Pathetique Bar No. Flashcards
Sonata form bar numbers
> intro bars 1-10
exposition bars 11-132
1st subject-bars 11-34
transition bars-bars 35-50
2nd subject-bars 51-120
codette-bars 121-132
development-bars 133-194
recapitulation bars 195-294
coda-bars 295-310
> bar 5 to Eb relatice major
Where is the texture monophonic?
bar 9-brief monophony then interrupted cadence V7-VI
>bar 187-191
End of the intro
> dramatic 2.5 octave descending chromatic scale jumping at the end to a paused accented Ab(sf) before exposition
> perfect-bars 19-20
imperfect-bars 26-27
imperfect-bar 298
Virtuoso descending broken chords
bars 28-34
What happens in bar 137?
> modulates from G minor to an unrelated key of E minor which is mysterious and unpredictable and pp
> starts in C minor-perfect cadence
return to exposition material
no transition but music moves to the subdominant key F minor
Recapitulation 2nd subject 1st part
> same as first one and modulates back to key of C minor
Recapitulation codetta:
> codetta confirms the C minor home key at the end of the recapitulation
starts with descending RH scales
2 very loud (ff) diminished 7th chords
Coda: intro reprise
> surprise return to the intro
intro dotted rhythm
diminised 7th chords
‘suffering’ mood
homophonic texture(thick chords)
long rests
> rising 295-297
Coda.2 intro reprise
> final return to allegro tempo and 2/2 time
final 5 very loud chords -create a perfect cadence
last bar is a paused silence bar end of 12-bar phrase