Pathology of the Vulva, Vagina, and Cervix Flashcards
Cervix Histology
- Exocervix
- Endocervix
- Where do they meet?
- What happens to where they meet over time?
- Define Endocervical Canal
- covered by stratified non-keratinizing squamous epithelium
- covered by columnar, mucus secreting epithelium
- Squamocolumnar junction
- junction moves, moves out to ectropion in young adult, regresses in adults
- connects the internal and external Os
Cervix- Transformation Zone
- Define
- What happens here most often?
- endocervical canal that immediately follows the squamo-columnar junction; columnar cells replaced by squamous epithelium (squamous surface w/ underlying glandular cells)
- most cervical dysplasias arise in this zone
Cervical Squamous Epithelium
- Four layers
- What causes the squamous cells to mature? how?
- Describe maturation process
- What creates the acidic environment in the vagina?
- Superficial Squamous cells, Intermediate Squamous cells, Parabasal cells, Basal cells
- estrogen causes them to take up glycogen
- cells move from basal to upper layer, become superficial cells and shed
- Shed cells release glycogen which is used by vaginal flora to grow and produces the drop in pH
Histo on Smear
- Superficial Squamous cells
- Intermediate cells
- Metaplastic Cells
- smal, pyknotic nuclei
- larger nucleus
- roughly same size nucleus as intermediate cells, but smaller cytoplasm
- What is non-significant inflammation?
- What is significant inflammation caused by?
- What are complications of significant inflamm?
- What is the morphology of significant inflamm?
- mild chronic cervical inflammation
- organisms (gonococci, chlamydiae, mycoplasmas, Herpes viruses)
- complciations arise in pregnancy/labor; sexual transmission
- surface erosion, neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltrates, and reactive or reparative epithelial changes
- What is seen in acute cervicitis?
- Herpes cervicitis?
- Bacterial vaginitis
- inflammatory cells
- infected cells are multinucleated
- epithelial cell covered by numerous bacteria
Cytology (pap smear)
- Define
- What does it screen for?
- What does it detect?
- microscopic examination of cells scraped from cervical mucosa
- mainly for squamous cell lesion
- treatable precursor lesions (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN); prevents and makes early diagnosis of cervical cancer
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) and Cervical Carcinoma
- Associated with what infection?
- Risk factors (7)
- Depends on both host and virus characteristics;
Early age at 1st intercourse
Multiple sexual partners
Increased parity
Male partner with multiple previous partners
High-risk HPV types and persistent detection of high risk HPV types*
Oral contraceptives and nicotine
Genital infections (chlamydia)
Classification of Cervical Squamous Dysplasia
- Where do they arise most frequently?
- 2 types/ 3 grades
- What is condyloma accuminatum? Associated with what?
- both CIN and cervical cancer: transformation zone
- Low grade dysplasia: mild (CIN 1)
- High grade dysplasia moderate (CIN 2) and severe dysplasia (CIN 3)
- low grade dysplasia; always assoc w/ low risk HPV types
HPV types
- based on
- Low risk types (2); associated with what?
- High risk types (2); what do these do?
- DNA sequences and subgroups
- 6,11; associated w/ condylomas, usually regress; rarely persist
- 16,18; regress or persist or progress to precancerous lesions
Gross Morphology of Cervix Dysplasia in Colposcopic Examination
- Condyloma
- acetowhite plaques on cervix
- punctuations on cervix
- mosaic pattern on the cervix
- Define
- Morphologic features (4)
- squamous cells infected by HPV
- nuclear enlargement, irregularity of nuclear membrane contour, hyperchromasia, clear halo around the nucleus (perinuclear halo)
Histopathology of Cervical Lesions
- Condyloma
- raised lesion w/ koilocytes
- flat lesions w/ koilocytes- flat candyloma
- variable nuclear size, loss of cell polarity, hyperchromasia, and high N/C ratio; atypia in >1/3 epithelium
- same as 3, but atypia in >2/3 epithelium
Types of Cervical Carcinoma (3)
- Squamous cell carcinoma (most common)
- Adenocarcinoma (2nd most common)
- Small Cell Carcinoma
Epidemiology of Cervical Squamous cell Carcinoma
- How common?
- Why have rates declined?
- most common histologic type of cervical cancer
2. Pap test screening and early detection of pre-invasive lesions
Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Gross look
- Histo look
- may be exophytic growth (may protrude out vagina), may be ulcerated
- invasive cancer cells with desmoplastic stroma (may have keratin pearls)
Cervical Adenocarcinoma
- How common
- What is it commonly associated with?
