Path 6: Tissue Repair Flashcards
Repair occurs by what two types of reactions?
regeneration of the injured tissue and scar formation by the deposition of connective tissue
How does regeneration of injured tissue work?
Some tissues are able to replace the damaged cells and essentially return to a normal state; this process is called regeneration. Regeneration occurs by proliferation of residual (uninjured) cells that retain the capacity to divide, and by replacement from tissue stem cells.
Regeneration is the typical response to injury where?
In the rapidly dividing epithelia of the skin and intestines, and some parenchymal organs, notably the liver.
How does scar formation work?
If the injured tissues are incapable of regeneration, or if the supporting structures of the tissue are severely damaged, repair occurs by the laying down of connective (fibrous) tissue, a process that results in scar formation.
What is the main benefit for scar tissue?
Although the fibrous scar cannot perform the function of lost parenchymal cells, it pro- vides enough structural stability that the injured tissue is usually able to function.
What is fibrosis?
process of extensive deposition of collagen that occurs in the lungs, liver, kidney, and other organs as a consequence of chronic inflammation, or in the myocardium after extensive ischemic necrosis (infarction).
What is ‘organization’?
When fibrosis develops in a tissue space occupied by an inflammatory exudate
Several cell types proliferate during tissue repair, namely:
1) remnants of the injured tissue (which attempt to restore normal structure),
2) vascular endothelial cells (to create new vessels that provide the nutrients needed for the repair process), and
3) fibroblasts (the source of the fibrous tissue that forms the scar to fill defects that cannot be corrected by regeneration).
The proliferation of these cell types is driven by proteins called growth factors
The ability of tissues to repair themselves is critically influenced by their intrinsic proliferative capacity. On the basis of this criterion, the tissues of the body are divided into three groups:
1) Labile (continuously dividing) tissues
2) Stable tissues
3) Permanent tissues
What are labile tissues?
Cells of these tissues are continuously being lost and replaced by maturation from stem cells and by proliferation of mature cells.
Labile cells include hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow and the majority of surface epithelia, such as the stratified squamous surfaces of the skin, oral cavity, vagina, and cervix; the cuboidal epithelia of the ducts draining exocrine organs (e.g., salivary glands, pancreas, biliary tract); the columnar epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, uterus, and fallopian tubes; and the transitional epithelium of the urinary tract. These tissues can readily regenerate after injury as long as the pool of stem cells is preserved.
What are stable tissues?
Cells of these tissues are quiescent and have only minimal replicative activity in their normal state. However, these cells are capable of proliferating in response to injury or loss of tissue mass. Stable cells constitute the parenchyma of most solid tissues, such as liver, kidney, and pancreas.
They also include endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells; the proliferation of these cells is particularly important in wound healing.
With the exception of liver, stable tissues have a limited capacity to regenerate after injury.
What are permanent tissues?
The cells of these tissues are considered to be terminally differentiated and nonproliferative in postnatal life. Most neurons and cardiac muscle cells belong to this category.
Thus, injury to brain or heart is irreversible and results in a scar, because neurons and cardiac myocytes cannot regenerate. Limited stem cell replication and differentiation occur in some areas of the adult brain, and there is some evidence that cardiac stem cells may proliferate after myocardial necrosis.
Never- theless, whatever proliferative capacity may exist in these tissues, it is insufficient to produce tissue regenera- tion after injury. Skeletal muscle is usually classified as a permanent tissue, but satellite cells attached to the endomysial sheath provide some regenerative capacity for this tissue. In permanent tissues, repair is typically dominated by scar formation.
With the exception of tissues composed primarily of non-dividing permanent cells (e.g., cardiac muscle, nerve), most mature tissues contain variable proportions of three cell types: continuously dividing cells, quiescent cells that can return to the cell cycle, and cells that have lost replicative ability.
With the exception of tissues composed primarily of non- dividing permanent cells (e.g., cardiac muscle, nerve), most mature tissues contain variable proportions of three cell types: continuously dividing cells, quiescent cells that can return to the cell cycle, and cells that have lost replicative ability.
