Past Q that has not been Flashcards
EBL free herd - mq
there is no evidence, either clinical or as a result of a laboratory test, of any case of EBL in the herd and no such case has been confirmed in the previous 24 months
all animals over 24 months of age have reacted negatively during the preceding 12 months to two tests carried out at an interval of at least 4 months
any animal introduced into the herd
- came from an officially EBL free herd
- originate from establishments where there has been no evidence of EBL within the 24 months prior to their dispath; and
* all animals over 24 months of age reacted negatively to a test on two occasions at an interval of not ess than 4 months while kept in isolation; or have been subjected to a serological test, with a negative result, within 30 days prior to their introduction
* all animals less than 24 months of age were born to dams, that have been subjected to a serological test for EBL, with negative results, carried out on samples taken during the past 12 months on two occasions at an interval of not les than 4 months
- all germinate products of bovine animals introduced into the establishment originate from establishments free from EBL; or from an approved germinal product establishments
Cohort BSE -mq
means a group of bovine animals which were either born in the same herd as, and within 12 months preceding or followin the birth of, the affected cattle or reared together with the affected animal at any time during the first year of their life and which may have consumed the same feed as that which the affected animal consumed during the first year of its life
CSF in feral pig control measures - mq
- determination of the infected area
- official surveillance on the pig holdings in the area
- official census
- isolation of domestic pigs from feral pigs
- no pigs enter or leave the holding without authorisation
- written plan of the measures taken to eradicate the disease in the infected area
collection of information on the
- geographical distribution of the disease
- information campaign to increase hunters awareness of the measures to be taken
- approximate number of feral pigs populations in and around the infected area
- method of removal of feral pigs found dead or shot
work/duties of the european commision
27 independent members: one from each EU country
propose new legislation
executive organ
guardian of the treaties
represent the eu on the international stage
OIE - objectives /duties
- to inform the government about the occurence and course of disease of animals throughout the world and ways of controlling the diseases
- to provide co-ordination at the international level for studies devoted to the surveillance and control of diseases of animals
- to examine regulations for trade in animals and products of animal origin, with a view to harmonizing such regulations among member countries
- to give prioritiy to the welfare of animals used in agriculture and aquaculture and to identify animal welfare research needs
official measures - ascariasis
movement restrictions: marking of bee colonies (hives)
- prohibition: any intervention transmitting the disease
- laboratory examination from the colonies suspected of being diseased
protection zone: 5 km
- no movement of colonies
no exhibition
examination of all colonies
wandering: from places not under restrictions + veterinary checks
authorization: district veterinary officer
escape due to plant protection: to a place where there is no colonies
notification to the official veterinarian
back to the original place within 14 days
scabies - suspected of being contaminated
direct or indirect contact within 42 days with D (diseased or SD (suspected diseased)
the obligatory yearly treatment was not carried out in sheep
there were sheep introduced into the herd without previous isolation
public health measures in case of rabies
the official veterinary shall notify the competent regional institution of medical authority if
he/she confirms rabies or potential rabies
he/she becomes aware of the fact that a rabid or potentially rabies infected animal has bitten (attacked) any person
upon the detection of any wound caused by a dog, cat or wild animal, the physician caring for the wound shall immediately notify in writing the competent official veterinary authorithy about the information available with regard to the circumstances of the case including, in particular the name and home address of the animals keeper. based on such notification, the official veterinarian shall take the necessary measures without delay
the autopsy of the rabid or potentially rabid animal or the removal of its head for diagnostic purposes may be performed onl in protective clothes to exclude the risk of infections
define avian influenza
an infection of poultry or other captive birds caused by any influenza A virus
- of the subtypes H5 or H7
- with an intravenous pathogenicity indec in six- week old chickens greater than 1.2
FMD sampling
the preferred tissue for diagnosis is epithelium from an unruptured or freshly ruptured vesicle
where this is not possible, saliva and blood and/or oesophageal-pharyngeal fluid samples taken by probang cup in ruminants or throat swabs from swine provide an alternative source of virus
myocardial tissue or blood can be submitted from fatal cases, but vesicles are again preferable if present
it is vital that samples from suspected cases are transported under secure special conditions and according to the international regulations. They should only be dispatched to authorized laboratories
acariosis control measures in diseased colony. Weird past q
bee colonies: obligatory treatment: all colonies in the protection zone
if refused: killing without state compensation
honey, products: only after heat treatment
disinfection: (empty hive, equipments), SO2, treatment, keeping empty for 1 week
contorl measures in sheep infected with scabies
D, SD, SC: obligatory treatment ( with an approved product)
- if <2 cm wool: 1x
- if >2 cm wool: shearing and 1x or 2x treatment (interval 7-10 days)
movement restrictions
- grazing, work, changing keeping place only after treatment if at the new place there is no contact with susceptible animals
- slaughter: only after treatment (zoonosis!)
- raw products: disinfection, wool (separate storing fro 6 weeks)
- equipments, buildings: strict disinfection of 6 weeks without contact with animals
protection zone bluetongue
atleast 100km
the identification of all holdings with animals inside the zone
the implementation by the competent authority of an epidemio-surveillance programme based on the monitoring of sentinel groups of bovine animals (or, in their abscence, of other species of ruminants) and vector populations
a ban on animals leaving the zone
- however, exemptions from the exit ban may be decided on in particular for animals situated in part off the zone where there is a proven abscence of viral circulation or of vectors
vaccination of animals bluetongue and their identification in the protection zone may be decided
non-laboratory animals
non-human primates, wild or stray animals of domesticated species shall not be used for lab experiments
public health establishments and labs under control of the minister of agriculture
veterinary institutes
institutes performing tasks of food examination
institute performing tasks of vaccine-, medicine- and fodder examination
regional veterinary authorithy: laboratorys is making a microbiological examination of food and fodder
laboratory of reproduction biology and animal breeding