Passmed obs and gynae Flashcards
What does cyclical mastalgia vary with?
Phases of the menstrual cycle - tends to be worse 1-2 weeks before menstruation
What is blood stained discharge most associated with?
What are the main risks of axillary node clearance?
Lymphoedema and functional arm impairment
What is used in the management of ER positive breast cancer patients in pre and peri menopausal women?
Tamoxifen (selective oestrogen receptor modulator)
What is a histological feature of carcinoma-in-situ?
Comedo necrosis
What is used in post-menopausal ER positive breast cancer patients?
Aromatase inhibitors - anastrozole
When does perimenopausal change to post-menopausal?
12 months after last period
What is indicated in breast cancer patients with palpable axillary lymphadenopathy?
Axillary node clearance indicated at primary surgery
How do aromatase inhibitors work?
Inhibition of peripheral oestrogen synthesis
When are breast fibroadenomas indicated for excision?
If >3cm
How is lactational mastitis treated in breastfeeding women?
Continue breastfeeding - if effective milk removal hasn’t improved symptoms in 12-24h then 10 days flucloxacillin
What is the pathway for a woman who is 28 and has a breast lump?
Non-urgent referral - woman under 30y with painful/painless breast lump
What is the chance of a woman who is BRCA1/2 positive to pass it on to her children?
50% - as they’re almost always heterozygous and is autosomal dominant
What is the main complication of aromatase inhibitors?
Osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures
What is recommended in women after wide local excision?
Whole breast radiotherapy
What is green and brown nipple discharge associated with?
Duct ectasia
What is a very loose rule for wide local excision vs mastectomy?
Tumour size more than 4cm - very loose rule
Describe the pathway when a woman with breast cancer with no palpable axillary lymphadenopathy.
If negative then sentinel node biopsy is indicated
What is a snowstorm sign indicative of on breast ultrasound?
Implant rupture
Who is periductal mastitis more common in and how does it present? Treatment?
Smokers - presents with recurrent infections
Tx- co-amoxiclav
What is Mondor’s disease?
Localised thrombophlebitis of a breast vein
Which type of chemotherapy is used in breast cancer patients who are node positive?
FEC-D chemotherapy1
What is neo-adjuvant chemotherapy used for in breast cancer?
To downsize primary tumour so breast conserving surgery can be used rather than a mastectomy
(reducing perioperative risks and cosmetically favoured)
How does a breast abscess typically present?
Breastfeeding women presenting with very painful, red swelling above areola
What is fibroadenosis?
‘Lumpy’ breasts in middle aged women
Symptoms may worsen prior to menstruation
What is fat necrosis of the breast?
Benign lump of degeneration and scarring of adipose tissue
Usually trauma causes it
Can mimic breast cancer
What is given to rhesus negative pregnant women?
Anti-D at 28 and 34 weeks
What is the first step when you’re exposed to chickenpox in pregnancy?
Test for VZV antibodies
What is the most common cause of postpartum haemorrhage?
Uterine atony - inadequate uterine contractions (effective contractions required for haemostasis)
Which food do pregnant women need to avoid eating and why?
Liver - contains high level of vitamin A which may cause birth defects
What are the choice of SSRIs in breastfeeding?
Sertraline or paroxetine
What is the management of a pregnant woman with a blood pressure over 160/110?
Arrange obstetric assessment in hospital
Explain blood pressure medications during pregnancy?
If on ACEi or ARBs for pre-existing hypertension - stopped and offered labetalol or nifedipine.
(Nifedipine if asthmatic)
What is the correct positioning for women with cord prolapse?
On all fours - knees and elbows
When is the screen for gestational diabetes done and how?
OGTT - 24 to 28 weeks
When should a referral be made to maternal unit when no maternal movement is felt?
By 24 weeks
What Bishop score indicates a cervix is ripe?
Above 8 - high chance of spontaneous labour/response to interventions that will induce labour
What is the normal fetal heart rate?
110/120 - 160
Describe the categories of C-sections
1 - immediate threat to life of baby or mother
2 - maternal/fetal compromise not immediately life threatening
3 - stable mother and baby but c-section required
4 - elective c section
Management if baby loses more than 10% of birth weight in the first week?
Refer to midwife-led breastfeeding clinc
What is given to mothers at risk of pre-eclampsia?
Low dose aspirin to be prescribed from week 12 to birth
What are the medical treatment for PPH secondary to uterine atony?
Oxytocin, ergometrine, carboprost, misoprostol
Management for baby blues?
Reassure, support and follow up
What is the medication of choice to suppress lactation and why is it done?
Cabergoline - dopamine agonists - suppresses prolactin and thus lactation
Lactation is suppressed as this may be uncomfortable for the mother and mastitis/breast abscess may occur
Mnemonic for medications to cease in pregnancies?
carbimazole, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol
How is postpartum thyroiditis managed?
Propranolol - no thyroid medications used
Mnemonic for placental abruption risk factors?
Abruption previously
Blood pressure (htn, pre-ecl)
Ruptured membranes
Uterine injury
Twins/multiple gestation
Infection of uterus
Older age
Narcotic use
Results of trisomy disorders in quadruple testing?
Similar between trisomy 13, 18 and 21
hCG is lower in Edward’s and Patau but raised in Down’s
What is the symphysis-fundal height and how big should it be?
Top of pubic bone to top of uterus
Should match gestational age in weeks to within 2 cm
etc 24cm (22-26)
Describe the management of gestational diabetes?
FPG <7 diet/exercise, 2w no improvement - metformin
FPG >7 insulin
How does intrahepatic cholestasis affect childbirth?
