Past Papers Flashcards
Equation for depth of a 3d point visible from 2 cameras
Z = (f * B)/(x_L - x_R) where f is the focal length of the cameras (assuming it is the same for both) and B is the distance between them
Define image processing
Signal processing applied to an image, with another image as the resulting output
Define the epipolar constraint
We can reduce the problem space for the correspondence problem to a line by using the geometric properties of the camera(s) between images
What is a hyper column
A region of V1 that contains neurons covering the full range of RF types for a single spatial location
What is V1
Primary visual cortex
Performs initial low level processing on incoming informtion (from LGN)
What is a forward problem
One where we know the causes and want to predict the outcome
What is an inverse problem.
One where we know the outcomes and want to infer the causes
List 5 things that an object recognition algorithm should be insensitive to
Viewpoint (orientation, scale, translations)
Non rigid deformation.
Within category variations
Draw a cross sectional diagram of how a lense forms an image of a point
Equation of projection (pinhole camera)
When asked about depth in relation to time
Where Vx is velocity of camera and x• is velocity of image point
Steps of canny edge detector
1) convolve image with DoG
2) see image
3) non max suppression of any pixel that has a neighbour perpendicular to the direction of the edge with a higher magnitude
4) hysterisis
Math model used to simulate receptive fields of cortical simple cells
Gabor(x, y) =
How do we simulate complex cells
Repeating convolution with gabor mask but varying orientation, phase, spatial frequency etc
Describe the role of mid level vision
Appropriately Group together image elements
And segment them from other image elements
Starting difference between regiong growing and region merging
Merging: each pixel begins with a unique label, use final marking, region mean used for comparison
Growing: each begins unlabelled, don’t use final marking, individual neighbouring pixels used for comparison
What is the correspondence problem
The problem of finding the same 3d point or location in 2 (or more) images
For coplanar cameras, if the baseline (B) distance increases between the cameras, how does this effect accuracy of measuring depth of a 3d point
This increases disparity which increases accuracy
In a feature based solution to the correspondence problem, explain what is meant by descriptor and detector
A detector is a method used to locate points of interest or image features
A descriptor is a vector for identified points/features to be used for comparison with potential matches
What is RANSAC
1) randomly sample the minimum number of data points to fit the model
2) fit th3 model to this sample
3) test all other data points against this fitted model
4) count #of inliers (consensus set)
5) repeat 1-4 for N trials and choose the parameters that fit best overall (best fit is that with the highest support (# in conessus set)
Cross correlation formula for vectors a and b
Correlation coefficient formula for vectors a and b
What is the difference between top down and bottom up
Top down: coming from internal knowledge, prior experience
Bottom up: coming from image properties
These approaches are not mutually exclusive
Gestalt laws
Bottom up factors:
Common fate
Common region
What does the LGN do
LGN cells have centre surround RFs
Traditionally viewed to just relay info from retina to cortex
Recent evidence suggests does more
On centre off surround is
Activates If centre brighter than surround