Pathology of the Cardiovascular System (8-11) Flashcards
What is hypertension?
Persistent high blood pressure
→ normal blood pressure: 120/80 mm Hg
Treat when systolic (contracting) > 140
and diastolic (resting) > 90
→ level of hypertension above which the use of antihypertensive treatment does more good than harm (if its marginally high side effects might not be worth it)
How is blood pressure measured?
Arterial blood pressure is normally measures in the brachial artery in arm
→ Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) - 24hour blood pressure measurement
What is white coat hypertension?
When you blood pressure is abnormally high
→ due to anxiety around doctors
Can be overcome with home BP measurement but they’re not calibrated
What are you measuring when you take a blood pressure?
Ausculation and Korotkoff sounds
→ specific sounds found in the artery
Inflate cuff so high you stop all blood flow - no sound
→ slowly release pressure
→ point when you hear a first sound = systolic BP
→ as you turn it down further reach a point of no sound - no turbulence = diastolic BP
What is mean arterial pressure?
MAP = (SP + (2 x DP)) / 3
→ not just average BP as uneven amount of time spent at rest
→ ~2/3 diastolic and ~1/3 systolic
→ mean closer to diastolic
What are the causes of hypertension?
90-95% primary of essential hypertension → no known cause, probably a complex genetic disorder
Secondary hypertension → renal causes, endocrine disorders, aortic coarctation, preeclampsia, neurogenic hypertension, endocrine tumours, drug induced
Why treat hypertension?
Hypertension increases the risk of:
→ stroke - occlusion in the brain
→ coronary events - MI, angina
→ aortic aneurysm - bulging in blood vessel, can rupture
→ heart failure
→ renal failure
→ end organ damage
What are the symptoms and signs of hypertension?
Symptoms (patient describes)
→ headaches
→ dizziness
→ flushing
→ awareness of heart beat
→ epistaxis - nose bleeds
→ none (silent killer)
Signs (clinician observes)
→ level of blood pressure
→ cardiomegaly/left ventricular hypertrophy (echocardiogram) - heart has to work harder so increases in mass
→ abnormal renal function
→ hypertensive retinopathy
How is hypertension managed?
- Patient education/lifestyle changes
→ stop smoking, los of weight, exercise, reduce salt intake, diet, relaxation therapy - Drug treatment
- Surgery (for secondary causes if appropriate)
What is the effect of weight on blood pressure?
Weight and blood pressure are linked
→ its likely that weight interacts with various factors controlling blood pressure at different points over a lifetime
What determines blood pressure?
Pressure depends on:
How much blood is ejected → cardiac output
→ heart rate and stroke volume (contractility and filling pressure)
How small the lumen is → total peripheral resistance
→ diameter of arterioles
What are the two major mechanisms for controlling blood pressure?
- Barorectpor/sympathetic nervous system
→ controls BP minute to minute - ECF volume/plasma renin activity
→ longer term effects
What is the baroreceptor reflex?
A physiological mechanism that helps to regulated blood pressure - baroreceptors are specialised sensory receptors located in certain blood vessels → walls of the carotid sinuses and aortic arch
Fall in BP detected by baroreceptors due to decrease in stretch
→ reduces frequency of nerve impulses to vasomotor centres in the medulla
→ inhibits parasympathetic nervous system
→ stimulates sympathetic nervous system
Leads to increased heart rate and contraction of arteries → increase in cardiac output and total peripheral resistance
→ ultimately increasing blood pressure
What things can you aim to change to reduce blood pressure?
- Cardiac output (stroke volume * heart rate)
→ diuretics - reduce blood volume and therefore stroke volume
→ ACE inhibitors - reduce blood volume
→ angiotensin II receptor antagonists - reduce blood volume
→ beta-blockers - reduce heart rate and contractility - Reduce total peripheral resistance
→ vasodilators
→ calcium channel antagonists
→ ACE inhibitors
→ angiotensin II receptor antagonists
→ alpha-adrenoceptor blockers
Some drugs to both
How do ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists work?
