past paper stuff Flashcards
How do you manage testicular torsion
exploratory laparotomy
what mechanism does semi circular bruises occur to
non accidental injury
inverted ankles and plantar flexed sign
talipes equinovarus
kid with speech problems, who do you refer to?
Speech and language therapy (SALT)
child development team
12 year old and 13 year old having sex, who do you refer to
safeguarding lead
- Kid with diarrhoea for the last few months with pieces of vegetables undigested, otherwise healthy
Toddler’s diarrhoea
6 year old kid with Down’s syndrome with bilious vomiting and distended abdomen, patent anus. what is the diagnosis
duodenal atresia
- Girl goes to Pakistan. Develops macular rash. High fever for 5 days. HR was 70bpm. Cause?
- Cannot examine ear directly, lump behind ear causing ear to stick out
- Kid with 2cm mass (inframandibular) on left side, painful – blood film shows: toxic left shift with reactive neutrophilia.
not glandular fever as the mass would not be painful
- Child with 6 month history of loose stools. Passed one hard blood streaked stool 10 days ago. What investigation?
Colonoscopy, stool mc&s, anti TTG, No investigation needed
Anti TTG
- Girl with abdominal pain only when going to school, not weekends
functional abdominal pain
What is molluscum contagiosum and how do you manage
- You are in GP, Child with mild croup comes in?
dexamethasone + reassess in 48 hours
What murmur do you hear in TOF
harsh systolic ejection murmur on left sternal border
what does crescendo-decrescendo mean
- How should you give influenza vaccine to kid who is allergic to eggs?
hospital IM injection
- Sickle cell anaemia patient with Hb of 40 and low reticulocyte count with Howell-Jolly bodies
aplastic crisis - parvovirus B19
- Kid take medication for UTI, becomes anaemic and jaundiced, irregularly contracted cells and polychromasia
G6PD deficiency
triggers haemolysis
- Maternal T1DM increases risk of what condition in newborn?
neonatal hypoglycaemia
in acute asthma attack, how much salbutamol do you give
1 puff every 30-60 seconds up to 10 puffs
definitive diagnosis for cystic fibrosis
sweat chloride test
- Kid with pellet stools, and loose stool sometimes
Overflow diarrhoea secondary to constipation
- Maintenance fluid to give to kid with diabetes mellitus
In DKA: 0.9% saline, not in DKA: 0.9% saline with 5% dextrose
spiral fracture is a sign of waht
- Kid given dexamethasone for croup 12 hours ago by GP, was stable and well with good sats but still mild stridor. What else do you give?
repeat steroids
- Kid with episodes of stiffening of hands and limbs, accompanied by screaming and sweating
infantile spasms
- Kid with impaired taste stuff, then awareness and then goes to sleep for like an hour and back to normal. No memory of event. Focal seizure, atypical migraine, Absence seizure, Epilepsy, narcolepsy
focal seizure
kid that would fall down and scream and stuff but was completely fine afterwards
temper tantrum
- Kid with yellow and grey stools and was like 4 weeks old or something. What do you test for? Conjugated bilirubin levels, G6PD, Coombs Test
conjugated bilirubin levels
should always do first if signs of jaundice
- 7 year old kid headache and secondary nocturnal enuresis. He’s lost 1.5kg. Urine dipstick normal (i.e. no glucose, proteins, blood. Urine specific gravity 1.010 to 1.030) What is the likely diagnosis? Diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, behavioural enuresis, constipation
Diabetes insipidus
- Voraciously hungry kid, hypotonia and feeding difficulties as a neonate, and almond eyes what was the diagnosis?
prader willi
- Another case with an unwell child where chest was clear, had a fever. Lost weight recently. What do you do next? Glucose. CXR, urine dip, ABG
urine dip
- 14 year old kid who thieves, got into fights (basically conduct disorder). What is 1st Mx? Multisystemic (family) therapy, CBT, DBT, psychodynamic therapy
Multisystemic (family) therapy
- Uncle gets TB, kid lives with him, Mantoux test showed a number between 10-14mm for the result. What should you do? Watch and wait, give Isoniazid prophylaxis, Start anti-TB treatment, give BCG vaccine, prophylactic isoniazid
(the kid has TB with those diameters and risk factor of living with someone with TB, plus his age if he’s under 4)
Start anti TB treatment
- Precocious puberty (5yo and has sparse axillary and pubic hair as well as breast bud development) and high centile growth parents are along some lower centile. What definitive diagnostic test do you do? Bone age, Gonadotropin stimulation test, MRI scan of pituitary fossa
Gonadotrophin stimulation test
- Fussy eater who drinks a lot of cows milk and was tired. What is the cause?
- Newborn with purple spot on face, what is the best approach? Discharge to Gp follow up, Medical photography, Clotting studies, Send urgently to A&E
- Kid needs fluids, but you can’t get standard IV access. Where do you go? Jugular, brachial, carotid, Intraosseous
- Kid with symptoms of nephrotic syndrome – 1st line treatment?
- 3 months old baby with signs of HF, systolic murmur that radiates over the praecordium
What type of murmur do you see in VSD
A systolic murmur that radiates over the praecordium is characteristic of a VSD. The murmur is typically holosystolic (present throughout systole) and best heard at the left lower sternal border.
- What is the most important thing to look at in follow up of HSP? ESR, FBC, urine protein and RBCs, platelets
urine protein and RBC
What is henoch-schonlein purpura
small vessel vasculitis that commonly affects children and can involve the skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys.
need to check urine protein and RBC to assess kidney damage + blood pressure
seen following an infection
- 15 year old boy with short stature. Passing urine 10 times a day with no dysuria. Pale with heart rate at 78bpm, blood pressure at 158/88 and respiratory rate at 14. What is the likely diagnosis? Chronic renal failure, diabetes mellitus, nephroblastoma, acute pyelonephritis, urinary tract infection
chronic renal failure
- 6 year old child with 24 hour history of left peri-orbital swelling. Had an upper respiratory tract infection last week. Left proptosis, visual acuity was normal and had a fever of 38.9. What is the best diagnostic investigation? CT of nasal orbits, USS of nasal orbits, nasal endoscopy, intraocular pressure measurement, plain x-ray of nasal sinus
could be orbital cellulitis
- Child with fever, white exudate on one tonsil, diagnosis? Tonsillitis, Quinsy, diphtheria