Pathology - Blood Cells Flashcards
How are the causes of anaemia classified
1) Anaemia of blood loss
- acute or chronic blood loss
2) Anaemia of increased destruction (haemolytic anaemia)
- hereditary spherocytosis, G6PD, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, immunohaemolytic
3) Anaemia of decreased production
- megaloblastic anaemia, anaemia of chronic disease, aplastic anaemia, iron deficiency anaemia
Describe the pathogenesis of iron deficiency anaemia and the symptoms
cause: decreased intake, malabsorption, increased demand (pregnancy), chronic blood loss (gi tract, menorrhagia)
film: hypochromic, microcytic anaemia, low serum iron and ferritin and transferrin saturation, high TIBC
symptoms: fatigue, weakness, dyspnea, angina, melena, menorrhagia
specific features: koilonychia, alopecia, glossitis, pica, pharyngeal web
What anaemias are more common in specific ethnic groups
hereditary spherocytosis (northern europe) G6PD (african american) pernicious anaemia (scandanavia)
Describe common features of haemolytic anaemia, classify and provide causes
features: premature RBC destruction, elevated EPO, increased bilirubin
1) Extravascular: occurs in macrophages of the spleen
2) Intravascular: occurs within blood vessels
causes: mechanical injury (cardiac valves), transfusion reaction, parasites (malaria), toxins (clostridial enzymes)
What is sickle cell disease and what are the pathological manifestations and precipitants for crisis
hereditary autosomal recessive disorder causing abnormal sickle substitute for the normal beta globin monomer
- adult normally has 2 alpha and 2 beta chains, in sickle cell there are 2 alpha, 1 beta and 1 sickle chain
- when deoxygenated, HbS changes shape and deforms Hb
manifestations: haemolysis, microvascular occlusions (pain and ischaemia), splenic enlargement, aplastic crisis
precipitants: hypoxia, dehydration, drop in pH
What is another classification of haemolytic anaemias
1) inherited genetic defects: spherocytosis, G6PD, thalassaemia, sickle cell disease
2) antibody mediated destruction: transfusion reactions
3) mechanical trauma: cardiac valves, DIC
4) infections of RBC: malaria
5) toxic: envenomation
What are the manifestations of intravascular haemolysis
anaemia, hemoglobinaemia
unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
reduced serum haptoglobin
What is the pathogenesis of pernicious anaemia and clinical manifestations
pathogenesis: caused by autoimmune gastritis and loss of intrinsic factor production
- gastric injury initiated by auto-reactive T cells
- parietal cells in stomach are replaced by mucus secreting goblet cells
- loss of secretion of intrinsic factor needed for absorption of vitamin b12 in distal ileum
manifestations: insidious onset
- megaloblastic anaemia, thrombocytopenia, weakness, pallor, mild jaundice, atrophic glossitis, spastic paresis
What is haemophilia A and why do they bleed
- most common hereditary disease associated with life-threatening bleeding, due to mutations in factor 8
- x-linked recessive disorder, so bleeding occurs in males and homozygous females
- factor 8 is a co-factor for factor 9 in activating factor 10
- causes reduced amount of factor 8 and thus prolonged PTT (intrinsic pathway defect)
- extrinsic pathway remains intact but not sufficient to provide a stable clot
What is the association between clinical severity and factor 8 levels
<1% severe
2-5% moderate
>6-50% mild
What are causes of thrombocytopenia
1) decreased production: due to ineffective megakaryopoiesis (HIV) or marrow disease (aplastic anaemia)
2) decreased survival: due to increased consumption (DIC) or immune destruction (SLE)
3) sequestration: hypersplenism
4) dilutional: due to massive transfusions
What is the pathogenesis of immune thrombocytopenic purpura
- increased bleeding caused by autoantibodies to platelets, destruction occurs in the spleen
- triggers: post viral infection, drugs, HIV
What are the haematological, clinical effects and types of von willebrand disease
haematological: increased bleeding time with elevated PTT, normal PT, normal platelets, abnormal risocetin test
clinical: spontaneous bleeding from mucous membranes, increased bleeding from wounds, menorrhagia
1) type 1 = autosomal dominant, reduced level of vWF, mild syndrome
2) type 2 = autosomal dominant, defect in vWF, mild severity
3) type 3 = autosomal recessive, marked reduction in vWF function, rare and severe