Target different components of the renin-angiotensin-aldoerstone system → lead to vasodilation and reduction in blood pressure
Liver secretes angiotensinogen
Kidneys secretes renin → converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I (inactive)
Converting enzyme → converts to angiotensin II (active)
→ causes adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone a vasoconstrictor
ACE inhibitors → block converting enzyme
Angiotensin II receptor antagonists → block action of angiotensin II
What are the effects of angiotensin II?
→ vasoconstriction of arterioles
→ stimulates Na+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule (Cl- and water follow passively)
→ stimulates aldosterone secretion (adrenal cortex)
→ stimulates vasopressin secretion from the posterior pituitary gland
→ stimulates thirst
What are some examples of ACE inhibitors?
Ending in -pril → enalapril, lisinopril, ramipril
→ lower arterial resistance
→ reduce blood volume
Side effects → cause very rapid fall in blood pressure, can cause persistent dry cough (bradykinin - mediator released in response to inflammation - also blocked by ACE)
What are some examples of angiotensin II receptor antagonists?
Ending in -sartan → losartan, candesartan, valsartan, ibesartan
→ well tolerated side effect profile
→ once daily dosing
→ cost effective
What are calcium channel antagonists?
Block Ca2+ channel in muscles - needed for contraction
→ cause vasodilation - reduce peripheral resistance
For hypertension: dihydropyridines - nifedipine, amlodipine
Side effects → headache, flushing, ankle swelling
What are thiazide diuretics?
Cause mild diuresis → e.g. bendroflumethiazide
Work at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule in the kidneys to increase water and sodium loss → more excretion from kidneys
→ reduce blood volume, cardiac output and mean arterial pressure
→ take in morning to avoid nocturnal diuresis
→ use low doses
→ can cause hypokalaemia - loss of K
→ most effective in elderly or patients of African origin
What are beta adrenoreceptor blockers?
Block beta receptors on the heart
→ -olol e.g. atenolol
→ no longer first line therapy - large clinical trial showed people still dying despite reduced BP
What is the coronary circulation?
The circulation of blood that supplies the heart muscle (myocardium) with O2 and nutrients
Coronary arteries → arise from root of aorta, supply O2-rich blood to heart muscle, main arteries on the surface smaller penetrate into muscle
Coronary veins → collects deoxygenated blood after utilised by the myocardium, drain into the coronary sinus which empties into the right atrium
1/10 mm of endocardial surface can obtain nutrients from blood inside chambers
Why is there phasic blood flow through the coronary circulation?
There is little coronary blood flow during systole (contraction) but it increases during diastole
→ when the hear contracts the coronary vessels squeeze shut restricting blood flow
How is coronary blood flow reduced?
Reduction in diastolic interval (e.g. during exercise)
Rise in ventricular end-diastolic pressure
Fall in arterial pressure
How do you change coronary blood flow?
Need to increase coronary blood flow when there is greater demand for O2 from the heart (e.g. during exercise)
→ by dilating blood vessels - controlled by local metabolites
→ drop in O2 releases vasodilator substances from cardiac muscle
→ ado sine is a potent dilator - build up in low O2 because ATP not produces - dilates blood vessels - oxygen consumption matched by blood flow
What is the major cause of ischemic heart disease?
Ischemic heart disease (or coronary artery disease) → reduced blood flow / glucose to the heart muscle
Major cause is atherosclerosis - build up of plaque
→ genetic predisposition
→ excessive cholesterol/sedentary life style
→ cholesterol deposited in arteries (beneath endothelium), invaded by fibrous tissue / calcified
→ atherosclerotic plaques protrude into lumen and block/partially reduce blood flow
What are the different types of coronary syndromes caused by different atherosclerotic plaques?
