Pathology: lab testing Flashcards
Characteristics of lab tests
-A result may be skewed to outside the normal range based on a variety of factors: age, gender, race, fasting, menstrual cycle, time of day
-Diseases w/ low prevalence will have fewer TP and more FP
-Pre-test probability (prevalence) is the number of people who have the disease over the total population studied: TP+FN/total
-Predictive value negative is how many people studied that were negative truly are negative: TN/TN+FN (total negatives)
-Predictive value positive is how many people studied that were positive truly are positive:
TP/TP+FP (total positives)
-Sensitivity is how well the test can detect someone w/ the disease: TP/TP+FN (total w/ disease)
-Specificity is how well the test can detect someone w/out the disease: TN/TN+FP (total w/out disease)
Discovery test
- Used to discover, or screen for a disease
- Should have high sensitivity (low FN) because you want to catch every person w/ the disease
Confirmatory test
- Used to confirm a Dx
- Should have 0 FP (100% specificity) b/c want to make sure every positive test is truly positive for confirmation
Exclusion test
- Used to exclude a Dx
- Should have 0 FN (100% sensitivity) b/c want to make sure every negative test is truly negative for exclusion
Coefficient of variation (CV)
- Used to determine the impreciseness of a test
- CV = (st. dev/mean) x100
- Forms of nzs that are catalytically similar but are different based on some physiochemical properties
- Various isonzs are expressed differently in different tissues, making them useful in identifying the source of tissue damage
Acute pancreatitis
- Main symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, tachychardia, fever
- Destruction + autodigestion of pancreas
- Mostly caused by alcoholism and cholelithiasis (gal stones), can also be due to trauma, infection, duodenal ulcer, hypercalcemia, drugs, hyperlipoproteinemia, heritable defects
- Can lead to hyperglycemia/lipemia, and hypocalcemia (formation of Ca soaps w/ peritoneal fat) or hypercalcemia
- Often find elevated hematocrit and Hb levels due to dehydration or sequestering of fluid (concentrates blood)
- High HCO3- and low Cl- due to vomiting
- Elevated serum amylase to give Dx (rises @ 1-2 days after onset, falls @ 4-8 days), elevated serum lipase to confirm (amylase can be high due to renal failure)
- Also use urine amylase (increased amylase clearance in pancreatitis), which may indicate elevated amylase even if blood levels are normal
- Hyperlipidemia can give FN amylase levels
Acute myocardial infarct (AMI)
- Main symptoms are chest pain, nausea, dyspnea, diaphoresis (perfuse sweating)
- Dx requires rise and fall of cardiac troponin (cTn) plus one of the following: symptoms of ischemia, ECG w/ ischemic signs, imaging that shows loss of myocardium
- cTnI and cTnT are expressed only in heart, elevated after AMI (starting 2 hrs after)
- Must use multiple tests to confirm it is AMI (see rise and fall in cTn): t=0, 4hr and every 4-6 hrs after
- Other sources of elevated cTn: myopericarditis, trauma, surgery, renal failure, infiltrative diseases of myocardium
Serologic tests for hepatitis
- Nonspecific nzs released from liver during hepatitis: AST, ALT (Asp, Ala transferases), AP (alk phos)
- Nonspecific symptoms: malaise, fever, fatigue, nausea, icterus (clay stool, dark urine, jaundice)
Tests for Hep A Virus (HAV)
- Virus shed in stool, entry via fecal-oral route
- Anti-HAV IgM detectable in blood @ onset of symptoms (15 days post infection)
- After 4-6 weeks anti-HAV IgG replaces IgM (for life), positive IgG test indicated past exposure and immunity
- Therefore Anti-HAV IgM is only clinically relevant test for acute HA (no chronic form)
Tests for Hep B Virus (HBV)
- Caused by DNA virus, can test for many different proteins: HBsAg, HBcAG, anti-HBVs, anti-HBVc
- Usually transmitted by blood, needles, sex (parenterally)
- First detectable marker is HBsAg, but eventually anti-HBVs becomes detectable
- Time btwn these to periods is the window period, and only anti-HBVc will be detected during this time
- These Abs are IgG, and are life-long so not great indicators of acute. To test for acute use IgM form of anti-HBVc (but still can be raised in chronic flare ups, not a definitive Dx)
- Many patients experience resolution of disease, some become chronic carriers. All have increased risk of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma
- Hep D: requires prior or simultaneous infection w/ HBV (incomplete RNA virus). Look for anti-HDV IgM for acute, IgG for chronic (only if HB+)
Tests for Hep C Virus (HCV)
- Similar incubation period as HBV, can cause similar complication too: massive hepatic necrosis
- 85% develop chronic hepatitis
- Transmitted parenterally (mother to fetus, blood, sex)
- RNA virus, and can detect anti-HCV in blood (but doesn’t guarantee immunity), PCR test to confirm
How to go about testing for hepatitis
- If ALT, AST, AP levels are high do serological testing
- Usually is either A or B, so first test anti-HAV IgM
- If negative test HBsAg and anti-HBVc IgM
