Pathology Flashcards
All wind [causing] swaying and dizziness are associated with?
The liver
All cold [causing] contracting and pulling in are associated with?
The kidneys
All dammed up qi [resulting in chest] pressure are associated with?
The lung
All dampness [causing] swelling and fullness are associated with?
The spleen
All heat [causing] pressure and spasm are associated with?
All pain itch and sores are associated with?
The heart
All recession hardening or outflow are associated with?
the lower [parts of the body]
All limpness [with] panting and vomiting are associated with?
the upper [parts of the
All clenched [teeth], chattering [teeth], and shivering as if?
[the patient] had lost his spirit
guard are associated with fire.
All tetany and stiff nape are associated with?
All [cases of qi] countermovement rushing upward are associated with?
All distension and abdominal enlargement are associated with?
All overexcitement and jumping in craziness are associated with?
All sudden rigidity is associated with?
All diseases accompanied by sounds, with a beating like the beating of a drum are
associated with?