Past Questions - Endocrine Organs Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the endocrine system?
Glands with ducts
What type of hormone is testosterone?
What organ is nicknamed the “master gland”
What cell type secretes ACTH?
Corticotropic cells
Where is corpora arenacea found?
Pineal gland
Which gland secretes melatonin?
Pineal gland
Which cell type are involved in the secretion thyroglobulin?
Follicular cells
Where is insulin secreted from?
Beta cells
Which of the following is part of the adrenal gland?
a. Chromaffin cells
b. Zona reticularis
c. Zona glomerulosa
d. Zona fasciculata
e. All of the above
Answer: e
Which part the adrenal gland secretes glucocorticoids?
Zona fasciculata
What type of hormone is insulin?
What connects the pituitary to the hypothalamus?
c. Infundibulum
Which of the following is not part of the adenohypophysis?
Pars nervosa
What cell type secretes prolactin?
Lactotropic cells
Which of the following cells can be classified as an acidophil?
Lactotropic cells
Which gland secretes calcitonin?
Which cell type are also called C cells?
Parafollicular cells
Where is glucagon secreted from?
Alpha cells
Which of the following is a component of the adrenal medulla?
Chromaffin cells
What are the cells of the pineal gland called?
What type of hormone is prolactin?
Where are tropic hormones secreted from?
Which of the following is not part of the neurohypophysis?
Pars distalis
What cell type secretes MSH?
Corticotropic cells
Which of the following cells can be classified as an acidophil?
a. Corticotropic cells
b. Thyrotropic cells
c. Gonadotropic cells
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
Answer: d
Which gland secretes epinephrine?
Adrenal gland (medulla)
Which gland secretes cortisol?
Adrenal gland (cortex)