Pathology of Male Genitals Flashcards
Structure of the Male Urogenital Tract

- If you understand the sturcture and function, then you will know more of the disease process
Accessory glands:

- main function is to keep things cool and keep the temperature sensitive sperm viable
- Helps avoid infertility

- Each type of these cells can be affected by a tumor
- Leydig cells produce testosterone
- There is a barrier between the sperm and immune system (circulation) as the sperm cells are haploid and are seen as foreign

Function of the Penis
Diseases of the Scrotum
- Anything affecting skin and hair can affect the scrotum as well (ex: sheep mange, frostbite trauma)
- inflammation–> heat which is a loss of thermoregulatory function

Tunica vaginalis
- maintained connection with tunica marginalis?
- echo
- can also have tumors - but more rare

Testis and Epididymus
- Are the testis smaller than ususal? or larger?

Intersex Conditions

- testis is the gonadal tissue (called male)
- mix between gonadal tissue (echo)
(small testis)
- doesn’t migrate
- there is a genetic component to it- don’t breed with them!
- hot in the abdominal cavity- will be small due to no sperm surviving
- Need to be careful as they can become neoplastic

Testicular Hypoplasia
(Small testis)
- different to atrophy or degeneration
- never came into a proper working testis
- Usually don’t realize a problem until after puberty
- tend to be normal consistency- no fibrosis occuring
- normal spermatogenesis is not happening

Testicular Atrophy/Degeneration
(Small testis)
- most common reason for male infertility
- Feels firmer: usually get some fibrosis with it
- you can get incomplete speratogenesis - multinuclear spermatids

Inflammation of the testis: Orchitis
(large testis)
- echo
- The testis are anti-inflammatory in property
- ascending infection is common, but not necessarily for the testis as they are anti-inflammatory

Inflammation of the epididymis:
- talking about ascending infection
- breakdown of spermatic membrane
- swollen, red, impede production
- pressure will cause testis to atrophy –> sterility

Infectious epididymitis ram
- Brucella does not cause abortion in the sheep - causes I.E. in the ram

- Interstitial cell tumor/Leydig Cell
- Sertoli Cell Tumor
- Germ Cell Tumor (seminoma/teritoma)
- often get a mix of all these!
Interstitial Cell Tumors
(Leydig Cell Tumor)
- bit reddish/orange
- in testicular tissue –> do not cause swelling!
- hormone levels produced can cause aggression

Sertoli Cell Tumor
- more malignant in the cryptotestis
- cells going in a haphazard arrangement
- 1/4 -1/3 produce hormones
- can cause feminisation

Sertoli Cell Tumor and Feminisation
- symmetrical alopecia (should trigger idea that it may be endocrine related)
- high estorgen levels can be myelotoxic

- 2nd most prominant in the dog
- swelling of the testis
- pale, large, lump in the middle of it
- in histo: cells look a bit like lymphocytes, small cytoplasm, frequent mitotic figures
- occurs predominantly in retained testis but not exclusively!

- Consists of 2 or 3 of the germ cell layers
- hair in it–> has ectoderm in it
- chaotic tumor–> is benign generally but can get really large
- (echo)

Pathology of the Accessory sex glands/prostate
- neoplasia and inflammation is much less common

Hyperplasia of Prostate
- having more cells may result in an enlargement
- can fit it in so it starts to make these papillary projections
- can generally feel on rectal
- They will present to you with constipation
- If you castrate them, it tends to go away –> it is hormone dependent

Neoplasia of Prostate
- Usually a carcinoma
- there is no evidence that castration prevents it or cures it
- often metastasises
- a lot of mitotic figures and marked fibrosis
- predominantly will present with constipation, wasting away, and locomotor abnormalities

- more rare
- can get will hyperplasia
- most cases will be subclinical
- ruptured abscesses may result in septicemia or toxaemia

Metaplasia of Prostate
- changes from one type of cell to another
- abnormal epithelium cover - more likely to get inflammed as it does not have the normal covering

Pathology of Penis and Prepuce
- may be the source of infection that is found in females leading to venereal diseases

Pathology of Penis and Prepuce
(non-inflammatory disease/inflammation)

Herpesviral infections of the penis and prepuce
(EHV-3 and BHV-1)
IBP can cause in the same species (female) IBV?

Other Infections of Penis and Prepuce
(Bacteria and Parasites)
- pizzle rot: will pee into the prepuce and contaminate?

Other Infections of the Penis and Prepuce
(Ulcerative Posthitis and Habronemiasis)

Neoplasia of Penis and Prepuce
(squamous cell carcinoma)
- most common one found
- horses!
- Cauliflower like
- histo: you will find keratin formed in the cells
- low grade malignancy
- If you don’t get it all in amputation, it will come back

Fibropapilloma of the Penis
- benign tumor but it can get really large

Transmissible venereal tumor
- in the dog, rare in the UK
- Usually spreads by coitus (planting of cells into the other animal) - female–> male, or male –> female
- If dogs are in poor health, can metastisize

Accessory Male Genital Glands
(stallion, bull, boar, ram, buck, dog, tom cat)

Importance of Knowing pathology of male
- as he mates with all the ewes!
- Passing on disease or bad traits