Stem cells are characterized by what two important properties?
self- renewal capacity and asymmetric replication
What is asymmetric replication? Self-renewal?
Asymmetric replication means that when a stem cell divides, one daughter cell enters a differentiation pathway and gives rise to mature cells, while the other remains an undifferentiated stem cell that retains its self-renewal capacity
Self-renewal enables stem cells to maintain a functional population of precursors for long periods of time.
What are the two fundamental kinds of stem cells?
1) Embryonic stem cells (ES cells)
2) Adult stem cells
What are ES cells?
are the most undifferentiated stem cells. They are present in the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and have extensive cell renewal capacity. Hence they can be maintained in culture for over a year without differentiating. Under appropriate culture conditions, ES cells can be induced to form specialized cells of all three germ cell layers, including neurons, cardiac muscle, liver cells, and pancreatic islet cells.
What are Adult stem cells?
also called tissue stem cells, are less undifferentiated than ES cells and are found among dif- ferentiated cells within an organ or tissue. Although, like ES cells, they also have self-renewal capacity, this property is much more limited. In addition, their lineage potential (ability to give rise to specialized cells) is restricted to some or all of the differentiated cells of the tissue or organ in which they are found.
What keeps ES stem cells quiescent and undifferentiated?
signals from other cells in stem cell niches
Where are mesenchymal stem cells found and what can they form?
Found in bone marrow and can give rise to a variety of mesenchymal cells, such as chondroblasts, osteoblasts, and myoblasts
Why would introduction of ES cells into a recipient body as part of regenerative therapy be bad?
ES cells are derived from blastocysts (typically produced from in vitro fertilization), their progeny carry histocompatibility molecules (human leukocyte antigen [HLA] in people) of the donors of the egg and sperm. Thus, they are likely to evoke immunologi- cally mediated rejection by the host, just as organs trans- planted from genetically disparate hosts do.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells)?
The expressed genes in ES cells and differentiated cells have been compared and a handful of genes that are critical for the “stem-cell-ness” of ES cells have been identified. Introduction of such genes into fully differentiated cells, such as fibroblasts or skin epithelial cells, leads, quite remarkably, to reprogramming of the somatic cell nucleus, such that the cells acquire many of the properties of ES cells.
Most growth factors are proteins that stimulate the survival and proliferation of particular cells, and may also promote migration, differentiation, and other cellular responses.
Most growth factors are proteins that stimulate the survival and proliferation of particular cells, and may also promote migration, differentiation, and other cellular responses.
How do most growth factors work?
Most growth factors function by binding to specific cell- surface receptors and triggering biochemical signals in cells. The major intracellular signaling pathways induced by growth factor receptors are similar to those of many other cellular receptors that recognize extracellular ligands. In general, these signals lead to the stimulation or repres- sion of gene expression. Signaling may occur directly in the same cell that produces the factor (autocrine signaling), between adjacent cells (paracrine signaling), or over greater distances (endocrine signaling).
On the basis of their major signaling transduction pathways, plasma membrane receptors fall into three main types:
1) Receptors with intrinsic kinase activity
2) G protein–coupled receptors.
3) Receptors without intrinsic enzymatic activity
Receptors with intrinsic kinase activity.
Binding of ligand to the extracellular portion of the receptor causes dimer- ization and subsequent phosphorylation of the receptor subunits. Once phosphorylated, the receptors can bind and activate other intracellular proteins (e.g., RAS, phos- phatidylinositol 3[PI3]-kinase, phospholipase Cγ [PLC- γ]) and stimulate downstream signals that lead to cell proliferation, or induction of various transcriptional programs.
Growth factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) bind to receptors with intrinsic kinase activity, triggering a cascade of phos- phorylating events through MAP kinases, which culminate in transcription factor activation and DNA replication.
Think EGF, VEGF, FGF, and HGF
G protein–coupled receptors.
