Patho Exam 3 Flashcards
Platelet count
(Normal findings)
150,000-400,000 cells/mm
Thrombocytopenia count
<100,000 cells/mm
> 400,000 cell/mm
Critical value of platelets
<20,000 cell/mm
Spontaneous bleeding without trauma can occur
Can be fatal if <10,000
>1 million
Liver disease
Synthesis coagulations factors and with disease like cirrhosis , bleeding may occur
Liver location
RUQ, beneath diaphragm - and covered by thick connective calluses containing nerves , lymph and blood vessels
Distended liver causes..what?
RUQ pain from dissension of the capsule associated with liver disease, allows lymphatic leakage into the peritoneal space leading to ascities
What are the duel blood supply to the liver ?
Hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein
Hepatic artery vs hepatic portal vein
Hepatic artery provides liver with oxygenated blood (400-500ml/min)5-7% CO
Hepatic portal vein receives nutrient rich deoxygenated blood from the GI tract (~1000-1500 ml/min) for processing
Functional cells capable of regeneration ; excrete metabolic substances into the small canaliculi channels , conducting bile tot eh hepatic duct into the small intestine
Liver sinusoids
Lined with highly permeable endothelium allowing for transport of nutrients to the hepatocytes for biotransformation
Kupffer cells
Line sinusoids , responsible for phagocytosis, healing, bilirubin, and lipid metabolism
Stellate cells
Contain vit A, remove foreign substances , trap bacteria
Livers Job
Secretes bile for fat digestion in small and recirculated through enteropathic circulation
- metabolizes bilirubin
- synthesize clotting factors ( bile helps vit k absorption) which is a fat soluble vitamin
Liver disease results in malabsorption of vit K
Clot retraction
Clot forms at endothelial injury site - shrinks- shrinking allows edges of vessel to approximate, heal and repair
Clot dissolution
Breakdown through fibrinolysis
- plastmin degrades fibrin and fibrinogen and raises D- dimer fragments
Synthesis of platelets
Throbopoesis( in bone marrow)
Thrombopoetin = produced in liver
Low platelets ?
TPO> TPO receptors so TpO enters bone marrow to stimulate thrombopoesis
Folic acid anemia causes and risks
Low intake diet( leafy greens, peas, fortified cereals) alcoholism , hemolytic anemia , dz that prevent folate absorption
folic acid is crucial for brain functioning
- macrocytic and normochromic
Folic acid anemia PATHO
Folic acid/folate breaks down homocysteine ( amino acid) into usually AA components
Low folic acid= high homocysteine =endothelial damage - leads to manifestations
Folic acid =synthetic form
Folate= b9 found in foods both are water soluble
Absorbed in duodenum and jejunum
Folic acid anemia Clinal Manifestaions
-Cheilosis ( inflamed , cracked , crusty corners of mouth)
- stomatitis ( inflamed oral mucosa )
-beefy red soar tongue
-Dysphagia ( difficulty swallowing)
Flatulence watery diarrhea
Vit B12 deficient anemia aka
Pernicious anemia