Path for Amy Flashcards
more than 80% of LSILs and 100% of HSILs are associated with what?
- high risk HPVs
- HPV-16 being most common
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma is most frequently found in who
infants and children younger than 5
Describe a condylomata acuminatum
- exophytic proliferations covered by nonkeratinized squamous epithelium
- Viral cytopathic changed termed “koilocytic atypia” characterized by typical enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei with perinuclear halo
Age group for Lichen sclerosus
occurs in all but most common post menopausal women
due to fusion of fimbriae and the accumulation of tubal secretions and tubal distension
Describe the temperature and forms of candida
- Dimorphic but different than most: mold in heat and yeast in cold
- Psuedohyphae and budding yeast at 20C
- germ tubes hyphae molds at 37C
small flat papule due to chronic rubbing or scratching to relieve pruritus
Squamous cell hyperplasia
Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix looks like what?
neuroendocrine carcinoma of other sites (lungs)
describe the Whiff Test
- Gardnerella vaginalis
- Add KOH to sample and it produces the fishy amine odor
Paget cells display what differentiation
apocrine, eccrine, and keratinocyte
Morphology of classic VIN
either discrete white (hyperkeratotic) or a slightly raised, pigmented lesion
-epidermal thickening, nuclear atypia, increased mitoses, and lack of cellular maturation
are condylomata accuminatum precancerous
Staging of cervical carcinoma
- 0: carcinoma in situ (CINIII, HSIL)
- 1: confined to cervix
- II: beyond cervix but not to pelvic wall; involved vagina but not lower 1/3
- III: extended to pelvic wall; rectal exam no cancer free space beween tumor and pelvic wall; involves lower 1/3 of vagina
- IV: beyond pelvis or involves mucoas of bladder or rectum; also cancers with metastatic dissemination
Most common STD in the world
Chlamydia trachomatis
pathogenesis of Lichen sclerosus
Activated T cells in subepithelial inflammatory infiltrate
Describe lymphogranuloma venereum
- Serotype L1-L3 chlamydia trachomatis
- STD in Africa, Asia and South America
- Painless ulcer at site of contact then progresses to swollen lymph nodes leading to genital elephantiasis in late stage
- Tertiary stage presents with ulcers, fistulas, and genital elephantiasis
Main significance of endocervical polyps
-irregular vaginal spotting or bleeding in POSTMENOPAUSAL women
What is the most common cause of opportunistic mycosis
lesion from molluscum contagiosum affect what body areas
- genitals
- lower abdomen
- butocks
- inner thighs
What are the risk factors for vulvar VIN
same as those associated with cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (younger age at first intercourse, multiple sex partners, male partner with multiple sex partners) as both are related to HPV infection
Describe structure of Treponema pallidum
thin spirochete, poorly visible on gram stains but has a gram negative envelope
- outer membrane has endotoxin like lipids, axial filaments=endoflagella=periplasmic flagella allows for motility
- Obligate pathogen but not intracellular
Histology of endocervical polyps
-loose fibromyxomatous stroma covered by mucus secreting endocervical glands, often accompanied by inflammation
HPVs infect what cells
immature basal cells of the squamous epithelium in areas of epithelial breaks, or immature metaplastic squamous cells present at the squamocolumnar junction
Describe CIN classification of cervical premalignant lesions
- cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- based on degree of dysplasia
- CIN I: mild
- CIN II: moderate
- CIN III: severe or carcinoma in situ
high risk HPV strains for genital cancer
16, 18, 31, and 33
histologically what is lichen sclerosus characterized by
- marked thinning of the epidermis
- Degeneration of the basal cells
- excessive keratinization (hyperkeratosis)
- Sclerotic changes of the superficial dermis
- bandlike lymphocytic infiltrate in underlying dermis
Average age for cervical carcinoma?
what does HPV infect
the stem cells basal keratinocytes of the mucosal (genital) epithelium and delevers the genome to the nucleus
Describe Trachoma
- Serotypes A-C
- leading cause of preventable infectious blindness
- follicular conjunctivitis leading to conjunctival scarring . . corneal scarring
A papillary Hidradenoma presents as what?
-a sharply circumscribed nodule, most commonly on the labia majora or interlabial folds
marked cervical inflammation can produce what changes detectable by pap smear
shedding of atypical appearing squamous cells
an uncommon anomaly of the vagina that arises from a failure of mullerian duct fusion and is accompanied by a double uterus (uterus didelphys)
septate or double vagina
name the stages of syphilis
- primary
- secondary
- latent
- tertiary
- congenital
Immature squamous metaplastic epithelial cells in the transformation zone are most susceptible to what infection
PID due to gonococcus involves what
What are the nonneoplastic epithelial disorders of the Vulva
- Lichen sclerosus
- Squamous cell hyperplasia
What to know about Mycoplasma and ureaplasma
- Mycoplasma: no cell wall
- Ureaplasma: urease positive
- both: Chorioamnionitis and premature delivery in pregnant patients and urethritis
- fried egg appearance
what are the 2 glandular neoplastic lesion of the vulva
- papillary Hidradenoma
- Extramammary Paget Disease
uncommon vaginal tumor composed of malignant embryonal rhabdomyoblasts
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
Lichen sclerosus and cancer?
