Pathology Flashcards
- Why is serum Cr not best prediction of GFR?
- Acute renal failure: Symptoms? (5) Reversible? Kidney size? Endocrine fx? Common causes? (3)
- Acute renal failure: Pre-renal: Common causes? (3) Tubule fx? BUN:Cr? Urine Na?
- Post renal: Cause?
- Renal: Causes? (6)
- Uremia? (6)
- Takes a big loss of kidney to see change
- Oliguria (s; preserved; high, low
- Obstructive
- ATN, precip. of organic compounds, AV, GN, drugs, infection
- Acidosis, H2O/Na retention, K+ arrhth., 2ndary parathyroid, azotemia (BUN and Cr high), Endo problems
- Chronic renal disease: Stages? (5)
- Common causes? (6)
- H+ with CRD?
- Calcium, phosphate and PTH?
- Anemia due to? (4)
- Htx due to? (4)
- Bone density issues due to? (4)
- > 90, 60-89, 30-59, 15-29, t keep up
- Ca down, PO4 up, PTH up
- Low EPO, Low RBC lifespan, marrow fibrosis, incr. blood loss
- Incr. ECF, incr. RAAS, ANS dysfx., low vasodilators
- Low vit d, and Ca; high PTH and PO4
- UTI: Most common location? Sometimes?
- Chronic issues increasing risk?
- Ascending bacteria?
- Hematogenous?
- Common virulence factors? (3)
- Host defense? (4)
- Papillary necrosis? Staghorn calc?
- Most common stone? Second?
- What is Pyonephrosis? Hydronephrosis?
- Lower GU (cystitis); upper GU (pyelonephritis)
- Obstruction, VUR, Chronic renal failure, htx
- Gram (-) rods; e.coli, proteus, pseudo, klebs
- Gram (+) cocci: Strep and staph
- Fimbria/P-pili; “O- antigens”; endotoxin
- Hydrokinetic, chemical, IgA/comp, PMN’s
- DM related; Proteus related
- Calcium oxalate; Mg ammonium phosphate
- Hydro= dilation of renal pelvis/calyces; pyo=pus in renal collecting system
- Dialysis: Indications? (4) Starting early?
- Most common AV fistula? Catheter route? Which doesn’t need needles?
- Common complication with perotineal dial?
- When does risk of death drop for transplant?
- Warm ischemia? Cold?
- 3 types of deceased donor transplants?
- 2 types of rejection?
- 3 treatment types/ drugs?
- High cancer risks? (2)
- Vol overload, uremic, hyper k, pericarditis, x outcomes
- Radiocephalic, IJV–>SVC, Catheter
- Hernias
- 106 days
- Time until on ice; time on ice
- SCD = brain death; DCD = Cardiopulm. death; ECD = >60yo + 2/3 (Htx, Incr. Cr, stroke)
- B cell/comp or T cell
- Calcinuerin inhibitor = cyclosporin/tacrolimus; Prolif. inhib. MMF/sirolimus; Prednisone
- Hodgkins, NM skin cancer
- 3 stages of development? Time period?
- What degenerates? Vessels come off? Mesonephric becomes? Paramesonephric becomes?
- 5-6 weeks bud? Comes off? Surrounded by?
- 8-9 weeks has? What develops next to collecting tubule?
- Meso? Meta?
- Urethra/bladder develop at?
- Kidney ascends from posterior to?
- Pronephros (3-4 wks), mesonepros (4wks-2mo’s), metanephros (5wks-maturity)
- Pronephros; Dorsal aorta; Epi, VD, Testes; Fallopian tubes/uterus
- Mesonephric duct; Uteric bud; metanephric blastema
- Primodial calyces; metanephric vescicle
- Duct; final kidney
- 10-12 weeks
- retroperitoneal
- 3 layers of the bladder?
- 2 sphincters?
- Parasympathetic: Innervates? Activation = ? Nerves?
- Sympathetic: Inhibits? Increases tension of? Role? Nerves?
- Motor: 3 parts? Nerves?
- CNS: Chooses? Cortex? Cerebellum/ stem?
- Storage: Affterent? Efferent?
- Bladder? Urethra? (3)
- outer periteineum, SM with detrusor, inner mucosal
- External/ striated; intrinsic (bladder neck)
- Detrusor; detrusor activation/micturition; s2-s4, pelvic nerves
- Detrusor; SM of bladder; storage; T10-L2 hypogatric
- Bladder, pelvic floor, urethral sphincter; pudendal
- when to void; inhibit; facilitate
- Generated by filling of bladder; inhibit detrusor
- para; - para, + symp and somatic
- Micturition cycle? (5)
- Classes of incontenence? (3)
- Therapy? Drug? Effect?
- Stress incontinence is? Therapy? (2)
- Older male obstruction? Younger? Microscopic BPH with 80 yo? Enlargement? Sympotmatic?
- Moderate to severe incr. BP >50 yo?
- Incr. wall tension; Afferent cortical input; decreased pudendal nerve activity, external sphincter/pelvic floor relaxes, detrusor activates; prox. urethra opens; bladder contracts
- Stress, urge, overflow
- Anti-musc; oxybutynin; incr. SM relaxation for storage
- Invol. sudden loss of urine; estrogen/anti-agonists
- Prostate; stricture (trauma); 80%; 50%; 50% of those
- 25%