Path- 6: Degenerative Diseases Flashcards
What is the epidemiology of parkinsons?
6-8 decades of life, 2% of muricans, men > women, most are sporatic/idiopathic (some are AD but thats rare)
What 2 things can have a direct cause of parkinsons?
- induced following viral encephalitis (von economo encephalitis)
- MPTP intake
What structure is damaged in parkinsons?
substantia nigra
What substances accumulate in the substanta nigra in parkinsons?
Lewy bodies
Oxidative stress during the formation of which molecule causes damage to the neurons in the substantia nigra?
melanin synthesis
What are the Sx to parkinsons?
bradykinesia, muscle rigidity, resting tremor, mask-like feces
There is an increase in what 2 other neurological conditions in parkinsons pts?
depression and dementia
What is the early Tx for parkinsons?
What are 2 other options for the Tx of parkinsons?
neural transplantation and deep brain stimulation
What are affected in ALS?
motor neurons of the brain and spinal cord
What is the epidemiology of ALS?
2:100k worldwide, peaks in 5th decade, men > women, mainly in Guam and papa new gunea pig and parts of Japan
What is the inheritance of familial ALS?
What is the mutation for familial ALS?
SOD1 (Ala –> Val) on 21q
Where are the neurons that are affected for ALS?
motor neurons of the anterior horn of the cord, motor nuclei of the brainstem, UMN’s of the cerebral Cx, Betz cells of the motor Cx, myelinated fibers in the lateral CST, anterior nerve roots are atrophic and affected muscle are pale and shrunken.
What are the Sx of ALS?
begins as weakness and wasting of the muscles (hands, arms) –> fasciculations of the muscles that dont move the limbs –> progress to speech problems –> resp weakness
intellectual capacity is A OK (Hawkings is still the boss)
What is the inheritance to Huntingtons?