- Pathogenesis
- 2nd most common, recent increased incidence/detection
- 60% of gland lesions are associated with squamous lesion
- similar to squamous lesions (HPV)
Cervical Adenocarcinoma
- associated with which HPV type?
- Define in Situ
- Define invasive
- Carcinoma in Situ Histo look (3)
- Invasive Histo look
- HPV 18
- malignant neoplastic cells confined to endocervical glands only, no stromal invasion
- malignant cells infiltrate the surrounding stromal tissue
- pseudostratified nuclei, cytologic atypia, mitoses
- confluent growth pattern, invasive tumor glands
Cervical Cancer Staging
- Stage 0
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Stage 3
- carcinoma in situ
- confined to cervix
- extends beyond cervic but not to pelvic wall, involves vagina but not lower 1/3
- extends to pelvic wall, involves lower 1/3 of vagina
- extends beyond true pelvis or involves bladder or rectum
HPV vaccination
- Made up of
- Targets which subtypes?
- how long does protection last?
- Recommended for whom?
- non-infectious, DNA free, virus like particles
- 16 and 18
- up to 5 yrs, maybe longer
- young females before onset of sexual activity
Vulvar Epithelial Disorders: Lichen sclerosis
- Neoplastic?
- When does it occur?
- Gross look
- Histo look?
- Increased risk of what?
- Chronic Atrophic Vulvitis
- non-neoplastic
- any age, most common in postmenopausal pts
- smooth white plaque, resembles parchment paper, atropic epithelium
- thinning of epidermis, sclerotic stroma, and dermal inflammation
- advanced disease associated w/ increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma
Vulvar Epithelial Disorders:Lichen Simplex Chronicus
- Neoplastic?
- Gross look
- Histo look
- Other symptom?
- hyperplastic dystrophy
- no
- leukoplakia, hypertrphic, elevated lesion
- epithelial thickening, expansion of stratum granulosum, dermal lymphocytic infiltrates and hyperkeratosis
- pruritis, can lead to nonspecific condition due to chronic scratching
Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasm (VIN)
- define
- analagous to
- Classification
- Associated with
- Risk of malignancy is higher in whom?
- spectrum of dysplastic changes in vulvar skin
- dysplasia of cervix
- Low grade (mild dysplasia (VIN 1), candyloma), high grade (moderate (VIN 2) or severe dysplasia (VIN3)), carcinoma in situ
- HPV infection, most often HPV 16, less often 18 and 31
- older or immunosuppressed women
VIN: Histo and Gross look
- Low grade dysplasia
- High Grade dysplasia
- cauliflower growth (grossly)
2. not much cellular maturation, mitoses outside of basal layer; larger involvement grossly
Carcinoma of Vulva
- How common?
- Who gets it?
- What kind of carcinoma most common?
- What are 30% associated with?
- uncommon, 1/8 of cervical cancer
- 2/3 occur in women >60
- squamous cell carcinoma
Congenital Anomalies: Define
- Atresia
- Septate Vagina
- Gartner duct cysts
- total absence
- occurs with failure of total fusion of the muellerian ducts
- mesomephric cyst
Gartnert Cyst
- Location
- Derived from
- Gross look
- Histo look
- Sequelae
- lateral wall of vagina
- Wolffian duct
- 1-2 cm fluid flyuid cyst
- cyst wall covered by cuboidal or flattened nonciliated epithelial cells; has some pink material
- asymptomatic in most, may become infection
Vaginal Adenosis
- Define
- What is seen clinically?
- Histo look
- Exposure to what causes it? when?
- How often does it become malignant? what does it become?
- remnant of cervical type glandular epithelium in vagina
- red, granular areas adjacent to normal pale pink vaginal mucosa
- columnar mucinous epithelium; endocervical mucosa in vagina biopsy
- Diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero
- very rare, clear cell carcinoma
Clear Cell carcinoma Histo look (3)
Cyst pattern, some papillae, Hobnail nuclei
Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VAIN): Histo
- Low Grade
- High Grade
- Koilocytes
2. abnormal cells going up to the top
Vagina: Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- How common is primary cancer?
- Risk factors (2)
- Gross look
- Where do lesions in upper 1/3 metastasize?
- Where do lesions in the lower 2/3 metastasize?
- very uncommon, usually metastasis
- previous SCC of vulva or cervix
- plaque like mass
- regional inguinal iliac nodes
- inguinal nodes