Jing Flashcards
primarily derived from the parents before birth
formed after birth
replenished only with difficulty
easily be replenished on a day-to-
day basis
long cycles of 7 or 8 years
briefer cycles, some
yearly, some circadian and some even shorter
moves and changes quickly from moment to moment
changes only
slowly and gradually over long periods of time
Growth, reproduction and development
Basis of kidney-Qì
Producer of Marrow
Basis of constitutional strength
Basis for the “three treasures”
3 treasures
(Jīng – Qì - Shén)
Clinical manifestation of insufficiency:
stunted growth in children, poor bone development,
infertility, habitual miscarriage, mental retardation in children, bone deterioration in adults, loose
teeth and hair falling out or graying prematurely.
Growth, reproduction and development: Essence
Clinical manifestation of insufficiency: poor sexual function, impotence, weakness of knees,
nocturnal emissions, tinnitus and deafness.
basis for Kidney-Qì: Essence
Clinical manifestation of insufficiency: poor concentration, poor memory, dizziness, tinnitus and
a feeling of emptiness of the head.
basis of Marrow: Essence
Clinical manifestation of insufficiency: being constantly prone to colds, influenza
and other exterior diseases, chronic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis.
basis of constitutional strength: Essence
that upon which development of the human body, sexual function and fertility depends. The arrival of the _____ corresponds to the point at which reproductive maturity is
reached, and its exhaustion to the point at which reproductive function disappears.
- It determines growth, reproduction and development
Kidney Essence
- It is the basis of Kidney-Qì
Kidney Essence
- It produces Marrow
Kidney Essence
- It is the basis of constitution
Kidney Essence
- It is the foundation of the 3 treasure (Essence, Qì, Mind)
Kidney Essence
manifests simultaneously on the physical and mental- spiritual level.
is in a constant state of flux and in varying states of aggregation. When it condenses,
energy transforms and accumulates into physical shape; when it is dispersed, it gives rise to
more subtle forms of matter.
The refined energy produced by the Internal Organs, assuming different forms in different
The functional activity of an Internal Organ
Function of Qi
- Transforming
- Transporting
- Holding
- Raising
- Protecting
- Warming
Movement of qi
Entering, exiting
Descending, ascending
______indicates the flow of ____in all organs of the body, all Triple Burner cavities,
joints, skin, muscles, diaphragm, Fat Tissue and Membranes
Qi mechanism, qi
is like a vast system of roads and motorways (freeways) where traffic needs
to be regulated by one-way streets
qi mechanism
- The balance of Yin and Yang is crucial for the smooth movement of
When the Qì Mechanism is disrupted, there will be?
Stagnation and/or rebellion
- It is the motive force of all physiological activities
Original Qi
- It is the basis of Kidney-Qì
Original Qi and Kidney Essence/Essence
- It helps transformation of Gathering Qì (Zōng Qì) into True Qì (Zhēnqì)
Original Qi
- It helps transformation of Food-Qì (Gǔqì) into Blood
Original Qi
- It comes out at the Source (Yuán) points
Original Qi
is like Essence in qi form
Original qi
- It originates between the two Kidneys
Original qi
- It is derived from the Pre-Heaven Essence
Original qi
- It is constantly replenished by the Post-Heaven Qì
Original qi
- It is related to the Gate of Life (Mìngmén)
Original qi
- It relies on the transporting function of the Triple Burner to circulate throughout the body
Original qi
- It circulates in the channels to emerge at the Source points.
Original qi
- It originates from Stomach and Spleen
Food qi
- It is the origin of Qì and Blood
Food qi
- It rises to the chest where, in the Lungs, it combines with air to form Gathering Qì (Zōng Qì)
Food qi
- It rises to the chest where, in the Heart, it is transformed into Blood
Food qi
- It nourishes Heart and Lungs
Gathering qi
- It enhances and promotes the Lung function of controlling Qì and respiration, and the Heart
function of governing Blood and blood vessels
Gathering qi
- It controls the speech and the strength of voice
Gathering qi
- It affects and promotes blood circulation to extremities
Gathering qi
- It is coordinated with Original Qì to regulate breathing and aid the Kidneys
Gathering qi
- Originates from Gathering Qì (Zōng Qì)
True qi
- Originates from the Lungs
True qi
- Assumes two forms: Nutritive Qì (Yíng Qì) and Defensive Qì (Wèiqì)
True qi
- Nourishes the Internal Organs
Nutritive qi
- Is closely linked to Blood
Nutritive qi
- Flows in channels and blood vessels
Nutritive qi
- It has its root in the Lower Burner (Kidneys), it is nourished by the Middle Burner (Stomach
and Spleen) and it spreads outwards in the Upper Burner (Lungs)
Defensive qi
- It is a coarse form of Qì
Defensive qi
- It circulates outside the channels in the space between skin and muscles
Defensive qi
- It protects the body from invasion of external pathogenic factors
Defensive qi
- It warms the muscles
Defensive qi
- It is mixed with sweat in the space between skin and muscles and it regulates the opening and
closing of pores
Defensive qi
- It circulates 50 times in 24 hours: 25 during the day and 25 at night
Defensive qi
The True Qì of Stomach and Spleen
Central qi
The Spleens function of transportation and transformation (运化 yùn huà)
Central qi
The Spleens function of raising Qì.
Central qi
______ Qì indicates all the types of Qì that play a role in the defense of the body from
invasion by external pathogenic factors
Upright qi
______ include Defensive Qì, Nutritive Qì and Kidney-Essence
and is contrasted to Pathogenic Factors
Upright qi
Pathology of qi
Sinking, rebellion (coutnerflow), stagnation, deficiency
- Originates from Food Qì (Gǔqì) in the Heart under the agency of Original Qì
- The Kidneys contribute to making Blood through?
Marrow and Kidney-Essence
- Nourishes the body
- Circulates with Nutritive Qì (Yíngqì)
- Moistens the body
- Houses the Mind
- Determines menstruation
Blood Pathology
Stasis, deficiency, heat, cold
clear, light and watery, they circulate with Defensive Qì in the space between
skin and muscles; they moisten skin and muscles
turbid, heavy and dense, they circulate with Nutritive Qì in the Interior; they
moisten brain, spine, bone marrow, joints and sense organs
Pathology of body fluids
Deficiency, accumulaiton
is that whose activity makes us alert and conscious during the day and inactivity makes
us sleep during the night. It is understood as an accumulation of yángqì in the chest that resides
in the Heart and is anchored by the Blood.
- Consciousness
- Thinking
- Memory
- Insight
- Cognition
- Sleep
- Intelligence
- Wisdom
- Ideas
- Affections
- Feelings
- Senses