EFM Flashcards
What is Cardiotocography
- Electric Fetal Monitoring
- Measures fetal heart rate via external doppler or internal scalp electrode
- Also measures uterine activity
- Uses 2 around the mothers abdomen; 1 for fetal heart rate monitoring and 1 for uterine contractions
Montevideo units
- Calculation derived from subtracting the baseline uterine pressure from the peak contraction pressure for each contraction in a 10-min. window and adding the pressures generated by each contraction. In the example shown, there were 5 contractions, producing pressure changes of 52, 50, 47, 44 and 49 mm HG, respectively. The sum of these 5 contractions is 242 Montevideo units
Why do we use EFM
- To determine if a fetus is well oxygenated
*fetal brain regulates heart rate thru parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system
*hypoxia changes activity of nervous system which affects heart rate
*results in changes on EFM
Important sings to look for in EFM
- Baseline heart rate
*fetus normal HR is ~160bpm
- Variability
*refers to how squiggly the line is on the monitor
- Presence or absence of accelerations and decelerations
*accelerations are good; HR going up then going back down
*decelerations are bad; HR going down then coming back up
- Frequency of contractions
FHR ranges
Fetal hear rate ranges
- Normal baseline: 110-160bpm
- Bradycardia: <110bpm for >10min
- Tachycardia: >160bpm for >10min
Causes of abnormal fetal baseline HR chart
EFM variability ranges
- Fluctuation in beat to beat rate
- Amplitude of peak-to-trough in bpm
- Absent: amplitude range undetectable
*never want; baby needs to be delivered ASAP
- Minimal: amplitude rang <5bpm
- Moderate: amplitude range 6-25bpm
- Marked: amplitude range >25bpm
EFM Variability Chart examples
Variability significance
- Variability is sensitive to fetal biochemical (acid-base) status
- Moderate variability suggests adequate oxygenation
- Decreased variability is assoc. w/:
*medications (opiods, magnesium sulfate)
*fetal sleep cycle
*CNS or cardiac abnormalities
*fetal hypoxia
*fetal acidemia
EFM Sinusoidal pattern
- Smooth sine wave-like undulating pattern in FHR baseline
- Cycle freq. of 3-5per min
- Persists for 20min or more
- Assoc. w/ severe fetal anemia
- Transient pattern can be assoc. w/ maternal administration of butophanol (Stadol)
EFM Accelerations
- Abrupt increase in FHR w/ peak of >15 beats above baseline
- Duration of at least 15sec, up to 2min
*if duration is >2min, it is a prolonged acceleration
*if duration is >10min, it is a change in baseline
- Assoc. w/ fetal mvmt
- Demonstrates a mature neurocardiac tract
- Usually indicates the fetus is not acidemic
- Reassuring of fetal well-being
EFM Decelerations
- Decrease in FHR from baseline
- Descriptions
*recurrent: decel occurs w/ >50% of contractions
*intermittent: occurs w/ <50% of contractions
- Types:
*early: assoc. w/ head compression (not so bad)
*variable: assoc. w/ cord compression (okay)
*late: assoc. w/ uteroplacental insufficiency (bad)
Early Decelerations
- Mirrors contraction—>starts at onset of contraction, nadirs at peak of contraction, returns to baseline at end of contraction
- Onset of nadir >30sec
- Due to head compression that stimulates the vagal nerve
- No treatment necessary, consider checking pt as head is probably descending
Variable Decelerations
- Babies HR decelerates to compensate for something going wrong
- Abrupt decrease in FHR wher onset to nadir is <30sec
- Decrease in FHR is >15bpm w/ total duration >15sec
- “V” config
- Due to vagal response from cord compression
- Not necessarily assoc. w/ contraction, can occur at any time
- Can cause fetal hypoxia if persistent
Decelerations Interventions
- Maternal repositioning
*decelerations could be compensating for cord compression and by moving mother you can shift things relieving the pressure on cord
- Amnioinfusion
*places intrauterine fluid via IVF/IUPC
- Check patient
*if prolapsed cord is palpated, elevate presenting fetal part while preparations are made for operative delivery
Late Decelerations
- Symmetrical gradual decrease in FHR
- Begins at or after peak of contraction and returns to baseline after contraction is over
- Assoc. w/ uteroplacental insufficiency from decreased uterine perfusion or decreased placental function
*post-term pregnancy, placental abruption, maternal hypertension/hypotension, maternal DM, maternal anemia, maternal sepsis, uterine tachysystole
Late Decelerations Interventions
- Maternal repositioning—> left or right lateral
- Maternal oxygen admin
- Administer IV fluid bolus
- Reduce contraction freq.
*discontinue oxytocin or cervical ripening age
*administer tocolytic medication
“A-B-C-D” Approach to decelerations
- Assess oxygen pathway
- Begin conservative corrective measures
- Clear obstacles to rapid delivery
- Determine decision-to-delivery time
When do we need to expedite delivery?
- At FHR category 3
Decelerations Chart
Category 1 FHR tracings
Category 1 FHR tracings include all of the following:
- Baseline rate: 110-160bpm
- Baseline FHR variability: moderate
- Late or variable decelerations: absent
- Early decelerations: present or absent
- Accelerations: present or absent
- Assoc. w/ normal acid-base status
Category 3 FHR tracings
Category III FHR tracings include either:
- Absent baseline FHR variability and any of the following:
*recurrent late decelerations
*recurrent variable decelerations
- Sinusoidal pattern
- Assoc. w/ abnormal acid-base status
Category 2 FHR tracings
- Everything else not in category 1 or 3
- Assoc. w/ indeterminate acid-base status; i.e. not predictive of either normal or abnormal
3 Tier FHR Classification Chart
Normal FHR Strip
Management of Category 1
- No interventions necessary
- This is reassuring that fetus is not acidemic
Management of Category 2
- Requires eval, continues monitoring, and possibly intrauterine resuscitation
- Interventions include:
*maternal repositioning
*maternal oxygen admin
*reduce contraction freq
*possible amnioinfusion (if variable decels)
- Presence of moderate variability and accelerations are reassuring that fetus is not acidemic
Management of Category 3
- Requires intrauterine resuscitation
- If unresolved, deliver pt
Uterine Activity
- Contractions are quantified as number of contractions present in 10min window averaged over 30min
- Duration, intensity, and relaxation time b/w contractions are also important
- Normal: <5 contractions in 10min averaged over a 30min window
- Tachysystole: >5 contractions in 10min averaged over a 30min window
Normal contraction pattern
- <5 contractions in 10min averaged over a 30min window
Tachysystole contractions pattern
- >5 contractions in 10min averaged over a 30min window