Plan to induce labour at 37 weeks as it increases the chance of stillbirth
MMR and pregnancy?
Avoid during pregnancy and before attempting to get pregnant.
Wait for 28d after MMR
Most important investigation for first trimester bleeding?
Transvaginal ultrasound
What is placenta accreta?
Attachment of placenta to the myometrium due to a defective decidua basalis - doesn’t properly separate during labour - increased risk of PPH
How does chorioamnionitis present?
Maternal pyrexia, maternal tachycardia and fetal tachycardia
Which dose of folic acid should obese women have?
High dose - 5mg
What are the indications for higher dose folic acid?
Metabolic - t1dm, coeliacs
Obesity - >30 bmi
Relative (PMHx)
Epileptic medications
(and haem conditions)
What delivery method should be recommended for grade III/IV placenta praevia?
Elective C section at 37-38 weeks
What is the tern used to describe the position of the head in relation to the ischial spine?
What is a main contraindication for epidural anaethesia during labour?
Can you breastfeed while on amiodarone?
What is the main complication of labour induction?
Uterine hyperstimulation - high contraction frequency and duration
What is the most common ovarian cancer?
Serous carcinoma
What is the most common cause of postcoital bleeding?
Cervical ectropion
What is a potential side effect of ovulation induction?
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - GI symptoms
What is the drug of choice for medical management of ectopic pregnancy?
What else should be offered to women having medical management of ectopic pregnancy?
Antiemetics and analgesia
What is a common cause of secondary amenorrhoea in athletes?
Hypothalamic hypogonadism - low levels of fat means less GnRH - hypogonadism
What is used first line for hyperemesis gravidarum?
Antiemetics - antihistamines (promethazine/cyclizine)
What is given to women in hospital with hyperemesis gravidarum?
IV saline 0.9% with potassium
What management is needed for ectopic pregnancy if there’s abdominal pain?
Surgical management
What are the medical abortion tablets?
Mifepristone then prostaglandins (misoprostol)
What is the first line management for menorrhagia?
Mirena coil (intrauterine system)
When isn’t expectant management suitable in a miscarriage?
Evidence of infection or increased bleeding risk
What are the classic symptoms of endometriosis?
Pelvic pain, dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia and subfertility
How long will a urine pregnancy test remain positive after termination?
Up to 4 weeks
What is the most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding?
Vaginal atrophy
When is contraception needed after menopause?
> 50 is 12 months after last period
<50 is 24 months after last period
What needs to be ruled out in women with recurrent vaginal candidiasis?
Diabetes - Hba1c
How does pelvic inflammatory disease cause RUQ pain?
Causes perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome)
What is the gold standard investigation for endometriosis?
What is the risk malignancy index (RMI) based on in ovarian cancer?
CA-125 levels, US findings and menopausal status
What does whirlpool sign on imaging suggest?
Ovarian torsion
What should be tried if NSAIDs/paracetamol doesn’t help endometriosis?
What is the first line treatment for urinary incontinence?
Urge - bladder retraining
Stress - pelvic floor muscle training
What is stress incontinence?
Incontinence when laughing or coughing
What is the treatment for vaginal vault prolapse?
What is used in stress incontinence when pelvic floor muscle exercises don’t work?
What is the first line treatment for primary dysmenorrhoea?
NSAIDs such as mefenamic acid
What is the investigation of choice for ectopic pregnancy?`
Transvaginal ultrasound
What is contraindicated in medical management of ectopic pregnancy and indicates for surgical management?
Presence of foetal heartbeat
What is the medical management of an incomplete miscarriage?
Only vaginal misorpostol
What is the hyperemesis gravidarum diagnostic triad?
5% pre-pregnancy weight loss
electrolyte imbalance
When you add progesterone to HRT which cancer does it increase the risk of?
What is required to classify miscarriages?
Fetal heartbeat, cervical os open/closed, size of uterus
How does an imperforate hymen present?
Cyclical pain without menstrual bleeding
How does adenomyosis present?
> 30, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, enlarged and boggy uterus
What is the first line treatment for menorrhagia?
Insertion of IUS
What is the most common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease?
What is the first line management in an older woman with new onset non-specific abdo pain/bloating?
Measure CA-125 levels
What is the next step for cervical screening after two repeat inadequate samples?
Which medication is used to shrink uterine fibroids and what is their side effect?
GnRH agonists and loss of bone mineral density
How does fibroid degeneration present in pregnancy?
Low grade fever, pain and vomiting
Is ondansetron safe in pregnancy?
Associated with a small increased risk of cleft palate/lip if used in first trimester
What is the most appropriate investigation to diagnose premature ovarian failure?
FSH level
How do you properly diagnose primary ovarian insufficiency?
Not based off one FSH
-If normal, repeat FSH at 4-6 weeks
When are ectopic pregnancies managed surgically?
bHCG over 5000
More than 35mm in size
Which HRT option doesn’t appear to increase the risk of VTE?
Transdermal HRT
What are the typical blood results for PCOS?
Raised LH:FSH level
Normal/raised testosterone
SHBG is normal/low
What is the first investigation in patients with urinary incontinence?
If a sperm sample is abnormal, when should the test be repeated?
In 3 months
How does complete hydatidiform mole present?
Uterus size greater than expected for gestational age and abnormally high bHCG
What is endometrial hyperplasia caused by?
Oestrogen unopposed by progesterone
What is the definition of premature ovarian failure?
Onset of menopausal symptoms and elevated gonadotrophin levels before the age of 40