PATHOLOGY Flashcards
Explain the flow volume loops of obstructive and restrictive respiratory diseases.
What is the FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC in restrictive lung disease?
Causes of restrictive lung disease
Caracteristics of poor breathing mechanics:
A-a gradient and causes:
Honeycomb lung appearance. Characteristic of interstitial lung disease.
What is DLCO? What causes a normal and low DLCO? What is normal?
70 a 140% and severe disease is les 40%
What are causes of restrictive pulmonary disease?
- Poor breathing tecnica
- Interstitial pulmonary disease
Name the Pneumoconiosis. Pulmonary pathology. Complications
- Coal dust lungs. Upper lungs
- Asbestosis: Lower lobes. Shipbuilding, roofing, plumbing. Pleural plaques and lung cancers
- Silicosis: Upper lobes. Silica Quartz, metal production facilities. TB and bronchogenic carcinoma. EGGSHELL CALCIFICATION OF LYMPH NODES
Name the two cancers associated with asbestosis
Talk about hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Causes and type of hypersensitivity
Natural history of lobar pneumonia. Phase, days and cells.
Types of pneumonia and etiologic agent.
- Lobar: S. Pneumonie
- Bronchopneumonitis: S. Aures
- Interstitial: Viruses and Atypical bacteria
- Lobar: S. Pneumonie
- Bronchopneumonitis: S. Aures
- Interstitial: Viruses and Atypical bacteria
Name the common causes of pneumonia per age.
Name the etiology per special group for pneumonia
Explain the physiopathology of ARDS?
Triggers for ARDS?
Legionella symptoms of pneumonia.
- Mild Pneumonia
- GI symptoms
- Hyponatremia
Special bug mycoplasma pneumonia caracteristics:
- Has no wall it cannot be stain.
- Military recruits and residents dorms
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Steven johnson syndrome
First word that comes in mind with influenza virus:
S. Pneumonia, H. Influenzae
Worsening of symptoms after initial improvement.
Owl eye intranuclear inclusions is from …………………
Characteristics of Syncytial respiratory virus.
- Common cause of bronquilitis, pneumonia in kids
- Stational from november to april
Who is the terrible etiology in pneumonia?
Talk about Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia:
- Immunocompromised
- It cannot be stain
- Special: Silver
- 1st line Treatment: TMP SMX
- Prophylaxis: Less than 200 cells CDA
Types of pneumothorax:
Treatment of pneumothorax: And why?
Air space filled, remembering air is oxyegn and nitrogen. If you administer 100% oxygen the capillaries will absorb more nitrogen because of the gradient.
Types of pleural effusion, causes.
Transudative: Low oncotic pressure, high hydrostatic pressure. Hearth failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome.
Exudative: Damage to the capillaries. Pneumonia or malignancy.
Lymphatic: Injury to the thoracic duct. Malignancy, trauma cx. Milky appearance. high levels of trigliceridos.
How to differentiate a transudative from a exudative effusion:
What is mesothelioma, risk factor
Causes of Chayne Stoke respirations:
Hearth failure and stroke
………………….. Protein abnormal in cystic fibrosis
CFTR: Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
What is the CFTF? What type pf transporter is? Where can we find it? What does it does in each site?
……………… The common mutation in CF
What does it really means that their is a mutation in CFTR?
- Abnormal protein folding
- Prevents protein trafficking ro correct site
What features I find in CF
Chronic pancreatitis
Diabetes mellitus asociated chronic pancreatitis
Biliary disease
95% infertile. absent vas deferent
…………………….. most common pathogen in CF
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
……………………. diagnosis of CF
Sweat chloride test.
High chloride level
Treatment of CF
……………………….. is the responsable for M. tuberculosis for not stain
Mycolic Acid in the cell wall
Name the virulence factors of mycobacterium tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a ……………………………. hypersensibility reaction.
Type 4 cell mediated reaction.
Activates Th1 …..CD4…..T cells
Granulomas Inflammation can be ………………. such as TB or ………………… such as sarcoidosis,
TB: Caseating granulomas
Sarcoidosis: Non caseating granulomas
Langhans giangt cell. TB granuloma
Hilar lymphadenopathy. Primary TB
What is the ghon foci, where is located and what stage of TB we can find it? What is the ghon complex?
What is PPD? What and when is it measure? When is it positive?
Causes of false negative in PPD test
Mechanism of action of the TB drugs
Adverse effects of isoniazid and its mechanism of resistance
Why isoniazid gives neurotoxicity?
It competes with B6 as a cofactor in the synthesis of neurotransmitters
Non caseating granuloma.
………………………………. key players in sarcoidosis.
CD4, IL-2 e IFN y
What systems are affected in sarcoidosis. (5)
- Lungs:
- Skin: Erythema nudosum
- Eye: Uveitis
- Heart: Block electrical signals or pericarditis
- SNC: Bell palsy or neurosarcoid
2 cute characteristics of sarcoidosis
Treatment for sarcoidosis
Causes of hypercoagulability?
Causes of hypercoagulability?
- Contraceptive use
- Factor V leiden
Name the more common sites where emboli arise:
- Iliac veins
- Femoral
- Popliteal veins
…………………………… imaging test of choice for deep vein trombosis
Doppler compression ultrasound
…………………… imaging test of choise in PE
CT angiography
What is the air emboli and causes?
Nitrogen bubbles precipitate in ascending divers, treat with hyperbaric O2.
Pulmonary embolism
………………………. calf pain with dorsiflexion of foot.
homans sign
What is the fat embolism syndrome
- Resperatory
- Neurologic
- Petechiae