Pathogens that Cause Communicable Diseases Flashcards
Pathogens are microorganisms that cause diseases (conditions that prevent normal functioning), they live in a host body which creates a good habitat. Pathogens take nutrition from and damage the host.
Reproduce rapidly, cause disease by damaging cells, releasing products/toxins. In plants, bacteria often live in vascular tissues and cause blackening/death.
In animals: fungus lives in skin; hyphae grow forming a mycelium under skin surface. The fungus can send out specialised hyphae which release spores causing redness & irritation.
In plants: often lives in vascular tissue, where it can gain nutrients. Hyphae release extracellular enzymes to digest surrounding cells – saprotrophic, causing decay. Leaves shrivel, Fruit/tubers turn black and decay.
Viruses invade host cells and take over the genetic machinery, metabolism and organelles. They cause the cell to manufacture copies of the virus (as it cannot replicate, make proteins or ATP by itself). The host eventually bursts, releasing new viruses to infect other cells.
Enter host cells and feed on the contents to grow and reproduce(e.g. the malarial parasite Plasmodium feeds on haemoglobin in red blood cells).
Draw it.
who does bacteria affect
What diseases does bacteria create in humans?
(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
•bacterial meningitis
Characteristics of Tuberculosis
(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
Kills cells in many parts of the body, lungs most affected, also supresses immune system. Curable with antibiotics.
Characteristics of bacterial meningitis
Infection of membrane that surrounds spinal cord, membrane becomes swollen damaging brain/nerves.
What disease does bacteria create in plants?
Ring Rot
Characteristics of Ring Rot
Damages tubers, leaves and fruit (rings of decay). Crops can’t be grown again for 2 years
What does virus affect
What diseases in humans does virus cause
Characteristic of AIDS(HIV);
Attacks cells in immune system - compromises immune response.