- If both are negative must consider HCV and test anti-HCV (though not always positive in acute HC)
Applications of tumor markers
- Screening
- Diagnosis
- Prognosis
- Monitoring tumor burden and therapy
- Detecting recurrence
- An ideal marker indicates the presence, site, type, and size of the tumor when it is localized, and reflects the status of the disease during therapy
- None of these markers are useful for anything other than monitoring therapy and detecting recurrence
Substances secreted by cancers
- Breast CA secrete CA-15-3
- Pancreatic CA secrete CA-19-9
- Ovarian CA secrete CA-125
- HCC (hepatocellular CA) and nonseminomatous germ cell CA of testis secrete AFP
- Prostate CA secrete PSA
- Colon CA secrete CEA
CEA as a tumor marker
- Usually indicates colon CA
- Also elevated in breast, lung, gastric, pancreatic CA
- Amount of CEA released by colon CA depends on the stage of cancer (later stages release more CEA)
- Levels will fall after resection, if successful. If levels return that indicates the CA had metastasized
AFP as a tumor marker
- Normally indicates HCC or nonseminomatous germ cell CA
- Also can be elevated from other CA: pancreas, gastric, colon, lung
- Can be elevated from pregnancy or benign liver disease
- Used to measure neural tube defects in fetus
- AFP and hCG together are used for nonseminomatous germ cell CA
- After tumor resection, AFP levels should fall if it was successful. If they rise it indicates metastasizes
PSA as a tumor marker
- Normally indicates prostate cancer, can also be from prostatitis, perineal trauma, sex
- Is used in screening w/ DRE, but there are concerns about Rxing people w/ high PSA who do not need it
- Men 55-69 should consider screening, or those w/ risk factors
- PSA falls after prostectomy if successful. If it rises again that indicates metastasizes
Cancers causing increase in Ca and PO4
- Prostate and breast CA often metastasize to bone, leading to adenocarcinoma of the bone, leading to destruction of bone and release of Ca and PO4
- Osteosarcoma (very rare in adults) can lead to the same thing
Cancer Ags
- CA 125 used primarily to monitor ovarian cancer (can also be elevated due to pregnancy, during menstrual cycle)
- CA 19-9 used to monitor pancreatic cancer (people w/o lewis blood group Ag do not produce CA 19-9). Can be elevated from many other cancer and inflammatory disease. Pancreatic CA can lead to pancreatitis if tumor blocks outflow of pancreatic duct
- CA 15-3 used to monitor breast cancer (can also be elevated in pancreatic, lung, ovarian, and other CA
Tumors associated w/ hypercalcemia
- Solid tumors w/o metastasis (producing PTHrP, parathyroid hormone related protein), this is usually from lung
- Hematologic malignancies (multiple myeloma and T cell lymphoma)
- Metastasis to bone (often from breast and prostate)
Tumors secreting PTHrP
- Solid tumors (usually lung, SCC)
- Activates the PTH receptor on kidneys and produces PTH-like effects: increase in bone resorption, renal resorption of Ca, decreasing renal resorption of PO4
- Difficult to distinguish from hyperthyroidism, except that the levels of PTH are not elevated, instead they are low (Ca feedback inhibition on the parathyroid)
Metastatic CA to bone
- Destruction of bone leads to both Ca and PO4 release, w/o increase in PTH or PTHrP
- Thus no communication w/ kidney to decrease PO4 resorption
- Net effect is same as tumor secreting PTHrP, except there will be high PO4, not low PO4, levels: more bone and renal Ca resorption (also more PO4 resorption, which is not seen in PTHrP tumors)
- Will also have low PTH levels
Cushing’s syndrome
- Usually due to pituitary tumor releasing too much ACTH, causing elevated release of cortisol
- Ectopic causes are usually from small (oat) cell CA, which turns propiomelanocortin (POMC) into ACTH
- Classic symptoms of Cushing’s: moon facies, centripetal obesity, abdominal striae
- Ectopic symptoms: acute onset of psychosis, hypokalemia, abnormal glc tolerance, or weakness (severe hypokalemia not a symptom of classic Cushing’s)
Decision limits
- Based on intersecting hyperbolic curves indicating the testing limits for those with and without a disease
- Where the diseased graph meets the x-axis for the first time (lower limit of the test) is point B
- A test measuring point B will have no FN (everyone below point B is negative and truly does not have the disease). Thus point B is 100% sensitivity (catches everyone w/ D) and used for exclusion tests
- The next point up the x-axis is where the two graphs intersect (point C). This is the compromise point, where both the specificity and sensitivity are at maximums w/ each other
- Point C is used for discovery tests, since you want highest possible sensitivity and specificity for discovery
- The next point down the x-axis is point D, where the no disease graph intersects the X axis for the second time (upper limit of the test)
- A test measuring point D will have no FP (everyone above point D is positive and truly does have the disease). Thus point D is 100% specific, and used for confirmation tests