Myocardial infarction (heart attack) → plaque + thrombus causing complete occlusion
Stable angina → plaque causing partial occlusion
Unstable angina → plaque + thrombus attach that can happen periodically causes almost complete occlusion
What is myocardial infarction?
Heart attack - sudden blockage of blood flow to a part of the myocardium
causes: ischemia → loss of blood supply - no O2 and no nutrients
leads to: necrosis → cell of tissue death
→ one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality
→ 123,000 heart attacks per year
What causes myocardial infarction?
Atherosclerosis plaque rupture (chemical/mechanical stress) in coronary arteries
→ intraplaque hemorrhage - reduces vessel lumen diameter
→ release of tissue factor - activation of coagulation cascade
→ exposure of subendothelial collagen/turbulent blood flow - platelets aggregation - activation of coagulation cascade
→ coronary thrombus producing complete occlusion
What is the myocardial infarction process?
Blood flow beyond occlusion ceases
→ local dilation/collateral flow overfilling with stagnant blood
→ use up oxygen: deoxygenated haemoglobin
→ vessel walls become highly permeable - allowing fluid to leak into surrounding tissues
→ muscle cells swell - diminished cellular metabolism
→ within ~20 mins (without supply) the cardiac muscle cells die
How does ischemia lead to myocardial cell death?
Ischemia causes fall in ATP - impaired Na+ K+ ATPase
→ decreases membrane potential depolarisation - arrhythmias
→ intracellular edema
→ increases intracellular [Ca2+] - proteases lipases
Ischemia also leads to anaerobic metabolism
→ increases intracellular [H+] (acidity) - protein denaturation
all lead to cell death
What is collateral circulation?
Development of new blood vessels in response to blocked or narrowed arteries
→ as vessels slowly narrow (atherosclerosis) collateral vessels develop
→ may reroute blood flow around obstruction - alternative pathway for blood to reach tissues
How does myocardial infarction cause death?
Cardiac shock → decreased cardiac output
→ insufficient force to pump blood into the peripheral arterial tree
→ systolic stretch - heart wall damaged - buldges out - can’t push blood out
Pulmonary oedema → build up of fluid in the lungs
→ heart unable to pump blood away - reduced systemic blood circulation, blood pools in atria and lung blood vessels
→ build up of pressure in lung capillary - increases capillary pressure
Ventricular fibrillation → completely chaotic rhythm, heart quivering - not ejecting any blood
→ ECG has no certain peaks
How is myocardial infarction diagnosed?
History → heavy, crushing chest pain radiating down left arm (nervous supply to heart and left arm in the same spinal segment)
Unrelated to exercise - pain exists after exertion
Associated with nausea and vomiting, sweating
ECG changes
Biochemical markers
What is the characteristic change to ECGs during myocardial infarction?
ST elevation - ST interval above baseline
STEMI → ST-segment elevation MI
ECG measures flow of current - when there is no flow the line is at baseline
→ if areas of heart aren’t depolarised or have short AP current will flow
Within hours can develop abnormal Q wave - can be present throughout life (Q-wave infarctions)
What are the biochemical markers used to determine myocardial infarction?
Troponins → part of the muscle, involved in coupling of actin to myosin - regulate muscle contraction
→ cardiac muscle dying - release of troponins into blood
Two isoforms specific to myocardium: T and I
T → structures and maybe expressed in skeletal muscle in utero
I → catalytic and only ever in myocardium
Can detect very small infarctions (~0.003g non-STEMI)
→ measures 12 hours after infarction
→ long time to return to normal levels - cannot detect re-infarction
How is myocardial infarction treated?
- Confirm diagnosis (ECG and biomarkers)
- Relieve ischemic pain
- Stabilise hemodynamic abnormalities - ensure blood flow to organs
- Save as much myocardial tissue as possible
→ oxygen, diamorphine, aspirin, GTN (vasodilator), thrombolytic drugs, surgery (angioplasty/coronary bypass surgery)
Long term → aspirin/warfarin, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins