Pathological Processes Flashcards
What is the most commonly used fixative for sugical specimens in the UK?
- Formalin
Give two reasons for fixing tissues?
- To inactive tissue enzymes and denature proteins
- To prevent bacterial growth
- To harden tissue
What is stained by Haematoxylin and what is stained by Eosin?
- Haematoxylin- Nucleus and Nucleic acids
- Eosin- Proteins, cytoplasm, extrocellular maxtix, collagen, connective tissue
Give two advantages of preforming cytology rather than a biopsy for histology?
- Faster result
- Cheap
- Minimally invasive
- Relatively safe
Why would a person require a coroner biopsy?
If the deceased is unknown
If they have not seen a doctor within 14 days of death
If cannot give a cause of death
Unnatural death
Occupational disease or accident
If related to a medical disease or treatment
Died in custody or care of the state
If was a result of termination of pregnancy
What substance is present in blood would confirm the presence of myocardial infarction?
- Troponin T or I
Why would Troponin be present in the blood after an MI?
- An area of cardiac muscle has undergone necrosis due to lack of blood supply or infarction
- In necrosis cell membranes become leaky and intracellular proteins leak out of the cells and can be measured in the blood
Apart from excessive alochol intake, name other consitions in which fatty liver is seen?
- Diabetes mellitus
- Obesity
- Carbon tetrachloride toxicity
In addition to fat, what else can accumulate within hepatocytes in patients who drink alcohol to excess?
- Mallory hyaline
How does cirrhosis appear histologially?
Bands of fibrosis surrounding nodules of regenerating hepatocytes
What is an opsonin?
- A substance that coats foreign material and makes them easier to phagocytose
Give some examples of opsonins?
- CRP, C3b, C4b, C1q, IgG, IgM, Pentraxins, Collectins, Ficolins
Briefly explain how exudate forms
- Tissue injury is followed by the release of vasoactive mediators. These induce arterioles to dilate and capillary hydrostatic pressure therefore increases
- Inflammatory mediators also cause endothelial cells to contract and the walls of venules become leaky. Fluid and plasma proteins pass out into the extravascular space as a result of the increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure adn the leaky vessel walls.
- As plasma proteins have passed into extravascular space the interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure increases and this holds the fluid in the extracascular space
What is a free radical?
- Reactive oxygen species
- Molecules with a single unpaired electron in an outer orbit
How does the body protect itself against feww radicals?
- Vitamin A, C, E are components of the anti-oxidant system as they donate an electron to the free radical neutralising it
- Transferrin and ceruloplasmin sequester iron and copper to prevent them catalysing the production of free radicals
- Enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase neutralises free radicals
What is chemotaxis?
- The directional movement towards a chemical attractant
What is diapedesis?
- Diapedesis is the passage of blood cells through intact blood vessel walls
Give an example of a chemoattractant
- Endotoxin
- Thrombin
- Fibrin degradation products
- C5a, C3a, C4a
- Leukotriene B4
- Interleukin 8
Give two features seen at colonscopy that are typical features of crohns
- Discontinuous distribution
- Cobblestone appearance to bowel muscosa
- Strictures
- Fistulas
- Rectal sparing
- Involvement of the ileum