Exam 3 (Study Questions) Flashcards
A 40year old man had retro sternal pain that was most pronounced when lying down after meals. This was associated with regurgitation of gastric acid into his mouth. What is the most likely cause of this condition?
Acid reflux. Sliding esophageal sphincter
A 60-year old man with a history of heavy smoking and alcohol consumption could not swallow meat. what could account for the dysphagia?
Esophageal cancer
A 40-year-old man complained of epigastric pain 3-to-4 hours after meals. He could pinpoint the most painful site on the anterior abdominal wall. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Peptic Ulcer Disease
A 20-year-old woman complained of frequent bowel movements and bloody stools. A biopsy of the colon revealed ulceration of the superficial bowel mucosa. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Ulcerative Colitis
A 60-year-old man reported having thinned stools that were tinged with blood. What is a likely diagnosis?
Colon Cancer
A 20-year-old woman became jaundiced 3 weeks after vacationing in Mexico. She had no other symptoms. Could a viral infection be responsible for her condition?
Yes, Hepatitis A
A chronic alcoholic developed a high fever, nausea, and vomiting accompanied by jaundice after a 3-day drinking binge. What is the most likely cause of acute hepatitis in this patient?
Alcoholic hepatitis
An obese 45-year-old woman developed spasmodic pain in the right quadrant of the abdomen 1-hour after ingesting a fat-laden meal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Gallstones, Cholelithiasis
Sudden enlargement of the liver was noted in a 50-year-old man who was infected with the hepatitis B virus during puberty and who developed signs of cirrhosis at age 40 years. The differential diagnosis included hepatocellular carcinoma. Which blood test should be ordered to substantiate the diagnosis of liver cancer in this patient?
Following two-days of heavy drinking, a 40-year old man developed upper abdominal pain. You suspect acute pancreatitis. Which blood test should you order?
Lipase and Amylas
A chronic alcoholic had indigestion and bulky, could smelling fatty stool (steatorrhea). Radiography examination of the abdomen revealed dystrophic calcification of the pancreas. What was the most likely cause of this condition?
Chronic Pancreatitis
The mother of a 3-month old child palpated a mass on the left side of the child’s abdomen. What is the most likely diagnosis for this mass? And what would the diagnosis be if this was a neoplasm?
Cystic renal Dysplasia
Wilms Tumor
A 40-year-old man has endstage kidney failure and bilaterally enlarged kidneys. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney disease
A 4-year-old child developed puffiness around the eyes and became chronically sleepily 2 weeks after an episode of “strep-throat”. The mother noted that the child urine was dark brown and was being exerted in small amounts.what is the most likely diagnosis?
Post-infectious glomerulonephritis, Nephritic Syndrome
A 40-year-old man noticed generalized swelling, most prominently in his face and lower extremities. His physician discovered proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia. What is the most likely cause of edema in this case?
Nephrotic Syndrome
Think Proteinuria!
A 46-year-old man noticed brown-red urine and, over a period of 6 days, stopped urinating all together. What is the probable diagnosis?
Acute Renal Failure
A 50-year-old man who underwent a routine medical check-up was found to have blood in his urine. X-ray studies revealed a renal mass on the left side. What is the probable cause of this hematuria?
Renal Cell carcinoma
A 30-year-old woman complained of pain during urination. She also noticed blood in her urine. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute cystitis
A 3-month-old boy had a testis that was not palpable. What is the most likely diagnosis?
In a 3-month-old boy that had testis that was not palpable. The testis is still in the inguinal canal at 1-year of age. Why should an orchiopexy (surgical correction) be performed?
Increased risk of germ cell cancer and infertility
A 60-year-old man complained of urgency and dribbling on urination. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Nodular Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
A testicular nodule was noticed by a 30-year-old man on self-examination. What is the appropriate work-up for this painless nodule?
Elevated Serum levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) were detected in a 60-year-oldman. What is the significance of these findings?
This is a screening test for prostate cancer but a single elevated PSA could indicate many things including infection, hyperplasia, carcinoma, or even recent ejaculation
A 70-year-old man with sclerosis of the lumbar vertebra had a rock-hard prostate on palpation. Which serum enzyme tests should be expected to yield positive results?
Prostate-specific antigen
Prostatic acid phosphatase
Alkaline Phosphatase