Pathology Breast Lesions Flashcards
- Rapid growth of breasts at onset of puberty, usually age 10-11 in females
- Entry into Tanner stage II of development
- Growth is due to fat deposition, periductal connective tissue and elongation and thickening of ductal system
- Influenced by estrogens, growth hormone and prolactin, but not progesterone
Premature Thelarche
- Prior to 9 y/o
- Isolated or part of precocious puberty
- No lobules are present
Tanner Stage I
- Preadolescent; no breast buds
Tanner Stage II
- Breast budding (Thelarche) w/ small area of surrounding glandular tissue
- Areola begins to widen
Tanner Stage III
- Enlargement of areolar diameter
Tanner Stage IV
- Areola/papilla form secondary mound w/ separation of contours
Tanner Stage V
- Mature female breast
Nonproliferative Breast Change (Fibrocystic changes) Lesions
- Duct ectasia
- Cysts
- Apocrine change
- Mild hyperplasia
- Adenosis
- Fibroadenoma w/o complex features
Proliferative Disease W/O Atypia Lesions
- Moderate or florid hyperplasia
- Sclerosing adenosis
- Complex sclerosing lesion (radial scar)
- Fibroadenoma w/ complex features
Proliferative Disease W/ Atypia Lesions
- Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH)
- Atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH)
Carcinoma In Situ Lesions
- Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
- Ductal carcinoma in situ
Pathologic Lesions Ductal Morphology Chart
Histologically where most breast pathology occurs
- Terminal duct-lobular unit
Breast Lobule Structure
- Breast composed of 15-25 lobes, emptying into separate major duct terminating in nipple
- Lobule is divided into 10-100 alveoli
- Pregnancy increases the lobuloacinar differentiation
Breast Lobules Immunohistochemical Histology
- Immunohistochemical stain for lactalbumin showing secretory product in lobules and secretory tissue
- Smooth muscle actin demonstrating myoepithelial cells
- Normally have the grape like cluster of smooth like ovals, usually ~1 cell layer thick, cells are fairly uniform in size and shape and pretty bland looking w/ no prominent nuclei or atypia
***NOTE: When looking at a immunohistochemical stain blue is usually the background stain just showing that the dye is working, brown is usually the targeted substance we are trying to highlight
*in the attached histology slide they are staining for lactablumin; a product found in breast milk
*the stained brown rim around the lumen is smooth muscle actin which is important to look at for carcinoma insitu b/c smooth muscle actin will highlight epithelial cells that are suppose to surround normal lobules and ducts and help squeeze the milk out; if we lose myoepithelial cells or breaking thru of this layer this is then a sign of either invasive cancer or indication of losing the myoepithelial structure thru some pathologic process
- Condition in females where breasts undergo rapid and massive enlargement at puberty
- Exuberant connective tissue w/ minimal lobular formation
Supernumerary Nipples/Breast
- Persistent epidermal thickenings along milk line
- Primordial breast cells that fail to involute
- Combinations of breast glandular tissue and nipple
- Occurs in 2-6% of females and 1-3% of males; may be more common on left side in males
- In women, may not be noticed until pregnacy
- Can get breast cancer in these regions if theres enough ductal tissue
Presentation of Breast Disease Pie Graph
- If the lumps are multiple in that not just one breast mass or lump where pt. describes “lumpy bumpy” feel and especially when it is B/L; this is usually a benign fibrocystic change
*only 1% w/ these presenting symptoms have cancer
- Breast pain; can also be due to just fibrocystic change and influence of caffeine or and type of trauma; breast discomfort is unusual for breast cancer
*5% of these presenting symptoms have cancer
- Nipple discharge is usually from a benign intraductal papilloma
*7% actually have cancer
- Palpable mass indice for cancer goes up w/ age; in younger women more likely to be a cyst or fibrocystic change or other things not cancer
*12% will actually have cancer
Age vs. Likelihood a Breast Mass is Cancer
- <40 more likely benign growth
- 40-50 chance of cancer is increased
- >50 more likely to be cancer
Benign vs. Malignant Lesions Mammography Apperance
- Benign lesions tend to be:
- Malignant lesions tend to be:
*stellate and circular w/o calcifications (64%)
*stellate and circular w/ calcifications (17%)
*calcifications only (19%)
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
- Minimally invasive technique to examine if tissue might have a cyst and is a superficial lesion
Core Biopsy
- Minimally invasive technique
- Stereotactic needle guided biopsy
- Digital mammogram machine connected to computer
- Needle guidance system to sample lesion that is not palpable
- Enables to the testing of more deep non-palpable lesions
- Angle of procedure has to be just right for adequete diagnosis
Acute Mastitis
- Assoc. w/ lactation and cracks in nipple
- Will usually find this if a women is nursing on one side more than the other
- Mastitis occurs in 5-15% of post-partum primiparous women
- Usually unilateral
- Most often due to Staphylococcus, but bacteria may not be isolated from culture
- Can lead to abscesses
Acute Mastitis Histologically
- Keratinizing squamous epithelium extending into nipple ducts
- Trapped keratin debris can cause duct dilation and rupture
- Neutrophils
Periductal Mastitis
- More severe form of acute mastitis; in response to irritation the epithelial cells which instead of being on the surface of the areola, start tracking back which aren’t suppose to; thats the cuboidal epithelium; so we’re getting metaplasia of cells that are suppose to be on the outside, tracking in; this can result in the cells keratin breaking of and forming plugs in the ducts
*majority of pts are smokers
- AKA subareolar abscess, squamous metaplasia of lactiferous ducts
- Presents w/ painful, erythematous, subareolar mass; appears infectious
- Majority are smokersd
Duct Ectasia
- 50-60 y/o women
- Multiparous, related to stagnant colostrum
- May cause retraction or inversion of nipple and discharge, clinically looks like cancer
Duct Ectastia Histologically
- Microscopically- dilated large ducts w/ foamy macrophages in lumen
- Calcifications common