Patho Final - digestive system Flashcards
What would cause “coffee ground” vomitus?
Small amounts of blood. Brown granules are due to the HCL interacting with hemoglobin.
What would cause red blood in the vomit?
Hemorrhaging. Small amounts of blood would produce “coffee grounds”
What would cause yellow or green stained vomitus?
Bile from duodenum
What would cause deeper, brown colored vomitus?
Possible indication of content from lower intestines
What would cause the recurrent vomiting of undigested food
A problem with gastric emptying or an infection
Prolonged vomiting can lead to:
Acidosis, dehydration
Prolonged diarrhea may lead to:
dehydration, electrolye imbalances, acidosis, malnutrition
What causes Large Volume Diarrhea (Secretory or osmotic)
Increased secretions into intestine from blood plasma
Limited reabsorption due to reversal of normal sodium and or glucose carriers
Usually infection related
What causes small volume diarrhea? What are some of it’s characteristics?
Usually caused by Inflammatory Bowel Disease
May contain blood, mucus, pus. May be accompanied by cramps and tenesmus
What is tenesmus?
The feeling of incomplete defecation or urgency to defecate after doing so.
What is Steatorrhea?
“Fatty diarrhea”
What are the characteristics of steatorrhea
Frequent bulky, greasy loose stools, with foul odor, distended abdomen
steatorrhea is usually characteristic of what?
Malabsorption syndromes such as celiac disease or cystic fibrosis.
What causes frank (red) blood in stool
usually due to lesions in the rectum or anal canal
What causes occult blood in stool? What is occult blood?
Small bleeding ulcers
It is small hidden amounts of blood, detectable with stool test.