Patho Pictures 1 Flashcards
The benign neoplasm of the intestine is reffered to
Tubular adenoma or adenomatous polyp
The Pathologica defect (Ulcer) in the wall of the stomach most likely represents PEPTIC ULCER DISEASEASE.
This is common with chronic gastritis caused by HELICOBACTER PYLORI infcection
The Barrett esophagus shows replacement of squamous epithelium(top) by columnar secretory epithelium (bottom) important risk factors for Barrett esophagus include smoking and alcoholism
This inflammatory disease of the colon is associated with antibiotic therapy. The most likely diagnosis is pseudomembranous colitis
This patient in hepatic failure displays a yellow sclera because of increased bilirubin production. Bilirubin is a natural breakdown product of hemoglobin turnover.
The cut surface of this liver reveals the characteristic features of macronodular cirrhosis. Causes of cirrhosis include alcoholism, hemochromatosis , and chronic viral hepatitis
This autopsy specimen reveals the most common malignant neoplasm found in the liver, namely metastatic carcinoma. Note the cannonball metastases. Risk factors for liver cancer include chronic hepatitis B and C infections.
This Gallbladder has been opened to reveal numerous small dark stones composed primarily of bilirubin plus calcium. Bilirubin is a natural breakdown product of hemoglobin turnover.
Endocrine secretion from this pancreatic endocrine (islet cell) tumor leads to hypoglycemia. The diagnosis is insulinoma.
This kidney was removed at the autopsy of a 48-year-old woman with an autosomal dominant genetic mutation. The most appropriate diagnosis is adult polycystic kidney disease.
This condition is most common in elderly diabetics with severe cases of acute pyelonephritis secondary to urinary tract obstruction. It is referred to as papillary necrosis because the tips of the renal papillae are dead tissue.
Urinary tract obstruction can lead to a dilation of the ureters, pelvis, and calyces. The kidney on the right also shows severe atrophy. This pathologic condition is termed hydronephrosis.
This malignant tumor was removed from the left kidney of a 40-year-old woman. The most likely diagnosis is renal cell carcinoma.
Seminomas are testicular cancers that are sensitive to radiation and account for half of all male germ cell tumors.
This common prostate disorder causes decreased vigor of the urinary stream and increased urgency and frequency. The most appropriate diagnosis is nodular prostatic hyperplasia
This histologic section of the liver with cirrhosis shows damage caused by the end-stage of a chronic disease. Causes of cirrhosis include alcoholic liver disease and hepatitis.