These receptors contain seven-transmembrane α-helix segments and are also known as seven-transmembrane receptors. After ligand binding, the receptors associate with intracellular gua- nosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins (G proteins) that contain guanosine diphosphate (GDP). Binding of the G proteins causes the exchange of GDP with GTP, resulting in activation of the proteins. Among the several signaling pathways activated through G protein– coupled receptors are those involving cyclic AMP (cAMP), and the generation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3), which releases calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum
Chemokines utilize such receptors.
Receptors without intrinsic enzymatic activity.
These are usually monomeric transmembrane molecules with an extracellular ligand-binding domain; ligand interaction induces an intracellular conformational change that allows association with intracellular protein kinases called Janus kinases (JAKs). Phosphorylation of JAKs activates cytoplasmic transcription factors called STATs (signal transducers and activators of transcription), which shuttle into the nucleus and induce transcription of target genes.
Cytokines generally bind to receptors without kinase activity; such receptors interact with cytoplasmic transcription factors that move into the nucleus.
ECM occurs in two basic forms: ___ and ___.
Interstitial matrix and basement membrane
Describe interstitial matrix.
This form of ECM is present in the spaces between cells in connective tissue, and between epithelium and supportive vascular and smooth muscle structures. It is synthesized by mesenchymal cells (e.g., fibroblasts) and tends to form a three-dimensional, amorphous gel. Its major constituents are fibrillar and nonfibrillar collagens, as well as fibronectin, elastin, proteoglycans, hyaluronate, and other elements
Describe basement membrane.
The seemingly random array of interstitial matrix in connective tissues becomes highly organized around epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells, forming the specialized basement membrane. The basement membrane lies beneath the epithelium and is synthesized by overlying epithelium and underlying mesenchymal cells; it tends to form a platelike “chicken wire” mesh.
Its major constituents are amorphous nonfibrillar type IV collagen and laminin, proteoglycan
Name the three basic components of ECM.
(1) fibrous structural proteins such as collagens and elastins, which confer tensile strength and recoil;
(2) water-hydrated gels such as proteoglycans and hyaluronan, which permit resilience and lubrication; and
(3) adhesive glycoproteins that connect the matrix elements to one another and to cells
Extensive regeneration or compensatory hyperplasia can occur only if the residual connective tissue framework is structurally intact, as after partial surgical resection. By contrast, if the entire tissue is damaged by infection or inflammation, regeneration is incomplete and is accompanied by scarring
Extensive regeneration or compensatory hyperplasia can occur only if the residual connective tissue framework is structurally intact, as after partial surgical resection. By contrast, if the entire tissue is damaged by infection or inflammation, regeneration is incomplete and is accompanied by scarring
For example, extensive destruction of the liver with collapse of the reticulin framework, as occurs in a liver abscess, leads to scar formation even though the remaining liver cells have the capacity to regenerate.
As discussed earlier, if tissue injury is severe or chronic and results in damage to parenchymal cells and epithelia as well as the connective tissue, or if nondividing cells are injured, repair cannot be accomplished by regeneration alone. Under these conditions, repair occurs by replacement of the nonregenerated cells with connective tissue, leading to the formation of a scar, or by a combination of regeneration of some cells and scar formation.
As discussed earlier, if tissue injury is severe or chronic and results in damage to parenchymal cells and epithelia as well as the connective tissue, or if nondividing cells are injured, repair cannot be accomplished by regeneration alone. Under these conditions, repair occurs by replacement of the nonregenerated cells with connective tissue, leading to the formation of a scar, or by a combination of regeneration of some cells and scar formation.
Repair by connective tissue deposition consists of sequential processes that follow the inflammatory response:
• Formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis)
• Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts and deposition of connective tissue, which, together with abundant vessels and interspersed leukocytes, has a pink, granular
appearance and hence is called granulation tissue
• Maturation and reorganization of the fibrous tissue (remodeling) to produce the stable fibrous scar
Repair begins within 24 hours of injury by the emigration of fibroblasts and the induction of fibroblast and endothe- lial cell proliferation. By 3 to 5 days, the specialized granu- lation tissue that is characteristic of healing is apparent.
