Path - Immu and Diagnostics - Exam 3 Flashcards
What are the general immune defects seen in children? And the elderly?
Children: Immature immune systems:
- suboptimal antibody responses to bacterial infections and polysaccharide vaccines
- allergic disease
Elderly: Immunosenescence:
- suboptimal antibody responses to infections and vaccines
- low CD8 T cell responses
- cancer
How does the mother pass on antibodies to the child?
- baby exposed to IgG in the placenta
- baby exposed to dimeric IgA in breast milk
What are the key differences in immune cells and antibodies between infants compared to adults?
a) neutrophils – higher blood count, BUT they are less responsive to chemokines
b) dendritic cells – lower stimulation of T cells
c) CD4 T cell helper function – skewed towards Th2 until 12 months old
d) CD8 T cell response – lower until 9-12 months old
e) IgG and IgA antibodies – higher in IgG1 and IgG3, but lower in IgG2, IgG4 and IgA until 13 years old.
Why do children have transient low IgG levels around 6 months?
The passively transferred maternal IgG has been greatly reduced and the baby is not producing much of its own IgG antibodies yet.
Why are babies particularly susceptible to encapsulate bacteria?
They are low in IgG2, which is the dominant IgG antibody response against encapsulate bacteria (polysaccharides). IgG2 and IgG4 reach adult levels slower than IgG3 and igG1.
Why is B cell activation by polysaccharides less efficient in babies? How can we get around this?
B cell activation by polysaccharides is enhanced by T cell activation, however they don’t have many active helper t cells yet.
Antibody responses against bacterial polysaccharides can be enhanced via:
a) protein conjugation of the capsular antigens of bacteria
- pneumococci
- H. influenzae B (Hib)
- meningococci
b) multiple recombinant protein antigens
- meningococci
Why do the elderly also have increased susceptibility to pneumococcal disease?
Lower opsonophagocytic antibody responses to pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines.
Low opsonophagocytic antibodies is strongly correlated with low IgG antibody avidity.
What causes defects in B cell responses at both extremes of age?
- Naïve B cells
a) Babies:
- decreased expression of cell-surface receptors. They have lots of naïve B cells but they don’t do much yet.
b) elderly:
- decreased production of naïve B cells
- Germinal centers and memory B cells
a) babies:
- impaired germinal center function
- relatively lower numbers of memory B cells compared with naïve T cells
b) elderly:
- impaired germinal center function
- Bone marrow and plasma cells
A) babies – N/A
b) elderly – decreased access to plasma cell niches in bone marrow. Lots of fat deposits. Therefore relatively low number of naïve cells, and accumulation of memory and plasma B cells (but they are not necessarily controlled well, i.e. they could be monoclonal)
What is the difference between the thymus gland in a baby vs an elderly person?
- baby: very large as they are generating lots of naïve cells
- elderly: thymus gland atrophies around the age of 30.
The proportion of circulation CD8 T cells is increased in the elderly. What are they doing?
Reacting to infections such as CMV that have remained in their bodies.
Why is the cellular immune response affected by immunosenescence in the elderly?
- decreased number of naïve T cells and T cell receptor diversity
- increased number of memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, BUT…
- decreases T cell receptor diversity
- impaired function - decreased number and function of NK and dendritic cells
What immunizations should be received after the age of 65?
- pneumococcal polysaccharide (PcP) vaccines
- seasonal flu vaccine
- VZV vaccine
What is one immune factor that contributes to increased cancer in the elderly?
Mechanisms of tumour control. In younger people the immune system might recognize and kill tumors. CD4 and CD8 T cells are very important in this. Tumors land up escaping the immune system in the elderly.
What are examples of pre-analytical, analytical and post analytical errors?
a) Pre-analytical – 60%
- wrong test required
- blood sampled from IV line
- wrong tube, incorrectly filled out
- labeling errors, wrong patient
- potassium issues
- MINIMIZE by using a phlebotomist
b) Analytical – 15%
- lab equipment malfunction
- failure to detect shifts or drifts in quality control
- sample mix-up
- sample contamination
BUT low rates due to:
- strict quality control
- internal and external quality control
- 2 level validation and authorization
c) Post analytical – 25%
- errors in validation
- transcription error
- failure in reporting/interpretation
- excessive turnaround time
- delay in acting on the results (phone calls)
/What could cause elevated potassium levels?
a) leakage of K from cells:
- haemolysis
- excessive tourniquet use
- excessive first clenching
- clotting
- increased WBCs
- increased platelets
b) delayed separation
c) Sampled from a line
- K infusion
*What is a reference limit and reference interval?
A value where it is expected that a stated proportion of patients will lie in.
Reference Interval is the space between two reference limits.
How can we determine if a result is normal?
