Past Questions 2 Flashcards
Most common bacteria in diarrhoeic syndrome of calves?
E. coli - enterotoxamic form from 4th day of life
Salmonella dublin - from 2nd week of life, stincky faeces
Clostridium perfringens - enterotoxaemia
Most common bacteria in diarrhoeic syndrome of calves?
Rotavirus and Coronavirus
Cryptosporidium in diarrhoeic syndrome?
Subclinical,can become worse if mixed
Maximum fluid for severe dehydration in diarrhoeic syndrome?
Minimum fluid for diarrhoeic syndrome?
In fluid therapy, can it be mixed with milk?
Maximum amount of bicarbonate which can be given in diarrhoeic syndrome?
40g more than 8 days
20g if less tham 8 days
Where do you perform fluid therapy for diarrhoeic syndrome?
Vein (ear vein in calf)
* v. jugularis
* v. auricularis
8,4% NaCHO3 5ml/kg in severe acidosis
5,84% NaCl 10ml/kg in mild acidosis
When do you use antibiotics in diarrhoeic syndrome?
Always, Never (…….)
* Severe sickness, recumbency
* Animals with secondary infection (RS,Navel)
* Sepsis (fever, hypothermia)
* E.coli infection
* Casual therapy
What happens to value of blood urea in diarrhoeic syndrome?
Increases (to 18.5, normal= 2-5.5mmol/l)
When can you give per os rehydration to calf?
When suckling reflex presents and strong
Lab findings in diarrhoeic syndrome?
Metabolic acidosis
(Dehydration, hypoglycemia)
Treatment of diarrhoeic syndrome?
How many types of BVDV are internationally recognised?
2 (Type I and Type II)
When do we treat all animals for BRD (Metaphylaxis)?
When 10% of calves have been treated for more than 3 consecutive days and 25% of calves require treatment on a single day
Prophylaxis - definition, when should be given etc.?
Definition = Measure taken to maintain health, prevent disease and protect against infection
Given = when ATB are administered to a herd at risk of disease outbreak
Metaphylaxis - definition?
Definition = when anti-microbial are administered to clinically healthy animals belonging to same group of animals with CS, Infections treated before clinical appearance.
Based on healthy, ill, vaccinated etc
3 common bacteria of BRD?
- M. haemolytica
- P. multocida
- H. somni
Others: A. pyogenes,Chlamydiaceae sp., BHV-1, BRSV, PI-3, BVDV 1+2, Bovine corona virus, adenovirus, IBR, lungworm and Aspergillus
Main predisposing factors to BRD?
Age, health status, immunity, stress, environment, epidemiological factors, dehydration
Why must treatment be prompt in BRD?
Prevent chronically affected, death etc.
Prevent extensive/irreversible lung damage
Better response to treatment
Predisposing factors of lung anatomy of BRD development?
Small lungs/ Smaller mass
Shorter/Smaller tidal volume = Large volume of dead space
Highly segmented with interlobular septa
decreased collateral ventilation>Atelectasis >Hypoxic vasoconstriciton
increased resistance, thick, poorly elastic pleura
3 goals of BRD treatment?
Inhibit bacterial growth
modulate inflammatory response,
alter mechanical and functional disorders
Rehydration fluid volume per day?
3 x 2L
Same with milk but never mix
wait a few hours between milk and other fluids
Predominant site of diarrhea syndrome in calves?
Small intestine
Creatinine in diarrhoea?
Light diarrhoea = 95 umol/l (norm = <106)
Severe diarrhoea = increased creatinine (244 umol/l)
Aims of ancillary treatment of BRD?
- Rapid alleviation of symptoms
- Aid repair of damaged lung
- Prevent further damage to lung tissue
- Improve lung function
- Improve immune function
- Regulation of body temperature
- Stimulation feed intake (minimise economic loss)
Where is the most common location of Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis?
What does Hoflund syndrome cause?
- Obvious abdominal dilatation in L shape
- Decreased appetite and defecation
- Normal or increased rumen contraction
- Progressive apathy
- Bradycardia
- Dehydration
- Enophtalamus
Mineral levels in acute tympany - Free Gas Bloat
Decreased Calcium Ca and Magnesium Mg
Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesium
Treatment of oesophageal obstruction?
Gastric tube, Endoscopy
Determining different kinds of bloat?
- Frothy bloat = Ruminal drinking - calves
- Free gas bloat = Hypocalcemia
- Fluid and Gas bloat = DA