- not itself a premalignant lesion
- slightly increased chance of developing squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva
Squamous cell hyperplasia and cancer?
not considered premalignant but sometimes presents at the margins of squamous cell carcinomas of the vulva
What is the most common histologic subtype of cervical carcinoma?
2nd most?
- squamous cell carcinoma (80%)
- adenocarcinoma (15%)
Describe what PID is
an infections that begins in the vulva or vagina and spreads upward to involve most of the structures in the female genital system resulting in pelvic pain, adnexal tenderness, fever, and vaginal discharge
invasive keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas that arise in differentiated VIN contain what morphologically
nests and tongues of malignant squamous epithelium with prominent central keratin pearls
what is the main cause of bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerella vaginalis
Describe the stratified squamous nonk-eratinized epithelium of the cervix
- continuous with the lining of the vagina
- secretes more viscous mucus for fertilization
morphology of acute suppurative salpingitis
Neutrophils, plasma cells, and lymphocytes resulting in epithelial injury and sloughing of plicae
Basaloid and warty carcinomas develop from an in situ precursor lesion called what?
CLASSIC vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
Describe the progression of LSIL
LSIL does not progress directly to invasive carcinoma and in fact most cases regress spontaneously
- only small percent progress to HSIL
- not treated like a premalignant lesion
- High level of viral replication and only mild alterations in growth of host cells
Clinical symptoms of vaginal candidiasis
- vulvovaginal pruritis
- erythemia
- swelling
- curd like vaginal discharge
- Severe infection may result in mucosal ulcerations
- AIDS defining illness
Chlamydia trachomatis infections mainly take the form of what?
- cervicitis
- urethritis
- proctitis
Extramammary Paget Disease presents as what in the vulva
pruritic red crusted maplike area usually on the labia majora
scarring of the fallopian tubes creating gland like spaces and blind pouches
Chronic salpingitis
All subtypes of cervical carcinoma are caused by what
high risk HPVs
Candida is ______ postitive
catatlase +: people with chronic granulomatous disease are especially susceptible to these
What cures endocervical polyps
simple curettage or surgical excision
Most of the benign tumors of the vagina occur in reproductive age women and include what?
- stromal tumors (stromal polyps)
- leiomyomas
- hemangiomas
Explain Cervicitis
- At onset of menarche, estrogen from ovaries stimulates maturation of cervical and vaginal squamous mucosa and formation of intracellular glycogen vacuoles
- as they shed, glycogen is substrate for bacteria . . lactobacilli
- lactobacillia produce lactic acid to produce pH below 4.5 . . . also produce H2O2
- if pH becomes to high due to bleeding, sex, or douching, then H2O2 production stops
- antibiotics also suppress lactobacilli and cause pH to rise
- Other organisms are able to grow
Diagnosis of trichomonas vaginalis
-MOTILE trophozoites in methylene blue wet mounts; present with corkscrew motility
Paget cells express what
cytokeratin 7
whats the precursor lesion for keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
differentiated VIN or VIN simplex
high risk HPVs are also implicated in squamous cell carcinomas arising at what other sites?
- vagina
- vulva
- penis
- anus
- tonsil
- other oropharyngeal locations
Explain role of E6 in HPV
- binds p53 and promotes its degradation by proteasome
- also up regulates expression of telomerase, leading to cellular immortalization
What are the causes of PID
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae (most common)
- Chlamydia
- infections after spontaneous or induced abortions and normal or abnormal deliveries (puerperal infections): Staph, strep, coliforms, clostridium perfringens
Histology of squamous cell hyperplasia
-hyperkeratosis and THICKENED epidermis (acanthosis) with some lymphocytic infiltration
Characteristic clinical appearance of Molluscum contagiosum
- Pearly, dome shapes papules with a dimpled center
- 1-5 mm diameter
- dimpled umbilicated center
- waxy core contains cells with CYTOPLASMIC VIRAL INCLUSION BODIES
Infections by what organisms may produce significant acute or chonic cervicitis
- gonococci
- Chlamydiae
- Mycoplasms
What is the most common cause of PID
Neisseria gonorrhea
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcomas tend to invade locally and cause death by what?
penetration into the peritoneal cavity or by obstruction of the urinary tract
HPVs cannot infect what?
mature superficial squamous cells that cover the ectocervix, vagina, and vulva