Angiogenesis is the process of new blood vessel development from existing vessels, primarily _____.
Venules. It is critical in healing at sites of injury, in the development of collateral circulations at sites of ischemia, and in allowing tumors to increase in size beyond the constraints of their original blood supply.
Angiogenesis involves sprouting of new vessels from existing ones and consists of the following steps:
- Vasodilation occurring in response to NO and increased permeability induced by VEGF
- Separation of pericytes from the abluminal surface
- Migration of endothelial cells toward the area of tissue injury
- Proliferation of endothelial cells just behind the leading front of migrating cells
- Remodeling into capillary tubes
- Recruitment of periendothelial cells (pericytes for small capillaries and smooth muscle cells for larger vessels) to form the mature vessel
- Suppression of endothelial proliferation and migration and deposition of the basement membrane
Several growth factors contribute to angiogenesis; the most important are __ and ___. What’s another important player?
VEGF and basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2)
Angiopoietins Ang1 and Ang2 also play roles
What does VEGF-A do?
is generally referred to as VEGF and is the major inducer of angiogenesis after injury and in tumors
What do VEGF-B and PlGF do?
involved in vessel development in the embryo
What do VEGF-C and -D do?
stimulate both lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis
Where are VEGFs expressed?
expressed in most adult tissues, with the highest expression in epithelial cells adjacent to fenestrated epithelium (e.g., podocytes in the kidney, pigment epithelium in the retina)
How do VEGFS work? What are they made by?
They bind to a family of tyrosine kinase recep- tors (VEGFR-1, -2, and -3). The most important of these receptors for angiogenesis is VEGFR-2, which is expressed by VEGF target cells, especially endothelial cells.
These are made by mesenchymal cells. In general they cause proliferation of endothelial cells and increase vascular permeability
Of the many inducers of VEGF, ___ is the most important. Others? (3)
hypoxia; others are platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), TGF-α, and TGF-β.
What do VEGFs promote?
1) stimulates both migration and proliferation of endothelial cells, thus initiating the process of capillary sprouting in angiogenesis.
2) Promotes vasodilation by stimulating the production of NO, and contributes to the formation of the vascular lumen.
What does basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) do in terms of angiogenesis?
participates in angiogenesis mostly by:
1) stimulating the proliferation of endothelial cells.
2) It also promotes the migration of macrophages and fibroblasts to the damaged area, and
3) stimulates epithelial cell migration to cover epidermal wounds.
How are Angiopoietins Ang1 and Ang2 involved in angiogenesis?
These help stabilize newly formed vessels by the recruitment of pericytes and smooth muscle cells and by the deposition of connective tissue.
The growth of blood vessels during embryonic development is called ____.
How is the ECM rearranged o accommodate angiogenesis?
Enzymes in the ECM, notably the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), degrade the ECM to permit remodeling and extension of the vascular tube.
Why are newly formed vessels considerably more leaky than mature vessels?
Because of incomplete interendothelial junctions and because VEGF increases vascular permeability.
The laying down of connective tissue (second step in scar formation after angiogenesis) in the scar occurs in two steps:
(1) migration and proliferation of fibroblasts into the site of injury and
(2) deposition of ECM proteins produced by these cells.
How are fibroblasts recruited and activated to synthesize connective tissue proteins and the ECM in scar tissue?
growth factors PDGF, FGF-2 (described in card 46), TGF-β.
Cytokines are also involved
The major source of these factors is inflammatory cells, particularly macrophages, which are present at sites of injury and in granulation tissue.
As healing progresses, the number of proliferating fibroblasts and new vessels decreases. So how does scar formation continue?
The fibroblasts progressively assume a more synthetic phenotype, so there is increased deposition of ECM. Collagen synthesis, in particular, is critical to the development of strength in a healing wound site.
Ultimately, the granulation tissue evolves into a scar composed of largely inactive, spindle-shaped fibroblasts, dense collagen, fragments of elastic tissue, and other ECM components. As the scar matures, there is progressive vascular regression, which eventually transforms the highly vascularized granulation tissue into a pale, largely avascular scar.