- Cumulative view of the results:
- have they changed?
- is the change significant? - Repeat the test – is it reproducible?
- Does the RI for this test give a good indication of a particular patient’s ‘normal’ range? (i.e. they might be an exception)
Why do analyte values change?
- Normal bio variation – CVi
- Analytical variation – CVa.
- generally the goal of analysis is to ensure CVa
What is the reference change value used for?
RCV = the difference required to state two test results are different.
For 95% confidence, Z=1.96.
See flashcard
What is the 95% CI? What is CV?
+/-1.96 x SD
SD = CV (coefficient variation) x mean
How can you tell whether two sub-populations are different and require their own reference interval?
The difference between the means of the two sub-populations is greater than 25% of the RI.
Define sensitivity in the setting of diagnostic testing.
Sensitivity – probability of those with the disease correctly detected by the rest
- the true positive ‘rate’
- high sensitivity = few people are missed
- ΣTP/Σcondition present = a/a+c
- if high, negative result will ‘rule out’ disease
Define specificity in the setting of diagnostic testing
Specificity – probability of those without the disease correctly excluded by the test
- the true negative ‘rate’
- high specificity = rarely test positive when person doesn’t have disease
- ΣTN/Σcondition absent = d/b+d
- if high, positive will rule in disease
Define PPV of a test.
Positive Predictive Value
- given a positive test, probability that the patient ahs the disease
- ΣTP/ΣAll Positives = a/a+b
Define NPV of a test.
Negative Predictive Value
- given a negative test, the probability that the patient doesn’t have the disease
- ΣTN/ΣAll Negatives = d/c+d
Demonstrate an understanding of the effect of disease prevalence on PPV and NPV of a test.
As the prevalence increases, the PPV increases and NPV decreases.
How are likelihood ratios calculated and what do they mean?
LR positive test = sensitivity/1-specificity
- i.e. probability of +ve test in a person with D/prob +ve test in person without D
LR negative test = specificity/1-sensitivity
- i.e. probability of -ve test in a person without D/prob -ve test in person with D
The “positive likelihood ratio” (LR+) tells us how much to increase the probability of disease if the test is positive. On the other hand, the “negative likelihood ratio” (LR-) tells us how much to decrease it if the test is negative.
LR+ >10 or LR-
*What tests are available for diagnosis of some common immune disorders?
- SLE (lupus):
- ANA Testing
- confirm with positive ENA
- low C3 and C4
- Coeliac disease:
HLA typing - Allergy:
allergen-specific IgE levels - CVID (common variable immune deficiency) vs specific antibody deficiency:
immunoglobulin measurement - HIV:
western blot and blow cytometry
How does an ANA test work?
- hep-2000 cells
- test reported by titre and pattern, not specific
- need to confirm positive ANA results with second (specific) assay
- sensitive but not specific
a) homogenous
- drug induced lupus
- autoimmune hepatitis
b) speckled
- sjorgens syndrome
- mixed CT disorder
c) membrane
- anti-phospholipid syndrome
d) nucleolar (homogenous nucleus)
- systemic sclerosis
e) cytoplasmic
- mytosis
f) centromere
- CREST syndrome
What would you expect to see in histology for coeliac disease?
Hypersensitivity to cereal proteins results in abnormal mucosal lining of intestines – vili covered in immune cells. Snowed over.
How is coeliac disease tested for?
HLA typing – Human leukocute antigen
Identified with EIA - enzyme immuno assay.
- assay of auto-antibodies to tTg and/or anti-gliadin – high sensitivity and specificity
- HLA DQ2 and DQ8 are useful to exclude CD if not there
- Neg IgA anti-tTg and neg DQ2 and DQ8 make CD very unlikely
- If DQ2 or DQ8 positive, CD not excluded
- If IgA anti-tTg is high, CD very likely
- Gold standard – biopsy
What are the main symptoms of anaphylaxis and what mediates it?
- bronchoconstriction
- hypotension
- rash
Mediated by allergen specific IgE antibodies.
How are allergies diagnosed?
- Immunoassay (allergen specific IgE levels)
- not influenced by medication
- not influenced by skin disease
- does not require expertise
- quality control possible
- expensive - Skin Prick Test
- higher sensitivity
- immediate results
- requires expertise
- cheaper
In what situations would you perform an allergen specific IgE levels in preference to a skin prick test and why?
- recent antihistamine use and eczema
- history of anaphylaxis – may have severe reaction
- young children – distressing
- persistent severe/unstable asthma
- if they are on beta-blockers (just incase of anaphylaxis)
/How would you interpret Ig results in terms of CVID and specific antibody deficiency?
