulation of clear yellow fluid in pericardium
vascular injury, fibrin strands present around the heart, with exudate
mulberry’s heart disease
small amounts of blood surrounding the heart
haemorrhgaic pericardial effusion.
large amount of blood surrounding the heart
air in sac surrounding heart
grey gelatinous replacement of epicardial lipid
serous atrophy of epicardial adipose tissue
fibrin coated pericardium, adherence between layers, sticky/tacky.
fibrinous pericarditis
fibrinous deposition in pericadium of pigs, becomes chronically fibrosing leading to cardiac defects
glassers disease (porcine polyserositis)
proliferative fibrosing infection of horse pericardium
streptococcol infection of horses
thickened pericardium with rough shaggy material and purulent exudate
fibrino-suppurative pericarditis
accumulation of white, gritty, urate material at joints of in viscera of reptiles are birds
visceral or articular gout
multiple, white, foci of firm plaques mineralised fibroelastic tissue in endocardium and intima of large elastic arteries
endocardial mineralization
shortened valves in heart, thickened smooth nodular appearance and shiny
myxomatous degeneration (valvular endocardiosis) (CKCS)
pale cream, tacky diffuse substance in endocardium of left ventricle
left ventricular endocardial fibroelastosis (siamese.burmese cats)
rough, granular adherent, friable yellow-tan vegetations in endocardium
raised white plaques with fibrou material on old ulcerative lesions of endocardium
ulcerative endocarditis
stenosis of right valve, chronic hepatic congestion, pulmonary embolism lead to …
right cardiac endocarditis
stenosis of left valve, chronic pulmonary congestion, systemic emboli
left cardiac endocarditis
enlarged ventricular chambers due to volume overload of heart
eccentric hypertrophy
thickened mycoardial walls in heart due to pressure overload
concentric hypertrophy
right ventricular alteration due to primary disorder of pulmonary vasculature
cor pulmonale
concentric hypertrophy of LV, dilation of LA
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
biventricular dilation white thickened endocardium, increased heart size mainly dogs, thinner walls
dilated cardiomyopathy
rigid and restricted stretching of heart with stiff walls, short irregular cordae tendinae, abnormal muscular connective tissue in LV
restrictive cardiomyopathy
pale cardiac tissue maybe with calcium depostis
cardiac necrosis
petechial pericoronal haemorrhages of horse heart
monensin toxicity necrosis
lymphocytic inflammation of young dog cardiac myocardium tissue
canine parvovirus myocarditis
multifocal, focal or diffuse purulent necrotising lesions of the heart
septicaemic myocarditis
bacterial, purulent exudate in heart
purulent myocarditis
many granulomatous small lesions in equine heart
disseminated granulomatous myocarditis due to aspergillosis
necrotic and chronic pyogranulomatous myocarditis due to protozoa also affecting eyes, liver, lung
toxoplasma gondii bradyzoites
R side of heart worm infestation non-uk
dilofilaria immitis
eosinophilic vasculitis of heart and resp system caused by parasites in dogs
angiostrongylus vasorum
benign tumour of heart endothelium
malignant tumour of heart endothelium
aortic body tumour, well demarcated, compresses great vessels
thin walled dilation of a vessel
solid, dense, white plaques in blood vessels, basophilic on histo
arterial medial calcification
protein filled, homogenousm eosinophilic material in lumen of artery
fibrinoid necrosis due to damage to vessel wall, seen in mulberrys heart disease and dogs with uraemia
common cranial mesenteric thrombus
strongylus vulgaris infection
common pulmonary artery thrombosus
in dogs due to dilofilaria
white-cream pale lesions in vessel lumens
thick tortuous arteries with haemorrhage, aneurysm or thrombosis
mesenteric arteries of rats with artery lesions
polyarteritis of base of pulmonary artery
blue tongue virus
polayarteritis with widespread petechia, sub cut oedema and hydrothorax in horses
equine viral arteritis
polyarteritis of cattle
malignant catarrhal fever
polyarteritis of horses retroviral cause
pyogranulomatous vasculitis in cats
FIP (coronavirus)
navel ill vein inflammation
solitary, multilobulated masses at joints, in dogs only, with whirling histology