Past Questions 1 Flashcards
Nerve aetiology for Bloat?
N. Vagus damage
Clinical picture with N. Vagus/Vagal indigestion bloat aetiology?
Can’t Eructate
Treatment for RAD and LAD?
RAD = Right displacement, Surgical correction
LAD = Roll the cow, Toggle, Surgical correction, Cull
Digital dermatitis located on front or hind limbs?
Hind limbs
Characteristic lesions for digital dermatitis?
Strawberry form, circumscribed area above interdigital cleft on plantar side, pain, lameness, hairs at periphery are erected, focal hypertrophy, wet grey
Interdigital dermatitis (SF) characteristic lesion?
Heelside junction (Cracks, Strawberry rot)
Where most commonly does interdigital dermatitis (SF) occure?
On plantar side of pastern (above cleft)
Intertrigo is?
Udder cleft dermatitis
Max height of foot bath for cattle?
15 cm
Max heigh of foot bath for sheep?
6 cm
Concentration of formaline for foot bath?
Claw trimming in sheeps?
min. 2x a year
Foot rot is?
Phlegmona interdigitalis (Infectious pododermatitis) - Grade 5 of lameness
Most common bacteria causing foot rot?
- Fusobacterium necrophorum
- Dicelobacter nodosus
Common site for foot rot?
Hind limbs
Strain of virus responible for skin warts?
Best moment for treatment against warbles?
- Ivermectin and Avermectin
- Heifers in the fall and adult dairy cows are resistant
Typical virus responsible for abortions?
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus - BVDV
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis - IBR
Rate of abortion in ‘normal’ herd?
Strawberry foot?
- Dermatitis digitalis
- Mostly hind leg in cattle
- Lesions are found above interdigital cleft on planter aspect of pastern
Udder haematoma?
- No NSAID!! will cause bleeding
- Use Icthalmo ointment for reabsorption
Reasons for thrombosis of vena cava caudalis?
- Rupture of artery in lung
- Rupture of abscesses near hilus of liver
- Thromboemboli transverse the right heart
- Bacteria
Treatment for urticaria with dyspnoe?
(Epinephrine, dexamethasone, prednisolone)
* Remove Ag with dyspnea = 1-5ml of epinephrine ar 1:1000 dilution i.v. or 4-8ml s.c. or i.m.
* Tracheostomy - in laryngeal edema
* Furosemides for pulmonary edema