- CVID probable:
- >2 years
- serum IgG and IgA low for age
- poor response to vaccines - CVID possible:
- one Ig isotype is low - Specific Antibody deficiency:
- recurrent infections with low IgG subclass only AND impaired response to vaccination - Excluded:
- isolated IgAD or IgG subclass deficiency with normal vaccine response
/How is flow cytometry performed for HIV?
- method to measure size, granularity and phenotyping at individual cell level
- cell markers (are antigens normally found on cell surface) used to differentiate
- I.e. CD3, CD4, CD8 (very low if HIC), CD19 (B cells)
- Fluorochrome conjugated to specific antibodies to stain specific cells
- Flow through cytometer with light detectors
*Outline the broad categories of tests used in the diagnostic microbiology laboratory
- microscopy
- culture
- bacterial
- viral
- fungal - detection of microbial components
- antigen detection
- detection of nucleic acid - serology – detection of specific antibodies in serum
*Describe the types of microscopy and their typical uses
a) bright field
- H&E
- gram stain
- wet prep of vaginal epithelial cells
b) dark field
- T. pallidum
c) phase contract
d) fluorescence
i. non-specific fluorophore
ii. Can be made specific with fluorophore labeled monoclonal antibodies
- legionella DFA
- Rickettsiae
e) electron
- adenovirus
- influenza
- pox
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of culturing microorganisms
- antibiotic susceptibility testing
- need to know most likely pathogens as particular conditions will not suit all pathogens – nutrition, gaseous atmosphere, temperature, incubation time
- fungus is very labor intensive:
- dependent on morphological features
- most grow slowly – sometimes weeks
- doesn’t work with viruses
- doesn’t work with everything – some can’t be visualized with routine stains, are too small, too slow, too difficult to grow or tests aren’t sensitive enough.
Explain in broad terms the range of identification tests used in the diagnostic laboratory, from the simple to the high-tech.
Bacterial Identification:
- catalase test
- coagulase test
- oxidase test
- many more
- Kit form of biochemical reactions, i.e.
- i) API system. Pos or neg reactions given a numerical score, combined to give ID code, compared to database.
- ii) Vitek Card
- iii) MALDI-TOF – steel plate – laser – unique protein spectrum compared on extensive database
- iv) 16s ribosomal RNA gene analysis – this gene has highly conserved regions (common among all bacter) and highly variable. Universal PCR primers can enable amplification of hyper variable regions, which are sequences and databased.
Fungal Identification:
- yeasts - often identified using biochem reactions, i.e. API 20C
- moulds – generally visual:
- colony appearance
- microscopy of mycelia and conidia
- features can take weeks
Detection of microbial compontents:
- Antigens:
- Radioisotope
- Particle agglutination
- PCR test (nucleic acid amplification)
- titre
Describe antigen detection and how it provides rapid detection/identification
- monoclonal antibodies against microbial agents produced in lab animals
- antibodies can be labeled to enable detection:
a) IFA = immunofluorescent assays (IFA)
- fluorophore – shine UV to reflect visible fluorescence
- antibodies attach to infected cells so they fluoresce
b) EIA = enzyme immunoassay
- enzyme – colorless substrate converted to colored dye
- prepared in microtitre plates
- wells coated with antibody specific to pathogen being tested
- if antigen present, it is captured by antibodies.
- wells washed
- enzyme labeled antibody solution added, sticking to trapped antigens
- wells washed
- solution with enzyme’s colorless substrate added
- enzymes act on substrate and it develops color - +ve
- intensity read on spectrophotometer
c) radioisotope – detectable radioactivity
d) Particle agglutination
Describe the principles of the PCR test and its advantages.
Nucleic acid amplification
Must know part of genetic sequence of pathogen being sought, and must choose target within that sequence that:
a) is not shared with other microorganisms
b) present in all strains of pathogens
PCR test:
Number of copies of the target = 2^n, where n = number of cycles.
a) Conventional gel-based PCR:
- Amplicons (piece of DNA or RNA that has been amplified) detected
b) Real time PCR
- each amplicon produced a light single. As amplicon number increases, intensity peak.
- shorter window period – can detect during incubation period
- detects low levels of viral RNA or DNA
- can detect mutants
- highly sensitive and specific
Describe the antibody response to infection and how this is applied to diagnostic testing.
First exposure:
- IgM class antibody specific to the pathogen appears in several days to ~1 week
- persist for several months
- IgG class antibody appears in 1st or 2nd week
- persists for decades to life
Second exposure:
- IgM response absent or small
- Brisk IgG response, may be enough to prevent symptomatic infection
- if IgM detected – must have been infected within last several months (prone to false positives and varies from pathogen to pathogen)
- if IgG – has been infected some time in the past
- Seroconversion – significant increase in IgG titre between acute and convalescent (recovering)
Explain the meaning of an antibody titre.