What role does Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) play in ECM deposition and scar formation?
What is this made by?
1) TGF-β stimulates the production of collagen, fibronectin, and proteoglycans, and it inhibits collagen degradation by both decreasing proteinase activity and increasing the activity of tissue inhibitors of proteinases known as TIMPs. TGF-β is involved not only in scar formation after injury but also in the development of fibrosis in lung, liver, and
kidneys that follows chronic inflammation.
2) TGF-β is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that serves to limit and terminate inflammatory responses. It does so by inhibiting lymphocyte proliferation and the activity of other leukocytes.
Made by fibroblasts
What role does Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) play in ECM deposition and scar formation?
PDGF is stored in platelets and released on platelet activation (and is also produced by endothelial cells, activated macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and many tumor cells.)
PDGF causes migration and proliferation of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells and may contribute to the migration of macrophages.
What other cytokines are involved in ECM deposition and scar formation?
IL-1 and IL-13, for example, act on fibroblasts to stimulate collagen synthesis, and can also enhance the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts.
Epidermal growth factor helps stimulate formation of granulation tissue
After its synthesis and deposition, the connective tissue in the scar continues to be modified and remodeled. Thus, the outcome of the repair process is a balance between synthesis and degradation of ECM proteins. The degradation of collagens and other ECM components is accomplished by the family of ____.
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs),
MMPs include interstitial collagenases, which cleave fibrillar collagen (MMP-1, -2, and -3); gelatinases (MMP-2 and -9), which degrade amorphous collagen and fibronectin; and stromelysins (MMP-3, -10, and -11), which degrade a variety of ECM constituents, including proteoglycans, laminin, fibronectin, and amorphous collagen.
What do MMPs require for their function?
dependent on zinc ions for their activity
T or F. The activity of the MMPs is tightly controlled.
T. MMPs are produced by a variety of cell types (fibro- blasts, macrophages, neutrophils, synovial cells, and some epithelial cells), and their synthesis and secretion are regu- lated by growth factors, cytokines, and other agents. The activity of the MMPs is tightly controlled. They are produced as inactive precursors (zymogens) that must be first activated
What activates MMPs?
proteases (e.g., plasmin) likely to be present only at sites of injury.
What inhibits the activity of MMPs?
(TIMPs), produced by most mesenchymal cells.
Thus, during scarring, MMPs are activated to remodel the deposited ECM, and then their activity is shut down by the TIMPs.
Tissue repair may be altered by a variety of influences, frequently reducing the quality or adequacy of the reparative process, namely:
- Infection is clinically the most important cause of delay in healing; it prolongs inflammation and potentially increases the local tissue injury.
- Nutrition has profound effects on repair; protein deficiency, for example, and especially vitamin C deficiency inhibit collagen synthesis and retard healing.
- Glucocorticoids (steroids) have well-documented anti- inflammatory effects, and their administration may result in weakness of the scar because of inhibition of TGF-β production and diminished fibrosis. In some instances, however, the anti-inflammatory effects of glu- cocorticoids are desirable. For example, in corneal infec- tions, glucocorticoids are sometimes prescribed (along with antibiotics) to reduce the likelihood of opacity that may result from collagen deposition.
Diabetes, mechanical variables (pressure or torsion), poor perfusion, location of the injury, etc.
Cutaneous wound healing is a process that involves both epithelial regeneration and the formation of connective tissue scar and is thus illustrative of the general principles that apply to healing in all tissues.
Depending on the nature and size of the wound, the healing of skin wounds is said to occur by first or second intention. Describe first intention.
One of the simplest examples of wound repair is the healing of a clean, uninfected surgical incision approximated by surgical sutures. This is referred to as primary union, or healing by first intention. The incision causes only focal disruption of epithelial basement membrane continuity and death of relatively few epithelial and connective tissue cells. As a result, epithelial regeneration is the principal mechanism of repair.
