Pathology of Nutritional Disorders-Parks Flashcards
What are some nutritional issues that can affects the CNS?
Alcohol consumption
gastric bypass-malabsorption
fetal issues when mom doesn’t eat/drink good things
What is Beri Beri?
weak weak
prisoners who only ate polished rice could barely walk…lacked vitamin B1 (thiamine) unless they ate the hull of the rice
What are the complications of thiamine deficiency?
Wernicke encephalopathy cardiac dilation, high output failure weight loss peripheral neuropathy muscle wasting edema
What is Wernicke’s syndrome?
includes opthalmoplegia
cerebellar ataxia
mental impairment-confusion
What is the wernicke-korsakoff area of the brain responsible for?
memory of new events seriously impaired to these people may confabulate
old memories okay
What is the pathway of damage responsible for wernicke’s?
Path 1: foci of hemorrhage & necrosis in mamillary bodies & walls of 3rd & 4th ventricles
What is the pathway responsible for wernicke-korsakoff’s?
Path 2: prominent degeneration of the neurons in the walls of the 4th ventricle & medial thalamic nuclei
When do you see Wernicke’s syndrome?
chronic alcoholics-impairs absorption of thiamine
gastric disorders-chronic gastritis, gastric carcinoma, persistent emesis
obesity surgery-gastric bypass
prisoners fed a poor diet
What is the treatment for beri beri/Wernicke’s encephalopathy?
parenteral thiamine, IM, IV
What is korsakoff’s syndrome?
this includes the memory impairment
What is a wernicke-korsakoff’s syndrome?
opthalmoplegia, cerebellar ataxia, confused + memory problems, confabulation, apathy
**often seen in chronic alcoholics
57 yo F presents with increasing painful paresthesias in both legs for the past 18 mo. PT has impaired position sense & vibration sense. Serum Vit B12 low. Hematocrit low. MCV normal. Serum methylmalonic acid & serum homocysteine both high. What is the treatment?
Vit B12 déficience.
posterior columns responsible for loss of vibration & position sense.
What are paresthesias?
numbness, tingling
Why is there a loss of vibration & pressure w/ Vit B12 deficiency?
can become a demyelinating nervous system disease
GIve 2 reasons why someone might have Vit B12 deficiency.
Pernicious anemia-autoimmune atrophic gastritis-lack of intrinsic factor for Vit B12 absorption
Issuse with terminal ileum absorption-Crohn’s disease
Which columns are compromised w/ Vit b12 deficiency?
lateral & dorsal columns-demyelination
When you do a gastric sleeve…which part of the stomach is removed? What is the issue with this?
fundus of the stomach removed–parietal cells found there–>intrinsic factor secreted that assists in vitamin b12 absorption
What are the main issues with gastric bypass surgery?
Vit B12 déficience incisional hernia depression staple line failure gastritis
51 yo M had gastric bypass surgery & develops opthalmoplegia, diplopia, weakness of left arm. Deteriorates into drowsiness and confusion. What does this patient have ?
thiamine deficiency
beri beri
a part of this is wernicke’s encephalopathy.
How long does it take to deplete the liver stores of vitamin b12?
about 1 year if you are healthy.
What are some dietary guidelines that can help prevent alzheimer’s?
minimize intake of saturated fats & trans fat
increase vegetables, whole grains
Vit E from nuts etc.
Get Vit B12
Don’t get excess iron & copper-don’t want iron overload
reduce aluminum
aerobic exercise is a must!