- 8 wells, each with 50uL of dilutent
- add 50ul serum to first (pre diluted to 1:5) and mix
- take 50ul from 1 and add to 1. Continue.
- Result: ratio starts at 1:10, ends 1:1280, doubling each well
- Therefore, if antibody present in serum, its concentration will diminish progressively
- Test each well for antibody (many different tests) – each well either + or –
- Some use RBCs as indicators, i.e. RBC pellet at bottom = +
- 96 well microtitre plate can test 12 specimends
- If same patient goes up 2 spots over a time period, there has been a 4x increase in titre, therefore recent infection.
- Other tests give ‘detected’ or ‘not detected’ results, but this gives titre
Explain the meaning and role of acute and convalescent antibody testing.
Acute – person has infection
Convalescent – person is recovering from infection
Seroconversion – significant increase in IgG titre between acute and convalescent (recovering)
What is the difference between passive versus active immunity?
Active immunity:
Protection produced by person’s own immune system.
Usually lasts long.
Passive immunity:
Protection transferred from another person of animal as antibody.
Usually short lived.
What are the sources of passive immunity?
- heterologous hyperimmune serum
- maternal antibodies (only IgG)
- homologous pooled human antibody
- IV Ig - homologous human hyperimmune globulin
- VZV Ig
- Hb Ig
What is the general aim of vaccination?
To provoke specific:
- humoral immunity (antibody)
- cell mediated immunity (T cells)
- immunological memory for LT protection (B and T cells)
That will provide protection against infectious disease.
The more similar a vaccine
What is the mechanism of action for the ideal vaccine?
- Taken up by antigen-presenting cell
- Activates both T and B cells to give effector and memory cells
- generate Th and Tc cells to several epitopes
- persistence of antigen to continue to recruit B memory cells and produce antibody
- Results in sterilizing immunity
- Generates long-lived plasma cells that produce persistent antibody
- Does not result in excessive inflammation or affect response to other vaccines i.e. safe
What are live vaccines?
- attenuated (reduced in virulence) organism which replicates in the vaccine/host
- act as natural infection
- high levels of neutralizing antibody on re-exposure
What are inactivated vaccines?
Killed microorganisms, their virulence determinants or their toxins
i) Whole cell:
- suspensions of killed organisms
ii) Fractional Vaccines:
- contain one or a few components of organism important in protection
- Cannot replicate
- Antibody responses related to quantity and potency of vaccine
- Often needs adjuvant
- Given in divided doses
- Local reactions common
- Duration of immunity variable
What are the differences between live attenuated and inactivated vaccines (in terms of advantages and disadvantages)?
- good response to single dose
- full range of B and T cell responses to many different epitopes
- local and systemic immunity
- long lasting immunity
- better antibody persistence
- reversion to virulence
- may cause disease in immunosuppressed
- interference by passive maternal antibody
- more likely to cause disease like symptoms
- stability – sensitive to heating
- minimal interference from circulating antibody
- wont revert to virulence
- less likely to cause disease like symptoms
- generally not as effective
- generally require >1 dose
- mostly humoral immune response
- antibody titre falls over time
- Given in divided doses
- Local reaction common
- Duration of immunity variable
Discuss polysaccharide vaccines
a) pure polysaccharide
- most important virulence factor
- produce T-cell independent antibody response
- poor antibody responses in young children, immunocompromised and elderly
- antibodies low avidity and lack functional activity
- do not induce immunologic memory
- antibody persistence is poor
- may induce immunological hyporesponsiveness to subsequent dose
b) conjugate polysaccharide – i.e. bacterial meningitis
- polysaccharide attached to carrier protein
- presentation of protein peptides recruits T-cell help for polysaccharide specific B-cell
- T cell-dependent antibody response
- High avidity antibody with functional activity
- Induce immunologic memory
What are the benefits of combined vaccines?
- less visits to GP
- less injections
Combining different antigens may affect immune responses:
- epitope suppression
- degradation of antigen
- different time frame of immune responses
- may enhance immune response
What are adjuvants?
Adjuvants: substances used to improve the immune system’s response to antigens (amplification of immune response)
They result in:
- earlier immune response
- improve magnitude of response
- induce appropriate immune response
- increase length of response
- Iscomatrix (CSL)
- MF59 (Novartis)
- *ASO4 (GSK)
Describe the difference between an adjuvant and a conjugate in vaccination
A conjugate vaccine is created by covalently attaching a poor (polysaccharide organism) antigen to a carrier protein (preferably from the same microorganism), thereby conferring the immunological attributes of the carrier on the attached antigen.
An adjuvant is a substance that is formulated as part of a vaccine to enhance its ability to induce protection against infection. Adjuvants help activate the immune system, allowing the antigens— pathogen components that elicit an immune response—in vaccines to stimulate a response that leads to long-term protection.