A small scar is formed, but there is minimal wound contraction. The narrow incisional space first fills with fibrin-clotted blood, which then is rapidly invaded by granulation tissue and covered by new epithelium.
What are the steps of first intention healing?
- Within 24 hours, neutrophils are seen at the incision margin, migrating toward the fibrin clot. Basal cells at the cut edge of the epidermis begin to show increased mitotic activity. Within 24 to 48 hours, epithelial cells from both edges have begun to migrate and proliferate along the dermis, depositing basement membrane com- ponents as they progress. The cells meet in the midline beneath the surface scab, yielding a thin but continuous epithelial layer.
- By day 3, neutrophils have been largely replaced by macrophages, and granulation tissue progressively invades the incision space. Collagen fibers are now evident at the incision margins, but these are vertically oriented and do not bridge the incision. Epithelial cell proliferation continues, yielding a thickened epidermal covering layer.
- By day 5, neovascularization reaches its peak as granulation tissue fills the incisional space. Collagen fibrils become more abundant and begin to bridge the incision. The epidermis recovers its normal thickness as differentiation of surface cells yields a mature epidermal archi- tecture with surface keratinization.
- During the second week, there is continued collagen accumulation and fibroblast proliferation. The leukocyte infiltrate, edema, and increased vascularity are substantially diminished. The long process of “blanching” begins, accomplished by increasing collagen deposition within the incisional scar and the regression of vascular channels.
- By the end of the first month, the scar consists of a cellular connective tissue, largely devoid of inflammatory cells, covered by an essentially normal epidermis. However, the dermal appendages destroyed in the line of the incision are permanently lost. The tensile strength of the wound increases with time.
When is Healing by Second Intention common?
When cell or tissue loss is more extensive, such as in large wounds, at sites of abscess formation, ulceration, and isch- emic necrosis (infarction) in parenchymal organs, the repair process is more complex and involves a combination of regeneration and scarring.
Secondary healing differs from primary healing in several respects:
- A larger clot or scab rich in fibrin and fibronectin forms at the surface of the wound.
- Inflammation is more intense because large tissue defects have a greater volume of necrotic debris, exudate, and fibrin that must be removed. Consequently, large defects have a greater potential for secondary, inflammation-mediated, injury.
- Larger defects require a greater volume of granulation tissue to fill in the gaps and provide the underlying framework for the regrowth of tissue epithelium. A greater volume of granulation tissue generally results in a greater mass of scar tissue.
- Secondary healing involves wound contraction. Within 6 weeks, for example, large skin defects may be reduced to 5% to 10% of their original size, largely by contraction. This process has been ascribed to the presence of myofibroblasts, which are modified fibroblasts exhibiting many of the ultrastructural and functional features of contractile smooth muscle cells.
Notes on Wound Strength
Carefully sutured wounds have approximately 70% of the strength of normal skin, largely because of the placement of sutures. When sutures are removed, usually at 1 week, wound strength is approximately 10% of that of unwounded skin, but this increases rapidly over the next 4 weeks. The recovery of tensile strength results from collagen synthesis exceeding degradation during the first 2 months, and from structural modifications of collagen (e.g., cross-linking, increased fiber size) when synthesis declines at later times. Wound strength reaches approximately 70% to 80% of normal by 3 months and usually does not improve substantially beyond that point.
Deposition of collagen is part of normal wound healing. So what is fibrosis again?
he term fibrosis is used to denote the excessive deposition of collagen and other ECM components in a tissue. The terms scar and fibrosis are used interchangeably, but fibrosis most often refers to the deposition of collagen in chronic diseases.
What is the difference between scar formation and fibrosis?
The basic mechanisms of fibrosis are the same as those of scar formation during tissue repair. However, tissue repair typically occurs after a short-lived injurious stimu- lus and follows an orderly sequence of steps, whereas fibrosis is induced by persistent injurious stimuli such as infections, immunologic reactions, and other types of tissue injury. The fibrosis seen in chronic diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis is often responsible for organ dysfunction and even organ failure.
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